The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1477: Demon Valley

"What else?" Wang Feng asked after looking at Meng Missing.

"That's it. Recently, the academy will take a group of people to a mysterious place to practice. I heard that everyone can get a great opportunity in it. I wonder if you are interested in going there?"

"Doesn't this violate the regulations of your college?" Wang Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, as long as I ask my current master, I believe that adding an additional quota will not be a big problem for him."

Wang Feng helped Mengwufeng a lot, so now Mengwufeng wants to return Wang Feng in this way.

"Forget it, I won't give you extra trouble, you can go alone." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

His current identity is indeed not suitable for appearing in this Longquan Academy. If people discover that he has something to do with the dream, he is afraid it will be difficult to escape punishment.

Wang Feng didn't want to miss this dream because of him.

"It's not what you think, where we are going, there will be other forces going together, and you will be mixed in and believe that no one will recognize you."

"I don't know what kind of benefits can be obtained?"

"I'm not sure about this, but from the tone of my current master, I think everyone who goes there can get a lot of benefits."

"Anyway, we don't have a place to go now, just go and have a look." At this time, Huang Dazhuang's voice sounded from Wang Feng's dantian. It seemed that several of them wanted to go.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome." After thinking about it, Wang Feng also felt that since this Longquan College organized the students to go out, it must be good to take. If there is only danger but no good, it is estimated that this college will not organize Up.

"Then you wait for me here, and I will tell him now." Meng left here without a chance while speaking.

He really got the love of the seven elders by virtue of the limit speed of his current body, so he directly agreed to the fact that Meng missed an extra deceased.

The Seventh Elder had never accepted a disciple, so he took great care of his current only disciple, let alone adding one more quota, even if he added two more, he had to agree to it.

Because he didn't want to break the relationship with his apprentice just because of this mess.

With his identity, as long as he said a word, it is not a matter of random to add people.

Of course, even though he only added Wang Feng this time, is Wang Feng really only one person?

If he goes, he must be four people.

The departure time was set two days later, so for these two days, Wang Feng stayed in Hua Qianyan's boudoir and did not go out.

Just taking advantage of these two days, Wang Feng asked carefully how Meng Wuyuan's extreme speed came about.

It's just that Meng Wuyuan's answer made Wang Feng very speechless. He said this was his innate talent.

Since he was a child, he has discovered that his speed is extremely fast, and no one of his age is as fast as him. He knows that he has such a talent, so he has been majoring in his speed since then.

Not to mention that his cultivation has really made him famous in his cultivation. Most people can't see his shooting speed at all. Even with his own limit speed, it is not impossible for him to leapfrog the challenge.

Although Wang Feng was speechless for such a thing, he also expressed his approval, because some people are born with a gift that others cannot have. Just like themselves, they have a celestial eye, but do others have it?

So it’s not surprising that this dream had a unique speed since he was a child. It can only be said that he was lucky and got God.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page).

As for why his realm was able to improve so quickly, I am afraid that this is due to the woman Hua Qianyan.

Hua Qianyan possesses a unique physique. Wang Feng knew this as early as when he was in the Nile Sea. After the combination of Meng Wuyuan and Hua Qianyan, Meng Wuyuan naturally got unimaginable benefits.

His realm was improved in this way, but compared to him, Hua Qianyan's realm was improved much slower, and the two people were no longer of the same level.

If this were not the case, the young geniuses who taught the Nile would not be eager for Hua Qianyan.

It's just that no one would have thought that Hua Qianyan would eventually become Mengwuyuan's wife, even Mengwuyuan herself had not even thought about it.

Originally, his personal meaning was that he would never marry for the rest of his life, but his heart was not a stone. Hua Qianyan followed him so stubbornly, and even if he was in danger, Hua Qianyan would also accompany him. Getting along in this way would make him unmoved. impossible.

It is also because he and Hua Qianyan are together, otherwise his realm would not have been able to improve so fast.

Two days later, Wang Feng was taken by Meng Wuyuan to the place where they gathered. Wang Feng was originally worried that his identity would be seen through. It was only when he came to the scene that he realized that he was worrying too much.

Because there are so many monks here, he is inconspicuous at all.

The realm has been suppressed by Wang Feng in the Sixth Heaven of True Immortal. This kind of realm is considered to be the bottom person among the students, so it is strange that someone can notice him.

During the period, the master who had missed dreams gave Wang Feng a glance, but when he realized that Wang Feng was only in the realm of the Sixth Heaven, he suddenly lost the idea of ​​continuing to watch.

In his opinion, it must be this man who begged his apprentice stubbornly, or the ghost would let him go with him.

"This time you are going to the Demon Valley. I believe some of you must have already been there. This place used to be the secret realm of the Demon Sect. With the destruction of the Demon Sect, this place has become a treasure that everyone has together. After the past, remember to be united, or be left alone by others, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"Don't worry, as long as they dare to take action, I will dare to kill." At this time, Bei Gong Run said with a sneer.

A top genius in an academy such as Bei Gong Run, such a good thing is naturally indispensable for his quota, and now he is almost the strongest among all the students.

Even among all those who enter the Demon Valley, his realm is at the top.

After all, at their age, there are few people who can reach the heavenly immortal, and he who can reach the fourth heaven of the heavenly immortal is even rarer.

If he wants to do something inside, it is really difficult to find an opponent.

"You can't take it too lightly, I hope you remember Wuyuan's fate." At this time, an old man said in a low voice, making Bei Gong Run silent.

Before, Hua Wuyuan was equally arrogant and unbelievable, but what happened to him in the end?

Aggrieved and died outside. To this day, he still doesn't even know where the murderer is. Although his realm is better than Hua Wuyuan's, but when he thinks of Hua Wuyuan's tragic death, he secretly cries out in his heart.

"Well, let's not talk too much nonsense, let's set off now." As the old man waved his hand while speaking, a huge wooden boat suddenly lay above Wang Feng and their heads.

Although it was a wooden boat, a majestic coercion was passed down from this boat. It was obvious that the wood used by this boat was definitely not simple.

Following the crowd, Wang Feng also boarded this ship, and was accompanied by him when he dreamed of no luck.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), as for Hua Qianyan, she didn't follow along.

Because Hua Qianyan's realm is really low, she doesn't even have the realm of a real fairy, so she is not qualified to come here at all.

Even let her dream of missed destiny will definitely not rest assured, so he can only leave Hua Qianyan in this Longquan Academy.

There are so many masters in Longquan Academy, so naturally she doesn't need to worry about her safety. Now he only needs to take care of himself.

"set off.,"

Seeing everyone had boarded the wooden boat, the old man standing on the bow said.

The wooden boat flew at a fast speed. Although the wind was roaring outside, Wang Feng and the others could not feel the slightest wind on the wooden boat.

Obviously there is a very powerful formation on this wooden ship, and it is this formation that blocks all winds outside.

"Brother Beigong, when we enter the Demon Valley, we will rely on you." One of the people in the crowd said flatly to Beigong Run.

"Since you are in the same family, I will naturally protect you. As long as you don't cause trouble, there will be no problem." Bei Gong Run said with a look of pride.

After all being flattered like this, his mood is naturally very happy. He can only say that Hua Wuyuan died well. If there were him among others, he would definitely not come to cheat him like this.

After all, his personal influence is definitely far inferior to Hua Wuyuan.

"Yeah, we all have to be protected by Senior Brother Beigong." Another flattered another.

"It's easy to talk, I'm here, and I guarantee that no one will have a problem." Bei Gongjun said, almost patted his chest as a guarantee.

Hearing this, many people followed along and flattered, which made Bei Gongrun almost impossible to find Bei.

Looking at Bei Gong Run who stood out in the crowd, Wang Feng shook his head slightly.

Even if Bei Gong Run's realm is very high, but his mood is too bad, even if such a person becomes a master, his chance of death will definitely be higher than others.

After a few words, you can’t find Bei. What can you expect from such a person?

In fact, this is really not to blame Bei Gong Run, it is actually that he has been suppressed by Hua Wuyuan for too long before, and it was only recently that he started to turn over, and his mood changed a lot.

If he used to know how to tolerate, if not, then Hua Wuyuan would have started targeting him a long time ago.

"I count on others for everything, what else can I cultivate with such a state of mind? Go home early." Hearing the voices of the people talking, the old man at the bow made a reprimanding sound.

Hearing this old man's words, the originally noisy situation suddenly became quiet, because no one dared to refute this old man's words.

"It deserves Hearing such words, Wang Feng immediately applauded. This old man said well. If he counts on others for everything, his achievements will not be too high. How do you say these people present? They are all geniuses, and as long as they practice well, a large part of them still have the opportunity to become well-known masters in the outside world.

It can only be said that this ethos has been broken from the beginning, and if things go on like this, the status of Longquan Academy will not be guaranteed.

The speed of the wooden boat is very fast. It only took about twenty minutes. The speed of the wooden boat began to drop. Looking down from this place, Wang Feng and the others could see the magnificent mountains and rivers, and they could also see that. A devastated land.

There is no doubt that the mountains and rivers underneath have experienced very tragic battles, and the aftermath of that terrifying battle almost completely changed the topography here.

This is the former site of the Demon Sect in the past, and their destination... has arrived.

(End of this chapter)



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