The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1439: Disappointment of Xiaoyao Master

"How could your speed be so fast"

When Wang Feng and the others returned to a place not far from the Huang clan, the bodies of Wang Feng and Daoist Xiaoyao emerged from the void. As soon as they came out, Daoist Xiaoyao asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

Just now, Wang Feng's speed has surpassed him too much. He asked himself that even if he burned his soul and strength, he would never reach Wang Feng's speed.

And seeing that Wang Feng's breath is still very stable, he really can't think of how Wang Feng can travel so fast.

"Because I rely on the power of rules." Wang Feng said, making Dao Xiaoyao's eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable color.

What is the strength of the rules? The Taoist leader knows that if a master tells him this way, he might think it is reasonable. After all, the process of cultivating a monk is integrating and detaching from the Dao. Using the power of rules is nothing.

But how could Wang Feng rely on the power of rules in his realm.

"Are you sure you are joking?" Dao Master Xiaoyao glanced at Wang Feng and asked.

"You must have felt my speed just now, do you think I am watching a joke?"

"Then how did you do it?"

"After you meet one of my masters, you should understand it. My practice is inherited from his hands. Your old man will learn about him slowly."

Now that the Daoist Xiaoyao has been brought to this place, Wang Feng naturally has nothing to hide from him, because the other party will know this sooner or later, and it is better to say it openly like this.

After all, once the estrangement is present, it will be difficult to eliminate it.

I glanced at the ground under my feet, there is not much difference from the time I left this place, but it won’t be long before there will be a **** storm here, because what Wang Feng didn’t finish before, can continue now. .

Taking Xiaoyao Daochang all the way to the place where the Huang clan was located, Wang Feng found that the Huang clan was still closed.

It's just that Wang Feng's realm is far beyond before, so his voice can easily penetrate this kind of closure.

In the dingdian novel, ..o<>It didn't take long to wait, the closed formation of the Huang family was finally opened, and a place like a paradise appeared.

"This is where your master is." When the Huang clan opened just now, the Daoist Xiaoyao couldn't help but glance around with his spiritual sense.

Only after this lap, he found that the people in it were all terrifyingly low, and there was not even a person better than Wang Feng.

"Yes." Hearing what Xiaoyao said, Wang Feng also knew that he should have discovered the situation inside, but he was still very sure about it.

"I think I jumped into a big pit that you dug for me." Xiaoyao said, making Wang Feng's expression a little embarrassing.

It was just that Wang Feng was relieved again soon, and I did not force you to come, but you wanted to come.

So he hurriedly laughed twice, and said, "Since Senior jumped in by himself, you can't blame me."

"No matter, it doesn't make any difference to me anywhere, just go and see who your master is." He said that he walked in toward the Huang family.

It's just that even though he said that, Wang Feng still keenly caught the disappointment on the face of Xiaoyao Dao long.

I thought that Wang Feng's master was an inexperienced master. Now it seemed that everything had gone far beyond his expectations, which was completely different from what he had imagined.


Just after Wang Feng walked in, suddenly a ray of light rushed towards Wang Feng. This was his daughter Dongling Xueying, who hadn't seen her for another year. She had already escaped from her initial immaturity and became a little girl.

However, her character still hasn't changed much from the original. When Wang Feng came back, she had already plunged into Wang Feng's arms.

"You're not ashamed of me when you are all such a big person." Wang Feng smiled and said, but he still caught his daughter.

"It's said that father and daughter are connected, I don't want to pounce on you, you say where I want to pounce." Xiao Xueying said lively.

"Yes, I can't tell you." Wang Feng said silently.

"What kind of weird name is this?" The claim that Xiao Xueying just said was learned from the people on the earth. As an authentic celestial person, this Xiaoyao Daoist has never heard of such a name.

"It's what my father meant." Xiao Xueying took the initiative to explain at this time.

"Who is this old grandfather?" Xiao Xueying glanced at her father and asked.

"An expert, quickly called Grandpa Xiaoyao."

"Well, Grandpa Xiaoyao." Xiao Xueying was very obedient, and she did what Wang Feng said.

"Well, the little girl's mouth is really sweet." Hearing Xiao Xueying's cry, the face of the Taoist Xiaoyao also showed joy. You know how many years he hasn't been out and really walked around. Now a little girl is affectionate. Calling him grandpa really made him feel a little happy, after all, he didn't know how many years he hadn't heard this name.

"It's not easy to reach this level at a young age. When we meet for the first time today, grandpa will give you a meeting gift." While talking, the leader of Xiaoyao Taoist took out a bracelet and said: "This object is called Zhentian. Ring, although this object has no role in assisting cultivation, once you encounter any danger, this object can explode an extremely powerful blow to help you retreat."

"Thank you, Grandpa." The little girl happily took the things in Dao Master Xiaoyao's hands, and the little girl quickly thanked her.

"Senior, this thing is too precious to make it difficult." Wang Feng said at this time.

If Dao Xiaoyao could be described as an extremely tyrannical blow, it was enough to prove that the sky-shaking ring was extraordinary, and that the shot was such a precious thing, Wang Feng was really ashamed.

"The things I gave to the children have nothing to do with you. What are you trying to mix with?" Dao Chang Xiaoyao glared at Wang Feng, and immediately made Wang Feng cough dry.

Obviously, Daoist Xiaoyao is still a little bit brooding about what happened just now, and the expected person did not see it, and he was disappointed in his heart.

"Then you just treat me as saying nothing."

"Da Zhuang, don't hurry up to introduce this expert to us." Huang Da Zhuang's grandfather said at this time.

"This is my master, his name is Dao Master Xiaoyao." At this time, Huang Dazhuang finally said something that made Dao Master Xiaoyao very comfortable.

"I am a big grandfather, seniors are polite." Hearing Huang Dazhuang's words, Huang Dazhuang's grandfather shook his body and said with a fist.

Those who can have a title are all masters. Although he doesn't know what level the Daoist Xiaoyao is, those who can teach Huang Dazhuang are worthy of his worship.

Their Huang family has fallen. Although their predecessor was also a big family, he knows that there are too many powerful people in the world. Now that Huang Dazhuang can worship a master as his teacher, he, as a grandfather, naturally feels in his heart. Gratified.

His realm failed to break through the immortal, so he can no longer teach Huang Dazhuang, so now Huang Dazhuang can worship the master as a teacher, which is also a big wish in his heart.

"Since you are my disciple's grandfather, we can just discuss it as a peer."

"This is not so good," Huang Dazhuang's grandfather said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"There is nothing bad, Senior Xiaoyao is very good at talking." Wang Feng said at this time.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Daoist Xiaoyao gave Wang Feng another look.

Yes, feeling the look of the other party, Wang Feng knew that what he said now was wrong in his opinion, so he simply stopped talking.

Holding his daughter, Wang Feng went straight to the place where his family members were.

It has been one year apart. Although Wang Feng spends most of his time studying the stele, in his spare time, Wang Feng still thinks of his wives and friends who accompanied him all the way.

If there was no support from them at the beginning, there would be no current self, so Wang Feng cannot forget them.

Wang Feng robbed a lot of good things this time, and now this thing is available to you.

After a year of cultivation, and with the help of Heishui City, everyone's strength has improved very rapidly, especially the perverted Witch has reached the fourth heaven of true immortals.

Her aptitude is not surprising to Wang Feng, but her almost perverted level of improvement really made Wang Feng take a breath. You must know that Wang Feng’s level of improvement still has various opportunities, but the witch has always been Such cultivation can reach such a terrifying speed.

If this continues, Wang Feng's realm may soon be surpassed by him.

Among all those brought by Wang Feng, her realm has improved the most rapidly. Even Wang Feng's master Qilin Dasheng can no longer be an enemy of her. It seems that she has to find time to discuss and discuss with the witch.

The level of improvement here is so fast, if you let her go out, then you have to

"Is it all right after going out all these hours?" Looking at Wang Feng, Bei Yunxue's faces were full of longing.

"Of course I am fine." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then he said: "I have fun eating out, you don't have to worry about me."

"Jing nonsense."

Everyone sipped together. Although Wang Feng's realm has improved, they all know that Wang Feng's realm improvement must be accompanied by great danger. It is just that Wang Feng is unwilling to say, and they did not follow up because they all know that they only need to be Wang Feng's back can be his spiritual support.

Besides, they still can't help much now.

Except for the witch who reached the level of true immortal, none of them from above the earth reached true immortal, let alone true immortal, they did not even reach the holy realm, they have been far away Thrown away.

It’s just that the realm is not as fast as the witches but they are not nothing. At least compared with the time, their current lifespan has been improved a few times. When they were on earth, they were 100%. They all have a long life that they dare not think of, but now as their knowledge increases, they already have a very long lifespan, all of which is brought to them by Wang Feng.

"I haven't seen you in a year, I miss you ladies very much, and I will compensate you well tonight." Said Wang Feng showed them a smile you know.

"Shameless, so many people here."

"Haha, what I'm afraid of is all my own." Wang Feng laughed, almost as thick as a corner of a city wall.

"Cough cough." At this moment, a slightly painful cough sounded. Looking up, Wang Feng saw Yao Xian, who was older than before, appeared, and a member of the Huang clan was helping him. Look at him, or he might even have a problem with walking.

The moment he saw him, the smile on Wang Feng's face suddenly disappeared.



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