The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1291: Brother is good

The huge impact force was constantly acting on Wang Feng's body through the body shield. At this moment, he was constantly backed by the impact of these bats, and almost fell from Yingru's back.

Bats should not come for them, they just pass by, but even so, the harm these bats bring is unimaginable.

Across his own mask, Wang Feng could see that the bats that hit his body shield had long fangs. Although they looked like bats on the surface, they did not know that they were better than real bats. How terrible.

Waves of impact swept through, and Wang Feng who hit him kept backing away.

Even if these bats hit their heads and shed blood, they are still coming here desperately, it feels like something is chasing them behind them.


Almost just when this thought flashed through Wang Feng's heart, suddenly a roar of a heaven-shaking thing sounded, and Wang Feng's expression changed drastically when the eyes of the sky opened.

Because he actually saw an unimaginable behemoth galloping past here, countless tentacles came out of this behemoth, and it was capturing these fleeing bats.

With previous experience, Wang Feng knew that what he was seeing now was definitely an ancient behemoth. No wonder these bats were so scared to flee.

Through the soul contract, Wang Feng could feel the trembling of the soul of the infant, like a giant beast. It is also a strange beast, and the superiors have an innate suppression of it.

"Everyone quickly withdraw." This ancient giant beast has already come to the front, Wang Feng won't stay here and wait to die, he knows the terrible of the ancient giant beast in his heart, if he is kept by the opponent, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to live.

Wang Feng was retreating, and at the same time he was using his soul to drive Yingru back.

The innate suppression of the soul has almost made this baby-like beast scared stupid, so Wang Feng could not watch it die.

Because it belongs to his personal property anyway, and it is necessary for him to calm the scene when he walks into this forbidden sea, so Wang Feng will naturally take it with him if he wants to escape.

It's just that no matter how he drives, this Yingru seems to be stupid and doesn't listen to him at all.

"Asshole." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"You don't need to scold, you can't do anything between the bloodlines of alien beasts, you can take care of yourself." At this moment, the turtle shell said.

"If you lie to me, I have to unload you." Yingru Wang Feng is completely out of control for the time being, so at this time he can only choose to retreat quickly.

As long as he is still alive, then everything is still there.

Wang Feng's retreat speed was very fast. Although he was surrounded by bats that flee, when Wang Feng's breath broke out, these bats could not get close to him.

Here Wang Feng was already retreating, and in another change, the Young Palace Master of Yandang Palace was also quickly retreating under the siege of several people.

Obviously at this moment they have already seen that huge ancient behemoth.

Although they are masters from the last three days, their strength is not weak.

But when you encounter this ancient behemoth, let alone them, even if their palace owner comes, they can only escape.

It wasn't that there was no ancient giant beast that wreaked havoc in the last three days, but no matter how many masters were dispatched, they couldn't help but get that ancient behemoth.

This shows how terrifying the ancient giant beasts are, even top masters can't kill them.

They have lived for so many times, from the ancient times to the present, it would be even harder to want them to die.

"Why is there an ancient giant beast here?" Elder Qi said, his expression a little ugly.

"You ask me, I will ask

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Who? "Wang Feng said, and then he stopped just about two miles away.

Although it is also dangerous here, the ancient behemoth has stopped at this moment. In front of this huge ancient behemoth, Yingru's body looks really small. At this moment, this ancient behemoth is using it. A pair of lantern-like eyes looked at the baby like a giant beast.

After seeing about two breaths of time, suddenly the ancient giant beast made a huge roar, this roar shook the world, and a sound wave rippled across all sides at this moment, making Wang Feng and Elder Qi their masks Qi Qi collapsed.


It was like being hit by countless mountains. At this moment, Wang Feng only felt as if he was about to suffocate, so he couldn't bear this bit of blood and spewed it out.

On the other side, these people in Yandang Palace were also vomiting blood violently, and even their injuries were much more serious than Wang Feng.

Because their physical strength is far from comparable to Wang Feng.


Under the roar of the ancient giant beast, this Yingru also let out a roar, but compared to the roar of the ancient giant just now, this Yingru's voice is at best a neighing.

Wang Feng did not know exactly how these giant beasts communicated. In short, while Yingru also made the same roar, the ancient giant beast that had just breathed horror turned around and left. Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn’t bear it. Live shows a different color.

This old tortoise is indeed not wrong, this ancient behemoth will not kill Yingru who is also an ancient behemoth.

Although the bloodline of this Yingru has long been impure, it still possesses a few bloodlines of Yingru after all. By virtue of this, the ancient behemoth would not kill Yingru as follows.

The ancient giant beasts were basically born congenital, their number is too scarce, so basically there will be no battle between them.

Because every time they die, they are half closer to extinction.

In this world, with the devastation of each era, their peculiar bloodline has not left much, and every death is one less. It is precisely because of this reason that they will not go to war.

"Finally retreated." Seeing that the ancient giant beast with a terrifying aura just retreated, these people in Yandang Palace couldn't help letting out a long breath.

At this moment they are almost collapsed, because they have already felt the call of death to them just now, and the experience just now is like a walk through a ghost gate to them.

Putting a pill in his mouth, Wang Feng's figure flashed onto Yingru's back.

Different from the beginning, at this moment, the baby is obviously trembling at this moment. The experience just now may have some special meaning to it.

Ever since Wang Feng took over the baby-like beast, Wang Feng has not noticed any struggle in its soul. It is like a robot, waiting for its owner to arrive.

Only now, Wang Feng clearly felt his strong resistance to himself, if it weren't for its soul has been completely controlled by Wang Feng, perhaps it had already left.

"Want to be free?" Wang Feng said calmly after looking at the baby like a giant beast under his feet.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this Yingru just let out a low growl, which was regarded as an answer.

Although Wang Feng didn’t understand what his roar meant, he felt that Yingru’s soul struggles more intensely. Obviously, the ancient giant beast that had just left taught this Yingru something, so it was so. .

If Wang Feng were to describe it, it would be that the giant beast just gave this baby life like a giant beast, and it started to have its own ideas.

This baby

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Ru, although the bloodline is no longer as good as the real Yingru, it is after all the bloodline of an ancient giant beast.

Originally, Wang Feng thought that this giant beast would help him a lot, but now seeing its soul struggle so hard, Wang Feng was silent.

Everyone has the right to pursue freedom, and the same is true for fierce beasts, because one's own selfish desires permanently retain the other party, which seems a bit too domineering.

It's just that now Wang Feng really needs this Yingru's help. Without this Yingru, Wang Feng's desire to go to the treasure of the sun **** would be hard to move.

Because with his personal strength, he can't come back at all.

"After Treasure Hunting is over, I will give you freedom." Wang Feng released Yingying, and now it wants to be free, Wang Feng will not force others.

Since it wants to go, then Wang Feng let it go, it should have its own freedom.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the people in Yandang Palace were surprised, because they didn't see anyone nearby at all. Who was he talking to?

Is there someone hidden in the void? This is the first thought in their minds.

It's just that no matter what they looked at, they didn't notice any traces of creatures nearby, and Wang Feng seemed to be speaking into the air.

"What is he doing?" A true fairy from Yandang Palace asked in a low voice.

"This is someone else's own business, we still don't care about that much." Elder Qi said.

They didn’t understand what Wang Feng said, but Yingru could understand. Originally, its soul was struggling, but when it heard Wang Feng’s words, its riotous soul was slowly calming down. Go down.

"Are you really going to put it away?" Liu Yidao asked in a very regrettable tone in Wang Feng's dantian.

He saw Ying Ruzhiqiang in his eyes. With this giant beast by his side, it would be no problem for them to sweep everyone.

"I can do what I say, it should have its own freedom." Wang Feng said, and then ignored Liu Yidao.

How Ren Liu Yidao persuaded Wang Feng as if he didn't hear it. This time Wang Feng was a good person.

"Let's go."

The ancient giant beast no longer knows where it has gone, right now they are still going to the place where the sun **** treasures.

After a short period of healing, everyone went on the road together again. Before they could live by Yingru's roar. Without this Yingru, perhaps that ancient behemoth would treat all of them as delicious food.

Everyone became cautious in the next journey, because there are even ancient giant beasts here, who knows if there are other powerful things, so it's better to be careful.

They walked forward in this way for about half a day, and they came to a piece of red sea.

The blood-like sea water before everyone's eyes made Wang Feng and the others slightly changed their faces. This forbidden sea is indeed a lot of weird things, even the red water ran out.

The color of the sea water is red, but there is no **** smell. Obviously, the sea water changes only because of the environment, not because many people have died here.

"Perhaps we have already arrived." At this moment, Wang Feng glanced into the distance and said calmly.

Under his gaze, Wang Feng could see a large number of monks gathering very far away from them.

The place where so many monks can gather must be the place where the treasure of the sun **** is located.

This time there were a lot of monks who had come from the last three days, and at least a hundred true celestial monks gathered in a place not far from them.

Where there are so many people, if it weren't for the treasure of the sun god, Wang Feng would not believe it.

(End of this chapter)


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