The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1713: Best in the world

Even if it is a scourge, I am afraid it is not so scary, is it?

As far as the monks of this era are concerned, it is impossible for such a celestial calamity to appear. At this moment, these celestial giants are a little confused.

Let them be well-informed and knowledgeable throughout the ancient and modern times, but they have never seen any heavenly calamity that can have such a terrifying cloud-shrouded area. Could it be that Wang Feng is too threatening on this heavenly way, and he must be wiped out in advance. Up?

Thinking of this possibility, these celestial giants are slightly moved. If the guess is true, then they may intervene from it for a while.

A person who can cause Heaven's Dao to be obliterated in advance is bound to be an anomaly, so they absolutely cannot watch Wang Feng being obliterated.

However, this speculation is only speculation after all, none of them intends to shoot in advance, because even if they transcend the Heavenly Dao, this does not mean that they can truly crush the Heavenly Dao.

If this is the case, then not all living beings will be obliterated in those previous eras, and the power of heaven is almost beyond human resistance.

Even these giants are basically building the city of God, and then come to get the golden cicada out of the shell, if it is not like this, the way of heaven can kill them instantly.

"Let's take a look at the specific situation first." A heavenly giant said, and did not rush to do it.

The area covered by the robbery cloud is very vast, and the pressure has become more and more terrifying. Even Wang Feng himself did not expect that the tribulation he was going through this time would be so terrible. It seems that he did not do anything angry and grieving, right? Is this God going to use this terrifying tribulation against himself?

At this moment, Wang Feng's mood can only be described in one sentence, which is cheating.

This kind of tribulation Wang Feng was also encountered for the first time, but since the tribulation had already taken place, it was obvious that it was almost impossible for Wang Feng to avoid this tribulation, and he could only go through it.

"How could this be?"

Seeing the thicker and thicker robbery cloud in the sky, Hou Zhentian and others were all shocked and inexplicably shocked. What kind of robbery is this that can reach such an extent?

At this moment, they couldn't help worrying about Wang Feng. The area of ​​a thousand kilometers was enough to block the eyes of all their Nirvana monks. No Nirvana monk could see through a thousand kilometers with his own consciousness and gaze. Wang Feng.

Even if there is, I am afraid that such a person will only be Wang Feng himself.

Using divine knowledge to explore the way in the robbery is no different from sending to death, because divine knowledge will actively guide the robbery, and when the time comes, people like them will also suffer severe damage.

So when everyone retreated, none of them knew what was going on with Wang Feng now.

"Come on, today is either life or death!"

Looking at the sky covered by black clouds, Wang Feng made a loud shout. At this moment, there was no fear in his heart at all, he only had endless intentions against the sky.

He had just broken out of the Nirvana space alive before, and Wang Feng didn't believe that he could still kill this Heavenly Tribulation.

Thinking that he even successfully resisted the scourge of the past, what is the calamity of this day?

As the saying goes, as long as there is no fear in the heart, what can happen even if the sky falls?

At this moment, Wang Feng's body looked very tall, and he stood like a giant under this terrifying calamity.


As if responding to Wang Feng, the robbery cloud was condensed at this moment, and an extremely strong robbery thunder fell directly towards the top of Wang Feng's head.

The originally dark sky was illuminated by this tribulation thunder, but under such circumstances, Wang Feng, the monk who crossed the tribulation, suffered a catastrophe, because the thunder was stronger than Wang Feng’s imagination. Under the robbery, Wang Feng only felt that at least half of his body had become stiff.

Although his thunder body still helped him resolve these thunder powers afterwards, it is undeniable that this robbery thunder was enough to cause huge damage to Wang Feng, at least the thunder body could not completely absorb the thunder thunder power.

The power of thunder is being rapidly transformed by the thunder body into the purest power for Wang Feng to absorb, but this has not been completely absorbed yet, suddenly this second robbery thunder comes directly, compared with the previous thunder thunder , This second thunder thunder undoubtedly became even more terrifying. Under the extreme flash, Wang Feng's whole body was smashed into the void, and he fell heavily into the endless virgin forest under his feet.

The next third, fourth, fifth, countless tribulation thunder descended at this moment, there was no reaction time for Wang Feng at all, this heavenly Dao is like deliberately destroying Wang Feng, this The high-intensity robbery does not give the monks any time to rest at all.

Even though Wang Feng's physical body is strong, but under such a robbery, his body quickly becomes broken, and he does not have much time to recover his physical body.

Therefore, under such a tribulation, he could only become weaker and weaker, and he had already caused that tribulation to blast into the earth abruptly.

Hou Zhentian and the others were unable to see the situation in the center of Jieyun because of their low strength, but the celestial giants had witnessed the scene where Wang Feng let Jie Lei blast directly into the ground.

Almost everyone of these giants has the experience of transitioning to the world's ultimate level, but it is the first time they have seen a robbery like Wang Feng. They saw that Wang Feng has no resistance under the robbery. They couldn't help but feel a little worried about Wang Feng. ,

In less than ten breaths of time, Wang Feng was already smashed and his skin was ripped apart, and his physical defense simply couldn't prevent this terrifying mighty power.

No matter how hard his glazed green lotus tree works, this will not be able to restore Wang Feng's current decadence.

But even under such circumstances, Wang Feng still slowly stood up from the pit with the power of endless thunder. Although this process was very difficult for him, he still stood up after all.

No matter how the thunder from the sky struck him, Wang Feng's body did not waver at all.

At this moment, his thunderous body is madly devouring these thunderous powers to repair Wang Feng's own injuries, and nurturing himself with the power of heaven and earth. His physical body has been flowing between trauma and recovery, and his whole body is terrifying. The arc of Wang Feng was flickering, and Wang Feng looked like a statue.

His body was severely damaged, but Wang Feng’s eyes were persevering and unyielding. He knew that this time the tribulation might be far more severe than the day he had gone. Since the tribulation has already come, Wang Feng only Can resist the past.

He knew that although the purpose of these things in the tribulation was to destroy the monks, there was such a ray of life in any catastrophe. As long as that ray of life was seized, then Wang Feng might survive this tribulation.

Although the idea was good, Wang Feng didn't know where the ray of life was. At this moment, under the endless robbery thunder, all Wang Feng saw was destruction.

With Wangfeng as the center, the area over a hundred kilometers at this moment has turned into a dead zone, the earth has shattered, the trees have been annihilated, and even the rivers have dried up at this moment, and the soil here has fallen for tens of meters and exposed. The brown rock underneath.

The robbery came down like a power grid. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng could say that there was no way out. He was completely locked in it.

The Hunyuan Divine Art has made Wang Feng urged to the extreme. Under such circumstances, his physical defenses have been strengthened a lot, and the last time he had the Azure Dragon to strengthen his physical body, his current physical body is comparable to steel, not to mention it. .

Moreover, this steel does not refer to mortal steel. This is what the practice world uses to describe indestructible.

If it weren't for this, at this moment, under this robbery, Wang Feng's physical body would have long since ceased to exist.

After all, from the beginning to the present, Wang Feng has at least endured hundreds of tribulations, although he has a thundering body that is constantly transforming the tribulations into his own use.

But this thunder body is also equivalent to a processing machine. For example, the power of thunder between the earth today is unimaginable. Even the thunder body cannot completely dispose of it. This has exceeded the limit that the thunder body can handle. Up.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the Thunder combat body is abolished. This kind of physique will not help Wang Feng for too long.

"Get up!"

Carrying Jie Lei, Wang Feng slammed his feet on the ground, and then his body soared from the ground directly like a cannonball.

The robbery thunder is so dense, if he keeps being passively hacked like this, Wang Feng feels that sooner or later he can't hold it, so he must find another way out now.

There is no way out on the earth, so the only place Wang Feng can choose is only one, and that is above the sky.

"I knew he was extraordinary at the beginning. I didn't expect him to have such a catastrophe today." Somewhere in the city of Nirvana, the fortune teller spoke, his dark eyes beating with strange eyes.

At this moment, he was calculating Wang Feng's future against the sky. ,

But this hasn't been calculated for long, suddenly he opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, his expression showing wilting.

As before, he could not calculate Wang Feng's future with his own calculation ability. There are only two explanations for this situation. One is that Wang Feng's future is unimaginable, and the other is that Wang Feng has no future at all.

At the beginning, the fortune teller thought that Wang Feng would definitely become a remarkable figure in the future, but after witnessing the scene in the sky at this moment, he found that the situation and his imagination might be very different.

Under such a tribulation, Wang Feng’s chances of surviving are really very small, because God fortune has never seen such a terrifying tribulation, and even such a tribulation has not appeared in the records. The rare calamity of this day is called the most in the world.

It's almost impossible for the other party to get rid of whom Heaven is going to kill. This time Wang Feng is afraid that he will die forever.

"You have to hold Seeing Wang Feng rising from the sky amidst the thunder, even the celestial giants couldn't help being attracted.

They all wanted to see whether Wang Feng could survive this disaster today.

"This calamity is the best in the world, and we should let everyone see it." At this time, a celestial giant spoke, and many people agreed.

Now that the catastrophe is approaching, if such an extreme catastrophe can be used to stimulate everyone, it should be of great help to the future.

And there is a more important point, that is, the catastrophe caused by Wang Feng this time is likely to be unprecedented, so such rare scenes should be made known to everyone. Once Wang Feng can't persist, it is very likely that such a catastrophe will happen. It will never appear again, so such a catastrophe should be recorded in the annals of history.

The catastrophe will be carried out under everyone's attention.

Without warning, a scene of lightning and thunder appeared in front of everyone. Looking at this picture, many monks who could not see clearly the central area of ​​Jie Lei were shocked.


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