The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1463: Challenge from Huawuyuan

With the appearance of Meng Wuyuan and the young man from the Eighth Heaven, many people began to look at this place.

Meng Wuyuan's performance before was undoubtedly very strange, and the opponents with him almost fell down without taking any action. This time he met someone more powerful than him, and it depends on how he used that vicious move.

While everyone was not paying attention, Hua Wuyuan secretly transmitted a voice to the person from the True Immortal Eighth Layer.

There was only one thing he said, but after waiting for his words, the real immortal Eighth Layer suddenly nodded.


Seeing this scene, Wang Feng, who had been watching the battle, suddenly frowned. He believed that this true fairy Eighth Heaven would definitely not nod to the dream.

And judging from his subconscious movements, he guessed what order he got.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng immediately cast his gaze into the crowd. He just didn't notice that maybe someone would secretly transmit the voice, so he still hadn't figured out what this person wanted to do.

"Please enlighten me." He gave Meng Wuyuan a fist, and the young man who was really immortal eighth heaven said.

"I can't talk about enlightenment, but you have to be careful."

The terrifying speed of missing dreams suddenly broke out while speaking.

This young man in the Eighth Layer of True Immortal hadn't understood what was going on, he felt a strong crisis appearing in his heart.

However, he is not the one who had no chance to oppose the dream before. He is a true celestial monk. He has fought many times, so his experience is also very sophisticated, almost relying on his instinct, he subconsciously He threw a punch at the area he thought was dangerous.

With a punch, there was a burst of intense pain from his fist. He suffered a strong impact, causing him to step back several steps.

"Do you want to repeat the same trick again?"

Seeing this scene, the ignorant onlookers suddenly began to talk about it. The speed of Meng Wuyuan's shot was too fast, and they looked like they hadn't moved. ,

Only the young man in the Eighth Layer of True Immortal knew that Meng Wuyuan had actually taken action.

Just one blow made his fist feel as if it was cracking. This dream is not easy to mess with, this is a very strong opponent.

But when he thought of what Meng Wuyuan had said to him just now, he suddenly raised his intention to fight.

As long as he can overcome this dream of missed destiny, then in the future, he may be able to become popular in Longquan Academy, because Hua Wuyuan's reputation in Longquan Academy is much better than his own.

"Come again."

Enduring the pain from his fist, this true immortal Eighth Heaven chose to take the initiative to attack.

"Prepare to pay the price." Seeing this young man from the Eighth Layer of True Immortality took the shot, Hua Wuyuan on the high platform shot.

Brushing his face in front of so many people, so he would never let the dream miss.

He knew the speed of the dream miss quickly, but once the dream missed his own damage, what would the final outcome be?

Nowadays, almost the focus of most people's attention is on Mengwuyuan's arena, so when everyone is not paying attention, Hua Wuyuan's hanging fingers flicked towards where Mengwuyuan they are.

Although this is only the power at the fingertips, this is after all the action of a person from the four heavens of heaven. Once this power falls on Meng Wuxian's body, I am afraid that he will be severely injured.

This Huawuyuan is too sinister and vicious.


Wang Feng's focus at any time is also with Mengwuyuan them, but his combat experience is very rich, he has already felt the moment when Hua Wuyuan shot.

In any case, Meng Wuyuan is an old friend with him. He will never let Meng Wuyuan be framed by the gangster. Wang Feng already knows who shot it, and now all he has to do is help Meng Wuyuan block this. of

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Malicious attacks.

If Meng missed the chance to be hit by this flower garden, then the pattern of the horror battle would be greatly reversed. This flower garden would really be vicious.

A person from the Heavenly Immortal and the Triple Heavens actually went to shoot at a person from the True Immortal and the Seventh Heaven, Hua Wuyuan would really give up her figure.

It's just that Wang Feng has already found out, so he will never sit back and watch.

The same flick of his fingers, a force burst out directly from Wang Feng's fingers.


A small explosion sounded not far from the Meng Wuyuan and their ring, and the attack of Hua Wuyuan was easily resolved by Wang Feng.

With Wang Feng's combat power, even if it is pressed against Hua Wuyuan, there is probably no big problem, so blocking his attack is very easy for Wang Feng.

When Meng missed their battle, the roar was constant, so almost no one heard the small sound not far away.

Only the city master like Hua Wuyuan noticed such a change, but when he knew that the person who knew the shot was Hua Wuyuan, he immediately pretended not to see anything.

He didn't want to offend Hua Wuyuan, because it was not worth the loss for him, and what he was willing to do had little to do with him.

Almost as soon as Hua Wuyuan's attack was blocked by Wang Feng, Hua Wuyuan immediately cast a glance at Wang Feng, his eyes were full of strong hostility, because he did not expect that his attack would be resolved by others.

Feeling Hua Wuyuan's gaze, Wang Feng just smiled calmly, with no extra movements at all.

After seeing Wang Feng blocking his own attack, he looked like an understatement. In Hua Wuyuan's heart, a murderous intent was quietly breeding.

Since childhood, what Hua Wuyuan wanted to do hadn't been impossible. He didn't believe that Wang Feng, the Heavenly Immortal Triple Heaven, could still be an enemy of himself.

In front of Wang Feng, he once again swung an attack towards Meng Wuyuan.

Of course, this attack was also very subtle, and almost no one noticed it.

It's just that Wang Feng has been paying attention to him, watching Hua Wuyuan actually do it again, Wang Feng's complexion gradually became cold.

After blocking it once, he didn't even know to stop. Does he really think he can do whatever he wants here?

"Prime rune!"

There was a slight golden light in the palm of his hand. This time Wang Feng didn't keep his hand. Seeing that Hua Wuyuan wanted to use poison to harm people, Wang Feng naturally didn't need to save him face.


This time, Wang Feng's shot was very fierce, so the huge roar could no longer be kept subtle, and almost everyone heard the huge explosion.

Even the dream of missing the ring on the ring cast eyes instantly.


Stepping back a few steps, Hua Wuyuan almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a city lord behind him supporting him, otherwise he had to make a ugly appearance in public this time, but even so, he did not expect the other party to act so openly.


But what Hua Wuyuan didn't expect was that at this moment his breath was in disorder, a mysterious force was affecting him in his body, and he wanted to weaken his realm.

Taking a look at Wang Feng fiercely, Hua Wuyuan couldn't care about the others. At this moment, he directly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to fight against this strange force in his body.


After just a few breaths, Wang Feng found that the power of Zhen Zi Jue was dissipating in Hua Wuyuan's body. It was obvious that the other party had suppressed the Zhen Zi Jue.

This Hua Wuyuan can wear the hat of genius, he does have two brushes.

"There is a kind of don't go, we will fight to the death outside the city later." Hua Wuyuan's voice resounded in Wang Feng's mind, and it was obvious that he had begun to become angry at this moment.

Just Wang Feng

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Will it be as he wishes?

In the end, it was definitely impossible. Wang Feng was not a cow, how could he let Hua Wuyuan lead him.

"Hold fist, I'm not interested." Wang Feng said calmly in the crowd.

Although he didn't speak loudly, he believed that Hua Wuyuan could definitely hear it.

"Should there be no problem with this person's head?"

Hearing Wang Feng talking to himself, the people around him showed different colors and couldn't help but walk away a few steps.

"Are you afraid of me?" Hua Wuyuan's voice resounded in Wang Feng's mind again, his words were thorny, and he was obviously trying to anger Wang Feng.

It's just that Wang Feng doesn't take this set. How could Wang Feng be so easily irritated by the other party? This Hua Wuyuan has a lot of energy. Who knows if he will make arrangements secretly, Wang Feng will not be so stupid.

"You don't have to be in vain, your methods are useless to me." Wang Feng responded calmly.

"Are you a maniac? Who are you talking to?" Liu Yidao asked very suspiciously beside Wang Feng.

"If we have the ability, we will fight now!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hua Wuyuan finally flew into a rage. He has never been so angry in his cultivation so far, so at this moment he has already given up.

Since Wang Feng did this, he wanted Wang Feng to face everyone's lost face today.

He was no longer a voice transmission of this sentence, but he shouted directly.

"what's the situation?"

Hearing Hua Wuyuan's almost roaring voice, all the people present were surprised. Who is he talking to?

"Is it angry?"

Hearing Hua Wuyuan's roaring voice, Wang Feng's expression was not nervous, because he was not afraid of the opponent at all when he fought hard.

"I'll just ask you, do you dare to fight or not?" Wang Feng's voice, Hua Wuyuan, was naturally heard clearly, so at this moment he directly wrote the battle book.

If you abandon so many people without fighting, I am afraid that Wang Feng's face will be greatly affected.

It’s just that Hua Wuyuan never thought about the people present who didn’t know who he was talking to, so why lose face in this talk?

"Stop calling, it's useless." Wang Feng responded.

They understood Liu Yidao, and Wang Feng was talking to Hua Wuyuan on the high platform.

It's just that the two of them don't know each other. Why are they still right?

Just now Liu Yidao, they were almost all paying attention to Meng Meng Wu's battle. Meng Meng's attack speed was too fast, so they were watching carefully. As for the small movements of Wang Feng, they naturally did not pay attention.

Now listening to Wang Feng's words, it seems that he has had some friction with Hua Wuyuan.

"Unexpectedly, you are not even a man, and you dare not even dare to face the most basic battles. If you are afraid, I will fight you in my own realm." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hua Wuyuan on the high platform suddenly sneered. .

As the so-called clay figurines still have three points of anger, this Hua Wuyuan repeatedly provokes herself, even if it is the clay figurines, they are already angry now.

So after hearing this sentence from Hua Wuyuan, Wang Feng immediately made up his mind. It seems that it is no good not to teach this arrogant Huawuyuan today.

What Longquan College genius, in front of him, he is actually not.

It can only be said that Hua Wuyuan is too arrogant, so arrogant that he thinks he is invincible in the world.

"You don't need to be self-proclaimed, since you are looking for battle, then I will satisfy you."

While talking, Wang Feng's body slowly rose up. At this moment, everyone turned their eyes to Wang Feng's body, because they all knew that Hua Wuyuan was going to fight against him.

The third shift started to walk, and the two shifts in two months are really sorry!

For me, the new year has begun. Those who are able to vote for a monthly pass will start.

(End of this chapter)



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