The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1740: Anti-humiliation

Before alchemy had not started, this person did not put Wang Feng in his eyes, but now the cruel and ruthless facts slapped him severely in the face, making him feel ashamed of himself.

Even if Wang Feng was severely humiliated at this moment, he couldn't find any rebuttal, because he had indeed said this to Wang Feng.

"Why don't you talk?" Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Wang Feng didn't stop there.

Because he was suffocated in his heart when he was blinded by this person before. Being bullied has never been Wang Feng's character. Since he punched himself, Wang Feng must punch him twice.

It's strange not to play Xiang.

"Have you said enough?" He really hated Wang Feng's words, and the young man finally couldn't bear to break out.

He admitted that he underestimated Wang Feng, but how could he accept Wang Feng's reluctant humiliation.

Because he is also a person of prestige anyway, so being humiliated, how is this different from killing him?

"Oh, don't you want to hear your words?" Seeing the other party's tone suddenly became tough, Wang Feng's tone became a little weird.

Could it be that he wanted to do it with himself?


His complexion became more and more ugly. The young man pointed at Wang Feng, so angry that he could hardly speak.

"The most annoying thing about me is that people use fingers to me. Are you provoking?" His expression was not good, and Wang Feng's tone became gloomy.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Thinking that he had never suffered such a big insult since his debut, this young man finally couldn't stand it at this moment, and he shot Wang Feng.


Seeing this scene, it was not Glenn who called to stop first, but the young man's master.

Many masters came to this alchemy conference, and he and Glenn were not the only masters. Is this his disciple dizzy? He chose to do it on such an occasion.


There is no need to wait for Wang Feng to do it, just like flying a mosquito. At this moment, the organizer of the alchemist conference has an old man taking action.

I saw his sleeves slightly, and suddenly the young man flew out like a kite with a broken line, vomiting blood.

That is to say, the old man did not kill him because of the face of the young master. Otherwise, this young man might already be a dead man at this moment.

To openly shoot here, this has completely violated the regulations of this alchemist conference, just hitting him to vomit blood is already cheaper.

"Violation of regulations, disqualification of the competition." The old man who shot said, indifferently.


Hearing this, the young man who was beaten out once again spouted blood. You are completely angry.

I wanted to teach Wang Feng a lesson, but who would have thought that someone would forcefully intervene in it. This was a good one. Wang Feng didn't teach him, and his qualification for the test was also cancelled. This was nothing more than losing his wife and breaking down.

"Deserve it."

Seeing the miserable appearance of this person, Wang Feng said with a sneer.

It's not good to deal with someone, and I have to deal with him. If it hadn't been for the old man, Wang Feng might have done it himself.

If he did it, this person might not only vomit blood, it would be nothing if he didn't do it. Once he did it, Wang Feng would kill him.

"Boss Qingfeng, your apprentice really teaches well." At this time, Glenn said in a weird manner, dominating Yin and Yang.


Hearing the person dominated by Glenn, this Qingfeng dominated his sleeves and his face was very ugly.

"We will calculate this account later." After saying this, the Qingfeng Master came to his apprentice's side.

Although this time his apprentice and Wang Feng failed to compete with alchemy, but in any case this apprentice was still his personal disciple, and got his mantle, so he could not give him up like this.

"Hey hey, don't rush to leave, old blame Qingfeng, are you still forgetting something?" Seeing the other party is about to leave, Lord Glenn said quickly.

"Take things and roll." While speaking, a huge baggage flew towards Lord Glenn, which contained the gambling items between him and the old monster Qingfeng this time.

"Thank you, I hope I will come again next time." Lord Glenn laughed loudly, making Lord Qingfeng's complexion instantly ugly.

Embarrassing yourself in front of so many people is really hateful.

Qingfeng ruled to leave, naturally no one dared to stop him, and his disciples had already lost the qualifications for the competition here. Even if he stayed, he would only be ashamed, so he chose to leave at this time.


"Okay, time is up!"

Probably after more than an hour, the competition officially ended. Except for the apprentices ruled by Wang Feng and Qingfeng who succeeded first, all the alchemists who followed ended in failure.

Because they failed to refine the Star Concentration Pill within the stipulated time, they were naturally eliminated.

Compared with other grades of alchemists, Wang Feng is completely unique here, because he is the only one who has successfully produced alchemy.

Each grade will set up a championship position, and the crowded area needs to continue to compete, and Wang Feng is the only one left here, so he is easily rewarded for the championship.

Originally, the purpose of Wang Feng's coming here was to improve alchemy, and by the way, to help Master Glen solve the trouble.

But what Wang Feng didn't expect was that after he won the championship position, he actually got a big reward.

Here are all alchemists, so naturally all the things Wang Feng gets are related to alchemy.

The organizer rewarded Wang Feng with a pill furnace, a bottle of high-level pill, and a large number of elixir rewards. As soon as these rewards came out, many people immediately envied Wang Feng's luck.

The pill and elixir were nothing. The key was that the pill furnace that Wang Feng got was a good thing.

Although the pill furnace is not very useful for the alchemist, a good pill furnace can help the alchemist save a lot of time for alchemy.

Even the alchemy rate can be greatly increased. If Wang Feng is willing to sell this pill furnace at this moment, I believe that a large number of alchemists will buy it at a high price.

It's just that Wang Feng obviously doesn't mean to sell it. Although the pill furnace is not important to him, who is willing to use the bad if it is good?

Moreover, Wang Feng is not a person short of money, so of course he cannot sell his reward.

For Wang Feng, these rewards were completely unexpected joy, but since they were all sent to him, their names naturally changed to Wang.

The purpose of this alchemist conference was to cultivate the younger generation of alchemists. According to Wang Feng's previous performance, he had the opportunity to enter the training base system to learn alchemy.

But Wang Feng was still thinking about Guan Fu's affairs, so of course he couldn't join in to learn any alchemy, so when the organizer raised this matter, Wang Feng refused without hesitation.

Because he didn't want to continue to waste his time searching for Guan Fu.

"You really don't participate in the training of the alchemist? This is a rare opportunity for you." Seeing Wang Feng walking by, Lord Glenn asked in surprise.

You must know that this city is like a holy place in the heart for many alchemists. Being able to train here for a period of time is a dream thing for many alchemists.

But who would have thought that Wang Feng would turn down his alchemy in one mouthful. Doesn't he want to improve his alchemy?

"Man, man, do something or not, my current friend doesn't know where he is living, I must find her." Wang Feng said, his tone was very firm.

"Could this be your Taoist companion?"

"Almost." After thinking about it, Wang Feng replied indiscriminately. If you don't make the relationship closer, it is difficult to guarantee that Lord Glenn will do his best.

"In that case, I will mobilize people to help you find someone later."

"Does the half-month period still count?"

"Don't worry, this is what I promised you. I will naturally do it. Even if I can't find anyone in the end, I will give you an explanation."

While speaking, Lord Glen stretched out his hand and said: "Give me your messenger, and I will notify you as soon as I have news."

"Then thank you senior."

Wang Feng spoke, and then he handed over his talisman to the other party.

"Well, if there is nothing to do, then this seat will leave first." After speaking, the figure of Lord Glenn directly disappeared in front of Wang Feng, and Wang Feng also sighed for a long time.

Although Lord Glenn was helping, it was still unknown to Wang Feng whether Guan Fu could be found.

This good job is going to run out. What is this picture?

If she and her apprentice can come out later, perhaps Wang Feng will go back to pick them up by himself, isn't this deliberately making trouble?

"Let's go, look elsewhere." Wang Feng said, and then he left the city with his apprentice and his wife.

Improving alchemy is a good thing for Wang Feng, but he still hasn't forgotten his most important thing now.

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to go back home to pick up Sister Xue and the others after going back to the central city, but now he wants to go back again.

Without finding Guan Fu, how could Wang Feng feel relieved.

"Master, I want revenge!"

The affairs of Peicheng have come to an end for a while, but in an endless void, Master Qingfeng and his disciples are arguing.

With the strength of Qingfeng's ruler, it was too easy for him to rescue his apprentice, so his apprentice had already recovered.

"What revenge?" Qingfeng Dominator said coldly.

"You are not as good as a You don't want to make up for it, but you want to take revenge. If you are such a person, I shouldn't train you in the first place." Qingfeng ruled very much. The cold made his disciples look ugly.

He thought that his master would help him out, but who would have thought that his master would say such a thing.

"But the disciple was not convinced."

"I won you with an upright victory, why are you not convinced?" Hearing what his apprentice said, the Qingfeng master felt even more annoyed in his heart. Knowing his shortcomings and not trying to make up for it, he wanted to take revenge. How could such a person be blind and put in the door?

If time can go back, he will never accept him as his closed disciple. This is simply too annoying.

"Master, you have such a strong state, can't you help the apprentice this time?"

"No!" Qingfeng Master said, shaking his head.


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