The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1486: Run off

"But it was indeed the Tianshan Sect who attacked us at the time." At this time, a student said very positively.

"It is not true that what you see is not necessarily true. Maybe those people came out after disguising their appearance. Their purpose is to provoke a battle between the big sects. You must have been used this time. "The old man said, with cold eyes flashing in his eyes.

Dare to count all of their forces in, the other party's courage is really too big, once it is found out who did this, I am afraid this force will not want to survive in the East China Empire in the future.

Because the anger is not so easy to calm down.

"Ah, what should I do now"

"What else to do is naturally to discuss the solution, so let's go back to the academy this time, you don't want to walk around. Those who have finished their disciples must have no way to give up. They might want to do it with you."

Bei Gong Run's strength is considered the strongest among all the young people who enter, so he is also the one who is most easily targeted. In fact, this old man said this sentence for Bei Gong Run alone.

A Huawuyuan had fallen outside. If Bei Gongrun had another accident, their Longquan Academy would be the laughingstock of others, so he would never allow such things to happen.

The speed of the wooden boat was very fast, and Wang F, Feng and the others returned to Longquan Academy in a short time.

When they came out, there were such a large group of people, but when they returned, there were only less than twenty people left. So when they got off the wooden boat, those who were waiting here all took a breath. gas.

Because they all saw the blood stains on Wang Feng and the others, some people even had wounds bleeding outside, which looked like they were experiencing a fierce battle.

"What the **** is going on?" Seeing this scene, the elder changed color and asked.

"This time the Demon Valley and his party have undergone tremendous changes. This time the Donghua Empire is going to change the sky." The old man who led Wang Feng and the others said, and then he directly said to one of them: "Take them all to heal. I will go to the dean to discuss specific matters now."


Hearing the words of the great elder, the old man nodded, and then he set his eyes on Wang Feng and the others, and said, "Follow me."

Only then did he get halfway, the old man finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and asked: "What happened to you in the Demon Valley, why are you all like this?"

"I believe you will know soon." At this moment Beigong Run said, seemingly not wanting more.

Seeing that Bei Gong Run didn't say anything, the rest of the people didn't even dare to say it, so no matter what the old man asked, everyone pretended to be dumb.

This time it was very tragic for any forces, so this news must soon spread throughout the entire Donghua Empire, and an uproar will definitely not escape.

When they came to the healing place, each of Wang Feng received a twelve-level pill for healing. Although it was only a twelve-level pill, it was already an extremely luxurious thing for many students. .

You must know that they used to receive a 12-tier pill in the past, but many of them are still reluctant to take it after receiving the twelve-tier pill, because they can rely on their own cultivation level to slow down their injuries. Slowly recover.

"You guys will recover right here, I'll come back later." The old man said, and then he quickly left here.

The reason for leaving is that he actually wants to go out and ask for news.

"This is for you." Seeing that the only strong man here has gone, Wang Feng quickly said to Meng Wuyuan.

"What?" Seeing the space ring that Wang Feng handed over, Meng asked in confusion.

"There are ten thirteen-tier pill that I have left in this ring, and some twelfth-tier pill. Now they are yours."

This time Wang Feng found a medicinal garden in the Demon Valley. With the medicinal materials he obtained from there, he could completely refine more thirteen-grade pill, so now he has divided some into the dream miss.

After all, Meng Wuyuan went with them, and Wang Feng couldn't treat him badly.

"I can't make it, I can't make it." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this dream was shocked.

Although his realm has improved rapidly over the course of more than a year, he has never received a thirteen-grade pill. For him, this is an extremely luxurious thing, and he has never taken it.

"Just take it for you. I can't stay at Longquan Academy anymore. I'm going to go out immediately. After I'm gone, you must do it yourself."

That old guy went to the dean of this academy. I believe it won’t be long before Wang Feng and the others will be summoned. The dean of an academy must be of a high level. Needless to say, Wang Feng is really afraid of the other person. What comes out.

So now Wang Feng is ready to take advantage of no one. After all, if you don’t leave at this time, when will you wait?

"Then take care of yourself, let's meet again in the future." Knowing that Longquan Academy is chasing Wang Feng, so this dream has no chance to force Wang Feng to stay, after all, it is extremely dangerous for him to stay here.

It doesn't matter if he is dragged down, because he himself owes Wang Feng's kindness. He is afraid that Wang Feng will not be able to walk after being caught, so Wang Feng's departure now is indeed the best ending.

"it is good."

After saying this word, Wang Feng's figure faded directly in the crowd, because everyone was closing their eyes to practice, so they didn't find anything.

With the help of the rules, Wang Feng quickly left Longquan College, a place of right and wrong. It was not until a safe distance from Longquan College that Wang Feng breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It should be safe now."

"Get me out quickly." Seeing that Wang Feng had already escaped the tiger's mouth, the Liu in his dantian yelled.

Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng's heart moved, and immediately all three of them were released by Wang Feng.

Because Liu Yidao and Huang Dazhuang didn't participate in the war, they must have been fine, but Yao Xian had not recovered from the influence of that person's self-destruction.

Although his injury has almost recovered under Wang Feng's thirteen-grade pill, he is still in a coma.

But his life safety shouldn't be a major problem now, so after thinking about it, Wang Feng put him in his Dantian again.

I believe Yao Xian will be able to wake up soon.

"Unexpectedly, the East China Empire suffered two changes in succession when I first came to it. This time, the black hand behind the scenes is really clever." Huang Dazhuang said, and he felt afraid of the methods of the man behind the scenes.

Everyone dares to calculate, such a person is no different from a madman.

"I guess he must have great ambitions, maybe he wants to replace the position of the royal family." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, making Huang Dazhuang and Liu Yidao take a breath, because Wang Feng's theory is indeed a bit shocking.

"why would you say so"

"It is said that in troubled times, there is a great man. If it is a peaceful and prosperous time, do you think it is easy to shake the status of a royal family"

"You mean the other person may be aiming at the world"

"It can be said like this."

It's not unreasonable for Wang Feng to think this way. Right now the royal family is fighting the Hua family in full swing. If many forces are following along with it at this time, then the entire Donghua Empire may fall into troubled times.

Under such severe internal friction, some people's goals may not be impossible to achieve. As the saying goes, the mantis hunts the cicada and the oriole, the royal family wants to destroy the flower family to eliminate the troubles, and some people also want to destroy the royal family and replace it .

Of course, all of this is just Wang Feng's guess. It is not clear to Wang Feng whether this is the case or not. He guesses randomly anyway.

The fact that a large number of young geniuses died in Demon Valley quickly spread all over the world. The moment they heard the news, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

And when they heard that these people were all killed by each other, the world was shocked again, and an uproar was inevitable.

In some schools, all young people died after entering the Demon Valley, so in order to retaliate, they are making a series of arrangements.

A turmoil cannot be subdued.

"Enlighten Lord, we have successfully completed the things you confessed to us." All the forces are preparing for this matter, and in a valley no one knows, the two who fled in front of Wang Feng. The individual appeared above a hall.

This valley looks like a valley on the outside, but no one knows it. There is actually a very hidden formation in this valley. There is an unusually terrifying force hidden in the formation, the five heavenly immortals. All people go out from here.

"I've heard about the movement outside. This time you two have done a good job. The Lord will never treat you badly."

"Thank you Lord." Upon hearing these words, the two heavenly immortals and five-layered heavenly people both showed joy.

The Lord has a lot of treasures in his hands. If he can reward one or two at will, then they will also benefit infinitely.

"Just the Lord, except for the two of us, that."

"Don't say it, they are inferior to humans, and they die if they die." Hearing the people of his men speak, this person called the lord stopped them.

For him, human lives are not worth at all, let alone two deaths, even if all four of them die, he doesn't care, because as long as his purpose is achieved, then everything is worth it.

"Yes." Hearing the Lord's words, the two men sighed in their hearts, but they didn't say anything, because they both knew the Lord's character.

In his eyes, there is only The two of them are at best just a machine in his eyes.

"Damn, get out of you old guys for the old man." In a place very far away from here, the sloppy old man who was deceived last time appeared.

Finally snatched a sky-shaking ring, but he did not expect it to be a fake. Originally, he was not going to make a statement, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he did not hesitate to tear off his old face and come to the door. .

"Why it's you again, why didn't you fight us last time, is it because your hands are itchy this time?" Hearing the roar of this sloppy old man, someone from this school came out.

This person is the old man who spoke to Sloppy last time, and his strength is very powerful.

As he spoke, a light flashed behind him, and several more people appeared beside him.

"Nima." Hearing what the other party said, the sloppy old man only felt angry in his heart, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense with me here, and quickly hand over the real sky-shaking ring to Laozi, otherwise I will take it down today. To your place."


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