The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1703: Changes in the Qi Family

By the time it became clear, Wang Feng and the others had already appeared on the square in the central city. The movement speed of the celestial giants was so fast, even Wang Feng didn’t know where they had gone before. Away.

"Okay, one month has passed, you all go back." Ye Zun said, making Wang Feng and the others startled.

Bring everyone together just to go to the sky and then come back?

"Everyone, the green hills will not change the long green water, let us kings world come and settle the accounts slowly." At this time, a king said, and then he snorted, and then he ran directly into the sky.

It can be seen that he should have taken over some hatred with others in Tianwai, so he will put down such a cruel remark.

"All go."

As this person walked together, the rest of these people also turned into birds and scattered, and everyone left one by one.

Although Wang Feng didn't know the meaning of the other party taking them out of the sky, everyone had already left, and Wang Feng didn't mean anything to stay on the square, so he also left.

However, unlike other kings, he did not return to Tianguan in the first time. He moved to the original mansion of Qi Tian.

When Qi Tian and him left home, his wife had already had a big belly. Now that a long time has passed, the child in his wife's belly must have been born.

Qi Tian has called his eldest brother for so long, and Wang Feng has no reason not to visit his children.

Upon arriving at the door of Qi Tian's mansion, Wang Feng knocked directly on the door here.

What makes Wang Feng a little strange is that he knocked on here for several times without seeing anyone opening the door for him. Could anyone not be at home?

Wang Feng was puzzled in his heart, and then he directly opened his own heavenly eyes. Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng quickly saw the situation inside the mansion.

The huge courtyard is now empty. No wonder no one came to open the door for him. Did Qi Tian's family have moved?

It happened that at this time the family next to Qitian Mansion opened the courtyard door and walked out, and Wang Feng hurriedly stopped him.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually recognized Wang Feng's identity, and he was shocked and clasped his fists: "I don't know that His Royal Highness the Nine Kings is coming, and if you have missed, please forgive me."

"I am not interested in talking about this with you now. I ask you, where did the family who lived here moved?" Since the other party knew him, Wang Feng didn't bother to be polite with him, so he asked directly.

"Move? No." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man's face was surprised, and he didn't understand why Wang Feng asked.

"Since they haven't moved, why is there no one here?"

"That's it. Someone came here to pick them up some time ago, and they didn't move." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person became more and more surprised.

People live here well, why move?

"Is picked up?" Wang Feng's face changed slightly when he heard this, because he knew that Qi Tian hadn't come back since he entered Tianguan with him, and his wife was obviously not picked up by Qi Tian.

Wang Feng is aware of the conflict between Qi Tian and his elder brother. At the beginning, his wife almost died because of his elder brother. Now that Qi Tian is no longer his wife was picked up. Wang Feng is not worried about it.

"Yes, they were picked up by someone. It has been a month or two." This person thought for a while and said.

"Then do you know who are the people who picked them up?" Wang Feng asked again.

"I don't know this, but those people should be their family members, I don't know those people."

Said that this person seemed to be thinking of something again, and said: "But I remember their looks, I can show them to His Royal Highness the Nine Kings."

"Bring it." Wang Feng asked directly.

"Yes." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person did not hesitate, and then a picture suddenly appeared above his head with some people's images on it.

"It was they who picked up people. That's all I know."

"Okay, nothing is wrong with you, let's go." While talking, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out more than ten thirteen-grade pill and threw it to this person, and then Wang Feng also left here.

"Thank you, thank you very much." This person repeatedly thanked Wang Feng after he took the medicine.

It was already a great honor to do things for Daozi. He did not expect that Wang Feng would have given him so many medicines so generously. It is said that Wang Feng was a vicious person, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. what.

This is simply a rumor.

After getting the image, Wang Feng stopped staying in the central city, he walked directly towards Tianguan.

That person didn't know these people, and Wang Feng didn't know either, but Wang Feng believed that Qi Tian should know these people.

No matter what, Qi Tian is now his Wang Feng's younger brother. If something happens in his family, then Wang Feng will definitely help him out.

After walking through the Celestial Realm, Wang Feng went straight to the Nirvana Realm. It didn't take long before Wang Feng returned to the headquarters of the Nirvana Realm Red Flame Alliance.

Because he has been out for a month, Hou Zhentian and others who were still cultivating have already awakened.

"Where is Qi Tian?" Looking at Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng asked directly.

"He went out after he finished his training here, what's the matter?" Hou Zhentian's face was puzzled when he heard Wang Feng's words.

There are many people who have changed their aptitudes. It seems that Qi Tian is among them, but Qi Tian has only gone out for a few days. Why is Wang Feng looking for him in such a hurry? Could something happen?

"Call him back, and you don't have to worry about the rest."


Seeing that Wang Feng's face was not so good, Hou Zhentian also knew that Wang Feng must have something important to do, so he didn't hesitate at all, he directly sent Qi Tian to come back.

As a monk, Qi Tian's speed on the road is naturally not slow, just an hour later, Qi Tian has already appeared in the Red Flame Alliance.

As the original member of the Red Flame League, Qi Tian’s status in the Red Flame League is not low today. Many people may have to respectfully call the elder when they see him, because the information collected by the Red Flame League is all done by Qi Tian. Responsible, his position is higher than many people.

I heard that it was Wang Feng who was looking for himself, so Qi Tian didn't go to say hello to the people of the Red Flame Alliance, he went directly to the largest hall of the Red Flame Alliance.

"Big brother, I don't know what's the matter with you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Qi Tian was already very familiar with Wang Feng, so Qi Tian asked casually when he walked into the hall.

"I ask you, have you ever been back since you came to Tianguan with me last time?" Looking at Qi Tian, ​​Wang Feng didn't have anything to hide, he asked straightforwardly.

"No, what's the matter?" Qi Tian asked suspiciously when he heard Wang Feng's words.

But when he saw Wang Feng's ugly expression, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.

"Big brother, am I what happened in my home?" Qi Tian said, his whole person already a little excited.

His wife is the biggest forbidden zone in his life. He can do anything for his wife, so it is not unreasonable that he is so worried at this moment.

"Since you are my brother, then I won’t lie to you. I’ve been to your house just now, but your wife and your servants have been picked up, so I’m now I just came to you to confirm."

"Is picked up?" Qitian's face changed a lot when he heard these words, and his mind trembled even more.

"Do you know these people?" Wang Feng waved his sleeves as he spoke, and suddenly he saw the appearance of those people who had been transformed by his power.

"Yes, this is my eldest brother." Qi Tian said, with a look of hatred on his face.

In order to compete with him, his eldest brother did not hesitate to start with his own younger siblings, and he hated this person Qitian.

"Are you sure this is your eldest brother?" Wang Feng asked at this moment.

"Yes, even if he turns into ashes, I won't admit it." Qi Tian said through gritted teeth.

"That's a bit difficult." Wang Feng's brow wrinkled slightly, and then he continued: "Your wife, children and servants just asked him to pick him up."


Although there was a guess in his heart, when he heard Wang Feng say such words in his own ears, Qi Tian still felt a brief blank in his mind like five thunders.

He knew how cruel his eldest brother was. What would happen to his wife if he fell into his hands?

Thinking of this, he no longer dared to think about it anymore.

"Brother, is everything you said true?" After ten breaths passed, Qi Tian took a deep breath and asked.

"Naturally it is true, this is something I have confirmed, there will be no false." Wang Feng said, and then said: "What are you going to do next?"


Said that Qi Tian's breath can no longer be hidden here, and his whole person is already on the verge of running away.

Seeing Qi Tian's appearance, Wang Feng shook his head, and then he ran his own Liuli Qinglian tree directly.

A sapling breath enveloped Qi Tian, ​​and then Wang Feng asked: "What revenge, your wife may be alive and well now."

Enveloped by the breath of saplings, Qi Tian suddenly became sober a lot, but he still felt strangely angry when he thought that his wife had fallen into the hands of thieves.

The feeling was like being pinched by someone's neck, which was very uncomfortable.

"My eldest brother is cruel and cruel, he will definitely not let my wife go." He said here Qi Tian's face flashed with hatred once again.

It can be seen that he really hates his elder or else he wouldn't be like this.

"Don't worry now." Hearing Qi Tian's words, Wang Feng spoke, and then said: "According to normal thinking, your eldest brother's purpose for grabbing your wife may be just to threaten you, so I think your wife is now It's alive and well."

"But I haven't been back to Jiugongya for a long time. I can't think of any other place I can threaten him." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Qi Tian shook his head in response.

"You can’t say anything. As long as you don’t die for a day, you are a threat to your elder brother. If you change to me, I will definitely not kill you after catching someone. I believe your elder brother is not a fool. He should stay. Your wife’s life."

"Then what should we do now?" Hearing that his wife was arrested, Qi Tian, ​​who has always been quiet, is now in a mess. If he is asked to come up with an idea at this time, it is obviously impossible.

If a person who has lost his square inch has an idea, it would be a strange thing not to bring the person into the gutter.


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