The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1710: Improve alchemy

Wang Feng is safe now, but some people have suffered because of Wang Feng. After Wang Feng entered the Heavenly Pass, a massive Gecha movement started in the central city.

Emperor Batian first investigated and prosecuted many officials in the city lord's mansion, and then some big figures in the central city were also investigated accordingly.

This Emperor Batian is very smart. He directly used someone to deliberately leak Wang Feng's whereabouts to deal with certain people wantonly. Although many people expressed disdain for such an excuse, they could not say much.

Everyone knows that Di Batian intends to target certain people, but he is the city lord of Central City. This time he has to catch such a bad reason to deal with others, so who can provoke him?

After a full chaos for about ten days, the central city slowly recovered its calm. After this incident, the masters in the central city understood that Wang Feng was afraid that he had a close relationship with the Emperor Batian. If they want to deal with Wang Feng, then they probably have to think about it.

After all, the city owner of a central city is not something everyone can afford.

The fact that the Nine Kings were captured by Wang Feng outside the central city soon spread throughout the southern region. No one thought that Wang Feng was so vigorous. It would not count to defeat the nine kings in the sky pass. Now he is outside the central city. How did he manage to capture the Nine Kings alive?

You know that the Nine Kings are real kings, but what about Wang Feng? He is not in Nirvana, how did he capture the Nine Kings alive?

Because the last incident had caused Di Batian to close the news tightly, many people didn't even know what was going on, and many people were just guessing.

"I heard that the Nine Kings let you catch?"

In the Red Flame Alliance of Nirvana, Hou Zhentian and the others are busy with the affairs of the alliance every day. They only heard the news that Wang Feng had captured the Nine Kings not long ago, so Hou Zhentian immediately couldn't help but rush to make sure.

He couldn't imagine that Wang Feng had captured the Nine Kings. When he first heard the news, he thought it was someone else who was joking, but when he saw everyone saying this, he couldn't help but believe it.

After all, if there are no facts, how can these people say nonsense.

"Yeah." Wang Feng nodded, and then asked suspiciously: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"I just heard someone say that you captured the Nine Kings. Is this true?"

"Naturally it is true." While speaking, Wang Feng waved his sleeves, and suddenly the sunset temple was taken out by him, slightly opening a gap, Hou Zhentian immediately sensed the existence of the Nine Kings.

He hated the Nine Kings, so he instantly recognized that the breath was definitely the Nine Kings' right.

At this moment, he couldn't help but set off a stormy sea in his heart. He didn't expect Wang Feng to actually capture the Nine Kings. The Nine Kings were so strong, how did Wang Feng catch him alive?

"Wang Feng, you can't kill me. You can only make me stronger like this. You will be destroyed by me one day."

While speaking, Wang Feng only felt his sunset temple tremble violently, and the nine kings were not dead yet.

After ten days of recovery, his physical body had already recovered his Azure Emperor Jue.

However, under the constant scorching of the real fire of the sun, the flesh and blood in his body was still very severely festered. If it weren't for the Azure Emperor Art, the Nine Kings would have died long ago.

Even so, under the constant torture, the Nine Kings are still suffering serious damage. There is no spiritual energy in the Temple of Sunset to restore the Nine Kings, and the Nine Kings Space Ring was taken away by Wang Feng. He It is just a dream to want to recover.

Since killing the Nine Kings can't kill them now, Wang Feng is not worried, because he believes that the Nine Kings will one day die under his own hands.

Now let him enjoy the darkness alone in the sunset temple.

The Nine Kings used to be extremely beautiful, but when Wang Feng got his space ring, Wang Feng felt very speechless, because the Nine Kings space ring could be described as poor.

There are less than two hundred fourteen-level pill. As for the other treasures, they are of little value. It is estimated that they are not as good as those fourteen-level pill.

If speaking of individual monks, these medicines are already a considerable sum, but if this ring is seen on the body of the nine kings, it will be different.

Wang Feng didn't believe that the wealth of the Nine Kings was so small, he must have hidden it or used it for other purposes.

Putting the sunset temple away, Wang Feng turned his gaze to Hou Zhentian and said, "You came to me just to ask about this?"

"Yeah, do I have to do something else?" Hou Zhentian asked in surprise.

"Since it's okay, let's go out first, I still have things to do."

"By the way, when you go out, help call in my alchemists. I have something to talk to them." Wang Feng said.

During the war against the Nine Kings, Wang Feng once again used the medicine that belonged to Jiang Luori. Although Wang Feng had obtained many such high-level medicines in the Temple of Sunset at the beginning, with Wang Feng's continuous use of these medicines for a period of time, There are already less than ten left, and if there are some unsolvable situations in the future, Wang Feng might not even be able to use the sword.

Without the majestic support of the elixir, Wang Feng's blood pressure is not enough to maintain his long-term use of war swords.

So next, Wang Feng is going to work on his alchemy again. Although his current alchemy level has reached the fourteenth grade, the pill grades in the Temple of Sunset are definitely far more than fourteenth grade, so if Wang Feng wants to To use the war sword for a long time at a low level, he can only solve the problem of the pill by himself.

"I have seen the leader."

Outside the hall, the few alchemists called by Hou Zhentian respectfully said that they would not dare to set foot in this hall without Wang Feng's permission.

When they first took refuge in Wang Feng, they knew that Wang Feng was extraordinary, but what they didn't expect was that Wang Feng would defeat the Nine Kings so quickly. Isn't it a bit too quick?

"All come in." Looking at these alchemists, Wang Feng said calmly.


"I wonder if the lord has anything to tell us when he calls us in now?"

Because they are the special profession of alchemists, these people's status in this Red Flame Alliance is not light, and even some elders have to be polite when they see them, because in many places those elders also need to invite these alchemists. Help refine what you need, naturally you can't offend.

In fact, it is not just the Scarlet Flame Alliance, alchemists have maintained a transcendent position among many forces, because they have that kind of capital.

"There is nothing to tell, I just want to discuss the path of alchemy with you." While talking, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out a pill, which he took out from the Temple of Setting Sun.

"this is?"

Seeing the pill in Wang Feng's hand, and smelling the strange fragrance, the alchemists present were shocked.

As a fourteenth-rank alchemist, they naturally understand that the pill that Wang Feng is now taking out is very high, and even people like them can't get in touch with that kind of pill.

"This is a pill of unknown grade, but I can tell you clearly that this pill is taken by master-level masters." Wang Feng opened his mouth, causing all the people present to take a breath.

Although the title of the 14th rank alchemist sounds quite bluffing, they all understand that there is still a big gap between this rank and the limit of the real alchemist, and there must be many more powerful alchemists. But they have never seen it.

"Could it be that this is a sixteenth grade pill?" Just then an alchemist said.

Hearing what he said, everyone including Wang Feng turned their eyes to him, because they all wanted to hear what this person said.

"That's it. In the past, I was fortunate enough to meet a 15th-rank alchemist. At that time, I witnessed him refining a 15th-rank pill. Compared with that pill, the one in your hand is obvious. It is more powerful, so this should be something more advanced than the fifteen-grade pill."

"So there is no way for the big guy to confirm what kind of pill this is?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, although these people did not want to admit it, this was indeed a fact. With their skills, they really couldn't figure out what kind of pill it was, so they could only nod their heads.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Wang Feng's doubts disappeared. Since everyone didn't know the grade of this pill, Wang Feng would do something that surprised everyone present.

With a rank of fourteen, the alchemist who can guide Wang Feng is no longer found in this Nirvana world, and Wang Feng is eager to improve his alchemy, so he can only find another way now.

"Yes." Everyone nodded in response.

"In that case, let's study and study what this pill is like now." The power in Wang Feng's palm of his hand surged as he spoke, and a good pill was slowly becoming smaller. Wang Feng wanted to do this. A pill was completely broken down.

"Leader, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, the several alchemists present were all shocked, because none of them thought that Wang Feng would break down a top-level pill. Could it be that Doesn't he know that this is simply conquering heavenly objects?

"Shhh, don't talk, watch carefully." Wang Feng made a silent motion, and then the pill was continuously decomposing in their palms.

If you want a thorough understanding of a product, it is absolutely impossible to understand its internal structure.

This is like a car. On the surface, if you look at the car, you may know that he will go, but if you ask him to build one, I am afraid that you will not be so capable.

Because you only saw the appearance but you don't know what is going on inside. How to make this?

So what Wang Feng has to do now is very simple, that is, to continuously decompose the internal situation of the pill and present it to everyone. Only by understanding the internal situation of the pill can they understand the next direction.

It is undoubtedly heartache for Wang Feng to decompose a pill like this. One less pill is used for this pill, and Wang Feng can't take out more of it, but in order to improve his alchemy, even Wang Feng can bear the pain. To do this.

Because once his alchemy is promoted, he may refine this kind of pill at any time in the future, so he is giving up his nickname and seeking great gains.

This is just like the old saying, I can’t bear to let a child catch a wolf. Only a truly wise man can have a long-term vision, so for the future, Wang Feng would not hesitate to abandon such a pill.

As Wang Feng continued to decompose the pill, everyone began to watch attentively, because they all understood that this is a rare and precious opportunity. If you don’t see it clearly, I’m afraid it won’t be great to see such a scene again in the future. It is possible.


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