The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1250: Fen Tiansha


"He used to be a true immortal when he dealt with our Yin-Yang Sect. After such a long time, he should also improve his strength." Yin Yangming sighed and felt some weakness.

He is only half immortal, and the gap with others is too big.

After such a long time, the leader of the Nile Sect has already been promoted to the level of two-star immortals with the help of majestic resources, and what about him?

Being trapped here to death, if it weren't for his semi-immortal strength, the ruthless years alone would be enough to deprive him of his life.

"Don't talk about this, no matter how strong Erxingxian is, it is not invincible. Tell me about your understanding of this place." At this time, Wang Feng said.

People often can't belittle themselves, because once you have such an idea, even if your husband has the seeds of failure, just like Wang Feng, he never thought that he could not defeat the Nile leader.

How long did the other party practice? And how long did he practice? As long as he is given time, it is only a trivial matter to surpass the leader of the Nile religion.

Wang Feng has survived so many storms, and of course he will not fall down at this time.

First of all, a person cannot be defeated by his own will. If the opponent is strong, he has to become stronger than the opponent. This is the idea that a strong person really should have.

"There are crises everywhere here. Although we have explored a large area, it is only a corner of the entire underground maze."

"Have you ever found out?"

"There have been many discoveries, such as elixir that is hard to find from the outside world, and some weird things." Yin and Yang said, but then he shook his head again and said: "Those places with treasures have extremely strong The evil spirit is shrouded, as long as you touch the evil energy, it will trigger the bombardment of the entire formation, so if you want to get those things, it is tantamount to dig your own grave."

"Have you ever seen Fen Tiansha?"

"Yes." Yin Yangming nodded: "The place where there is Fen Tiansha is too dangerous. I tried to get it, but in the end I could only return without success."

"Then do you know that a baby erupted here a few years ago?"

"I am trapped in such a small space, how could I know what is happening outside, but according to what you said, there was indeed a vibration here a few years ago. I don’t know if it was the eruption of the treasure you said. ?"

"Where is Fen Tiansha, take me over to see." Wang Feng said, already made up his mind.

Since there was an unknown danger ahead, it seemed like a good choice to be able to get this Burning Tiansha first.

Refining Ghost King Pill requires Burning Heaven Sand, and the role of Burning Heaven Sand is not limited to refining Ghost King Pill.

The use of elixir is diversified. Burning Tiansha can not only be used to refine Ghost King Pill, but it can also be taken directly to stimulate the body's potential to explode.

The human body is an endless treasure, and no one can say that the potential has been developed. It just so happens that Fen Tiansha belongs to that kind of explosive evil spirit.

Under the shroud of crisis, human potential is usually exploited infinitely.

Of course, this also varies from person to person, and it cannot be said that Fen Tiansha will definitely help people improve their strength.

It is not impossible for someone to be killed by Fen Tiansha's evil spirits. After all, people who dare to be so cruel to themselves are only a minority.

It takes a lot of courage to break and stand, because it may kill you at any time.

"After so many years, my memory has long been blurred, but if you really want to see that Fen Tiansha, I can show you the way." Anyway, Wang Feng rescued him, so as In return, he must help with this little feat.

Besides, he also saw Wang Feng's strength. If Wang Feng would not let him go, would he dare to go?

"That's the best." Wang Feng said, and then he directly reinforced his body shield and said: "Lead the way ahead."

"Okay." Yin Yangming nodded, and then he led Wang Feng to shuttle through these labyrinth tunnels.

Just walking around, Wang Feng found that they seemed to be spinning around the same place all the time, and they didn't go far at all. They seemed to be walking around in a circle, still staying in place.

"We seem to be trapped." Yin Yangming said at this moment.

"Follow me." Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng found that the two of them were indeed caught in a phantom array. The phantom array was giving them the wrong guidance, so they kept walking around here.

Although Wang Feng didn't dare to say that he was completely proficient in the formation, he knew a lot more than this yin and yang, so with the help of the perspective ability of the sky eye, Wang Feng quickly dragged the yin and yang from the phantom array. Came out.

Just walked out, and there were dozens of sword glows oncoming. These sword glows were so powerful, as if a sharp knife was slashing at you, which made people feel uncontrollable. There was a chill.

It's just that Wang Feng can resist even more sword lights before, which is naturally not a problem.

With the help of the terrible defensive mask permeating the body, Wang Feng forcibly carried all these sword lights down.

And beside him, even though Yin Yangming successfully underwent this wave of attacks, Wang Feng could see that his face was slightly pale.

Obviously, it was much more difficult for him to resist these sword lights than Wang Feng.

"Can you hold it?" Wang Feng asked.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Yin Yangming said, and then said: "At the beginning, I witnessed my followers beheaded one by one by these swordsmans, so today I must resist."

When he said here, his voice had become a bit gritted. Looking at these sword lights, he was like seeing an enemy, and he didn't want to give in a step.

Originally, Wang Feng wanted him to enter his dantian, and then let him show the way for himself, but Wang Feng was too lazy to say when he saw his situation.

Anyway, as long as he is not dead, he can bring himself to find Fen Tiansha.

Right now, Wang Feng's cultivation has reached a calm period, and it is very difficult for him to improve his realm, so he wants to try it with the help of Fen Tiansha.

The Fentian sand abducted from You Cangming had already been used by him. If he could find Fentian sand again, he could use it himself or keep it for alchemy.

"Can I still find the way?" Wang Feng asked in a low voice.

"Although the years have passed by mercilessly, some things remain the same." While speaking, he grabbed the ground with his palm and suddenly a golden spike was grabbed by him.

"This thing was deliberately scattered on the ground at the beginning, in order to prevent the way back from being unremembered." Yin Yangming said, his tone mixed with complexity.

So many people came, but he was still alive alone, which I have to say is a kind of sadness.

The spikes have been here for tens of thousands of years, but how they threw them for tens of thousands of years is still the same. Very few people can live here.

"Following the traces of these long nails, we can see Fen Tiansha." Yin Yangming said.

"In that case, let's go."

Following this Yin and Yang Ming, they picked up at least dozens of these golden spikes along the way. Of course, they also encountered sword-light attacks on the way and swallowed by the wall.

It's just that Wang Feng is there, none of these things can help them.

From the time he entered to the present, Wang Feng has not yet encountered anything that could threaten his life.

"It's coming soon." Yin Yangming whispered at this moment.

While talking, he took Wang Feng through a tunnel, and then a dark grand canyon appeared in front of them, and there was a thing floating in the middle of this canyon. Wang Feng knew this thing, and Yin and Yang knew it. It is the burning sky sand.

Moreover, from the outside and the light, the quality of this Fentiansha was even better than the ones Wang Feng had abducted before.

"Before you said there was baby eruption, I think the source of those eruptions is here." Yin Yangming said.

"What's down there?"

"There is an unknown danger below. We never went down before." Yin Yangming shook his head.

When they came here once, this canyon was not as calm and terrifying as it is now, who would dare to go down?

Even when they saw the treasure, they didn't dare to use their brains at all, because that would kill them.

"In that case..." Said this, suddenly Wang Feng moved.

The precious Fen Tiansha is right in front of him, and it is impossible for Wang Feng not to be tempted. He will take action regardless of whether there is danger under the canyon.

Because this is his character.

There was an extremely serious suppression of flying here, but at this moment when Wang Feng's entire power broke out, these suppressions also temporarily lost control of him.

In the horrified eyes of Yin and Yangming, he saw Wang Feng approaching the Fentiansha floating in the middle of the canyon directly at lightning speed.

Just when Wang Feng had just dispatched, there was a deafening roar from below the canyon.

"Be careful."

Hearing such a voice, the Yin Yang Ming's expression changed and he reminded loudly.

It's just that no matter how he reminds Wang Feng that there is no way to look back at this moment, he is like the arrow that has been shot out, how could he be able to look back.

Everyone said that there was no turning back when he opened his bow. Even if he was facing a sea of ​​swords and flames, Wang Feng would jump in.

Stretching out his palm, Wang Feng directly grasped the burning sky sand.

It was just that during this grasp, Wang Feng felt a violent cool breeze coming from under his feet.

Looking down, he saw a black object approaching him quickly.

"Prime rune!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng grabbed Fen Tiansha with one hand, and with the other hand, he directly used the ancient tricks, Zhen Zi Jue.

The golden rune burst into light in Wang Feng's hands at this moment, and the powerful sealing power burst out frantically at this moment.

No matter what was rushing up under his feet, at least at this moment the opponent was forcibly blocked by his Primordial Rune.

Fen Tiansha was directly grasped by Wang Feng in the palm of his hand.

An astonishing evil spirit is being transmitted from the top of Fen Tiansha at this moment. This is Fen Tiansha of superior quality.

Without hesitation, he put this thing on his space ring, and Wang Feng looked at his feet.

Under his gaze, he saw a dragon-shaped black mist rushing up from the canyon.

This thing has no real shape, even the shape of the dragon head is just condensed.

Fortunately, Wang Feng's Primordial Runes can suppress all tangible and intangible things or wait until the shadow rushes up, Wang Feng is afraid it will not be so easy to obtain the Fen Tiansha.

"Be careful."

At this moment, the Yin Yang Ming shouted again.

Following his yelling, Wang Feng could see several dragons condensed from black mist coming from below the canyon, and his target was him.

"It doesn't matter what you are, but you all have to refund me at this moment!"

While speaking, Wang Feng took the initiative to release the power of the green glaze lotus tree.

Two powers with completely different attributes erupted in the middle of this canyon at this moment. Although these dark shadows looked terrifying, Wang Feng's glazed green lotus trees were not vegetarian.

Under the turquoise light, these dark shadows appeared to be annihilated.

In less than two breaths, all these shadows collapsed in the air, turning into black mud and falling into the canyon.

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