The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1276: The so-called good fortune?

Originally, Wang Feng thought that the other party would **** his current barbecue together, but he didn't expect that he finally finished the barbecue safely.

In fact, he can't feel hunger at all when his strength reaches his level. The reason why he wants to eat barbecue is only because these monsters want to eat him.

So when he finished eating these barbecues, Wang Feng immediately put away the barbecue racks and threw himself into the battle with the monsters again.

This place is not much different from the general experience place. The strength of the monsters is gradually increasing. Originally, Wang Feng could easily slaughter those monsters.

It's just that when he got to the back, even he had to bring up all his mind to fight, because the monsters of the true fairy level could already threaten him.

One day later, somewhere on the ground in this place, Wang Feng directly slumped down.

He was already covered with blood, most of which were monsters, but some belonged to him.

His physical body is strong, even Erxingxian might not be able to tear his physical body now, but these monsters are getting more and more powerful, and Wang Feng is also struggling to fight.

His injuries were all besieged by these monsters.

Putting a healing medicine in his mouth, Wang Feng began to recover.

And not far from him, there are now several huge monster corpses. The realm of these monsters was four stars!

Fortunately, these monsters are not as smart as humans, otherwise such a tyrannical force is enough to kill Wang Feng.

Although Wang Feng killed them, he himself was as tired as a dog. It can be said that Wang Feng completely grind these monsters to death.

If it were not for his own fast speed and amazing recovery ability, maybe he would not be able to kill these terrifying monsters.

The Tiangong master didn't know how many such monsters had been kept here. In short, Wang Feng understood that if this continued, he might not be able to go far.

Because there are monsters nearby, even if he is tired, Wang Feng dare not let up in the slightest. These monsters are all flesh and blood. If they catch the opportunity, Wang Feng may capsize in the gutter.

Simply put some pills into his mouth, and Wang Feng sat cross-legged in place.

About an hour later, Wang Feng recovered to his peak. Not only did he recover from his injuries, but his strength also recovered.

Taking a look at the unknown front, Wang Feng took his own steps. Since he has been sent here by the woman, it is sure that the other party will not watch him die.

So now what Wang Feng needs is to explode his strength and push forward all the way.

Fighting against creatures whose strength exceeds one's own is indeed very useful. Although the previous battles made Wang Feng feel exhausted, the benefits he received are also obvious. His strength has been greatly improved, and his physical body has also been slightly increased.

With a thought, Wang Feng replaced the Dragon Yuan sword in his hand with a sharp spear.

The next battle must be even more tragic. I am afraid that the Dragon Abyss Sword will not be able to help Wang Feng much, so if he wants to really kill the enemy, Wang Feng has to use this powerful gun.

Holding the spear, Wang Feng opened his own sky eyes. Under the sky eyes, Wang Feng quickly found a few monsters that were wandering around. Three of these monsters were four-star immortals, and one of them reached a stronger level. It is a five-star immortal.

Faced with such a lineup, Wang Feng retired without even thinking about it. He was struggling to deal with so many monsters at once.

Although Wang Feng wanted to use these monsters to hone himself, he would never do this kind of death.

After looking for a while, Wang Feng finally found a lonely monster.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Mo state is very close to the five-star monster.

In the outside world, two-star immortals are rare, but here there are four-star immortals and five-star immortals. Wang Feng doesn't know how to express his feelings, or if that sentence is good, you have what kind of vision you have.

How would he know this if Wang Feng didn't have the combat power of a true fairy.

Holding the sharp spear, Wang Feng's body struck this hungry monster directly like lightning.


It's just that this monster can reach the level of a five-star immortal, and its response ability is naturally very fast. Seeing Wang Feng attack, it lifted its paw and grabbed Wang Feng and patted it.


Using the power of the spear to stab the opponent's paw, a fierce spark burst out immediately. The fur of this monster was so hard and scary that Wang Feng's sharp spear did not pierce the opponent's paw.

Moreover, Wang Feng immediately angered this hungry beast.


A strong electric arc suddenly lit up from the two horns of this monster, and terrifying energy diffused from these lightnings. This thing was afraid that it could seriously harm the monk.

It's just that Wang Feng has a great immunity to thunder and lightning, because he has a thunder body.

The opponent only had lightning on the two horns, and as Wang Feng urged his thunderous body to move, his whole body began to burst into thunder.

Moreover, his thunder looked extremely powerful, after all, he had even absorbed the Thunder of Scourge, this power was naturally very powerful.

Seeing the power of thunder bursting out of Wang Feng's body, the monster seemed to be stunned. At this moment, it just froze in place, looking at Wang Feng with a very strange look.

"go to hell!"

The monster was stunned, but Wang Feng was not stunned. Since this monster was going to give him a chance to attack, Wang Feng would naturally not give up.

A shot was pierced, and terrible power permeated. Not only did Wang Feng's strength be contained in this fierce gun, but now the body of the gun was accompanied by the power of thunder.

Therefore, the spear stabbing the monster's body immediately caused the monster to roar sternly.

The spear had been pierced into the flesh and blood of this monster, but just as Wang Feng was preparing to go further, he found that the fierce gun seemed to hit an iron plate, and it was difficult to move on.


The roar was shaking, and the painful monster burst out with a powerful aura. Under the sweep of this aura, Wang Feng was directly swept away.

With a fierce gun supporting his body, Wang Feng's face showed a look of surprise.

Although this monster is not smart, its realm is here after all. It is not so easy to defeat this thing.

But Wang Feng is not so easy to lose. It is difficult for him to kill this monster, and it is even more difficult for this monster to kill him. As long as he escapes the attack of this monster, Wang Feng has a chance to kill the opponent.

The figure flickered, Wang Feng disappeared in front of the monster, and when his figure appeared again, he had already come to the side of the monster.

"Prime rune." The Primordial rune burst out, and Wang Feng slapped the monster with a palm.

The monster's body is very large, which is destined to be slower, so he can hardly escape from the palm of Wang Feng.


Upon being shot by Wang Feng's palm, the monster immediately let out a roar.

This voice was painful and even more angry, and when this voice erupted, Wang Feng also found that the ground vibrated slightly.

With previous experience, Wang Feng knew that this was a sign that other monsters came here.

The roar just now is actually like some kind of signal

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), so Wang Feng has no extra time to delay now, he must make a quick decision.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng was also cruel, he directly gave up dodge and chose to fight head-on.

The best way to deal with this kind of monster that doesn't know how to attack is to destroy his soul, because the opponent will never defend the slightest.

Just to deal with a soul body whose realm is higher than oneself, this also has great harm to oneself, because once the attack fails, the person who shoots will be backlashed.

Wang Feng had suffered such a loss before, but now that the monster had summoned his companion, Wang Feng did not have any hesitation.

The split soul flashed out, and a soul body from the center of Wang Feng's eyebrows slashed towards the monster's soul.

The monster's defensive ability is abnormal, but he has no defense against this soul attack, and he can't even detect such an attack.

With a sword, under the monster's fierce roar, Wang Feng saw that his soul attack had worked, and the monster's soul had been severely damaged.

"Die to me!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng grabbed the sharp gun, and flew out with his legs staring at the ground.

Staring at the monster above the ground, Wang Feng turned the tip of the sharp gun and nailed it straight towards the monster's head.

Everything was slow, but in fact it only happened in an instant. Wang Feng's speed was very fast, as if a long rainbow had penetrated down. The spear broke out an unprecedented behavior at this moment, and a shot completely pierced the skull of this monster.

Countless arrays erupted in the fiery gun, and at this moment the monster's mouth issued a terrible roar.

Although it has a strong breath, he can't talk about moves, nor can he talk about active defense.

He only fights instinctively. It has been raised here since he was a child. It can be said that it doesn't even understand the most basic beast laws, so it has now suffered a fatal blow from Wang Feng.

His wailing is gradually weakening, and as its breath dissipates, its skin is petrifying, and it seems that a mysterious force is petrifying his body.

The monster of the four-star immortal, whether it is its fur or bones, is a strange treasure, but it is a pity that this thing is now all turned into stone, even if Wang Feng takes it away, it is just a piece of stone, and it is useless.

Wang Feng estimated that this was deliberately done by the palace owner that day.


When Wang Feng killed the monster, the previous roar became closer again. When he looked up, Wang Feng's scalp was numb because he saw dozens of monsters running in the distance.

It is their rapid running that makes the ground shake violently.

"I don't experience anymore, let me go out." shouted at Void Wangfeng.

Wang Feng knew that he would be able to hear the palace master calling that day.

Sure Just after a breath time, the voice rang: "Are you sure you want to come out?"

"It doesn't make much sense to stay here to fight, you let me out." Wang Feng said.

Very few monsters here really helped him a lot, but there is still such a big stall in the Nile Sea that has not been dealt with. How can Wang Feng feel relieved?

Instead of relying on killing monsters to hone himself slowly here, Wang Feng is more willing to leave here.

"I will ask you again, do you really think about it?"

"I have already thought about it, please get me out of predecessor." Wang Feng said without hesitation.

"I think you will definitely regret your decision now." An irresistible force struck Wang Feng as he spoke, and this force detained Wang Feng.

(End of this chapter)


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