The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1448: Strong revenge

If he said that before, Wang Feng would definitely not believe it, but now that his realm improvement has become a reality, could it be that this cultivation of mind really has such a great effect

If you say that Wang Feng is really very rare, because since he came to the heavens, Wang Feng’s time has been very urgent, either he wants to return to the earth or is threatened in this way, let him quietly cultivate his heart There is really no way, because conditions do not allow it.

Now that Yao Xian's realm has improved so quickly, Wang Feng really doubted whether his practice was wrong.

It's just that this idea was directly denied by Wang Feng. Compared with many people, his current realm improvement speed is already very terrifying. A person should know how to be satisfied, and blindly greedy can only make oneself more greedy.

Xin Xiu Wang Feng does not have time, but who can guarantee that he will have no time in the future, so his current cultivation direction is not wrong, he can cultivate according to his current path, and he can also reach a very high level.

"Forget it, I don't have that time now." Wang Feng said with a wry smile.

"If this is the case, then we can't force you." Yao Xian didn't continue to say here, because everyone has a different path for everyone, who can guarantee that everyone is like him.

Because everything was ready, when the dawn of the next day had just arrived, there were a large number of monks in the entire Huang family.

Of course, most of them just make up the number, and it is Wang Feng and the gods who really decide the victory.

Dao Xiaoyao didn't follow Wang Feng and the others because he needed to sit here. Before the Huang clan really rose, he needed to protect Wang Feng's family here.

And now that Yao Xian, a master of the five heavens, has appeared, Wang Feng and the others can almost be said to have swept all the forces without any pressure.

So even if Xiaoyao Dao didn't make a move, Wang Feng and the others were enough.

"All the members of the Huang clan listen to orders. Today is the time when our Huang clan re-emerges. We have been here for too long and too long. You want to kill with the old man." Huang Dazhuang's grandfather said, his voice was sonorous and powerful.

After taking the pill that Wang Feng once brought from Venerable Tian Xing, his injury has been completely healed. Although he still has not taken the step of being a god, he is nominally the head of the Huang clan, and all the Huang clan All of the people need to listen to his orders.


The mighty voice sounded, and the entire Huang clan now presents a strange atmosphere. The Huang clan has indeed been silent for too long. Today they are about to reappear in front of the world, and everyone's emotions seem very strong. excitement.

They didn't want to stay in this place forever. Their Huang clan was originally a big clan, but with the passage of time, their clan suffered a disaster.

Today they will take back all the glory that belonged to their Huang clan.

"In that case, let's kill together"

"Kill out"

"Kill out"

Uniform voices continue to fill this place, and the momentum is shocking.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng also saw the cohesion of the Huang clan. Although the Huang clan has few people now, in time, the Huang clan can definitely carry forward.

Just like Wang Feng's lineage, although Wang Feng was only himself at first, but now he doesn't know how many children and grandsons he has.

He is like this alone, and the development of a clan will naturally be more rapid. I am afraid that within 50 years, the Huang clan will become a big clan.

Finally, a large group of people left the Huang clan, and this area was about to change.

"You just come straight to clean up the mess."

Outside the Huang clan, Wang Feng said.

"Don't worry, we will be there soon." Huang Dazhuang's grandfather nodded and said when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"In that case, take care of yourself."

While talking, Wang Feng waved his sleeves and suddenly two people were taken away by him.

Among them is Liu Yidao and Yao Xian.

Except for Liu Yidao, Wang Feng and Yao Xian are both heavenly immortals, and there were so many forces that hurt Wang Feng at the beginning, and now Wang Feng is going to find their bad luck.

Yao Xian almost died because of those sects, so now he has to take revenge with Wang Feng. As for Huang Dazhuang, he stayed in the team of their Huang clan. With him, even if they encounter Tianxian, they can at least resist.

Wang Feng teleported, so he took Liu Yidao and two people quickly came to the front of a school.

There are many masters of this sect, among them there are two of the heavenly aura.

It's just that this kind of power has not been put in Wang Feng's eyes at all. Except for the gods, the rest are almost indistinguishable from him in his eyes. As long as these two gods die, others will definitely follow in their footsteps.

Unleashing the real fire of the sun, Wang Feng directly started outside this school, and even the most basic battle formation was omitted.

Since starting Wang Feng is a thunder strike, he will not leave any breathing opportunity for the people inside.

"Let me come."

Seeing that Wang Feng was about to make a move, Yao Xian said at this time.

"Big Brother Yao is confident to break through this big array" Wang Feng showed an unexpected look when he heard Yao Xian's words.

"If it was before, Wang Feng would definitely not be sure, but now."

Said that there was a smile on Yao Xian's face, and then he took a big step forward, and suddenly he came to the sky above this formation.

Looking at the huge formation under his feet, Yao Xian stomped his feet, and immediately the defensive formation began to fall apart. It felt like this formation was forcibly shattered by an indescribable huge force. .

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng was surprised. It seemed that Yao Xian's strength had exceeded his expectations. If he did something with Yao Xian, Wang Feng would not be sure of victory.

His strength has surpassed himself.


The people inside Wang Feng and Yao Xian's arrival were not aware of it, but when the guard gate was broken, the people inside were all awakened.

"It's just a person who is here to avenge." Yao Xian made a calm voice, and then his body descended directly into this sect.

As he started, Wang Feng naturally followed quickly.

I saw Wang Feng's body flashed, and when he appeared again, he had already come to Yao Xian's side.

"There are two gods here, we will deal with one of them," Wang Feng said.

"Leave both to me to deal with, you can deal with the others." Yao Xian said.

When the formation was broken, Yao Xian had already sensed the two heavenly immortals in this formation. Although everyone was a heavenly fairy, the heavenly fairy of this sect was obviously inferior to him, so he asked him to deal with the two him alone. There is not much pressure yet.

After all, the level of the realm is there, no matter how strong the two scholars are, they will not be a strong opponent.

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to deal with one person alone, but now Yao Xiandu has said so, then Wang Feng can only obey his meaning, anyway, with Yao Xian’s current state, the two gods in this sect are afraid to join forces. It won't be against him, so Wang Feng only needs to take care of his own affairs now.

"In broad daylight, do you really think we have no one to break into our school?" A sneered voice sounded, and two gods of this school appeared at the same time.

"Although you have people now, but soon this place will become like you said, no one." Yao Xian said, slapped at one of the gods with a palm.

Although this palm didn't seem to have much power, one of the gods had a panic in his heart, because he found that the other party's realm was much stronger than them.

"Let’s kill him first." Although they know that Yao Xian’s realm is far better than them, they have already come to the door. If they let them go here unscrupulously, then their sect will probably start from today. The heavens disappeared.

So now even if they are desperate, they have to shoot.

They had a good idea. First they joined forces to destroy Yao Xian, and then the remaining Wang Feng could be dealt with easily, but how could they think that since Yao Xian dared to face both of them alone, he would naturally have his capital , A battle against two began.

Although Yao Xian was still a little uncomfortable at the beginning, he soon adapted to the strength of his current five heavenly immortals, and in the blink of an eye he pushed the two menacing heavenly immortals into a complete disadvantage.

The realm gap was fully revealed at this moment.

"You kill slowly, I'll deal with other people." After taking a look at Yao Xian and their battle, Wang Feng set his sights on the terrified ordinary disciples after Wang Feng confirmed that Yao Xian would not be in danger.

Among them, there are many true immortals of the nine-star immortal level, but in Wang Feng's eyes, such people are not much different from ants. It is too easy for Wang Feng to kill them.

In the past three days, Jiuxingxian had an unimaginable existence in Wang Feng's eyes, but now, Jiuxingxian is nothing to him.

Just a flame of true energy passed, and the outcropping Jiuxingxian suddenly died tragically. They were directly burned into nothingness by the real fire of Wang Feng's sun before they even had time to scream.


The screams of screams filled the whole school, and within a few breaths, at least tens of thousands of monks died in Wang Feng's hands.

In the process, Liu Yidao also picked up the leak.

His realm has also reached the level of a true immortal, but after three days, his strength does not seem to be used to the real place, so now as long as he sees a monk who is suitable for him, he will rush forward The opponent is extinguished.

At the beginning Liu Yidao followed Wang Feng for three days. If Wang Feng died at that time, then those who were in Wang Feng's dantian would never think about it.

So these people are Wang Feng's enemies, and naturally Liu Yidao's enemies.

He is now taking action but he has no reservations at all, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com is just a short while, Liu Yidao is already covered with blood, some of which is his own.

But there was hatred in his heart supporting him, he didn't feel any pain at all, he had already red eyes.

"You guys, I almost killed Lao Tzu back then, today I will come to you to claim your life." Liu Yidao kept roaring, and he burst out all his power.

But compared with him, the real big heads are still Wang Feng and Yao Xian.

Yao Xian's realm is higher than the two heavenly immortals, so he is not in any danger right now, but he wants to kill two people alone and there is no small challenge, and they are still in a stalemate.

It was Wang Feng. In a short while, this sect was almost in ruins, and the monks in it were almost dead. As for those buildings, they collapsed under the real fire of the sun and could not be preserved at all.



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