The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1749: The child does not teach, the father too

His body instantly disappeared in front of the Patriarch of the He family, and when Wang Feng appeared again, he had already reached He Yuanlun's side.

Without knowing when there was an extra knife in his hand, Wang Feng cut directly at He Yuanlun.

Ling Chi's punishment is known as the most cruel punishment in the world. There is no one, but the only one. Apart from using this kind of punishment at certain times, Wang Feng basically gives people a happy life.

It's just that He Yuanlun killed Guan Fu, how could Wang Feng let him die so easily? He must suffer this severe punishment.

It was as if there was a shadow scurrying in the void. He Yuanlun's mouth made a stern cry that was not like a human being. At this moment, the flesh and blood on his body was being quickly cut off by Wang Feng, one knife after another, Wang Feng was giving this He Yuanlun Unimaginable harm.

Before and after less than ten breaths, the layer of flesh and blood on He Yuanlun's body was completely stripped off by Wang Feng. From a distance, there was almost no good flesh on He Yuanlun's body, and his bones were even clearly visible at this moment.

Seeing this scene, even though the Patriarch of the He family trembled in his heart, at the same time his heart felt even more painful.

In any case, this He Yuanlun is his own flesh and blood. Seeing him being tortured by Wang Feng, he can't stand it.

But what can he do? It was He Yuanlun who had harmed the people related to Wang Feng recklessly, and he was paying such a price now, and he was entirely self-inflicted.

The Patriarch of the He family didn't dare to make a move, because he understood that once he made a move, the He family would really not be saved, and Wang Feng would definitely wipe out their He family completely.

So even if it hurts in his heart, he can only endure it. It's because this rebellious son doesn't live up to his own temper, and he is dead.

"Please, kill me." A screaming voice came from He Yuanlun's mouth. At this moment, he just wanted to die.

Because he is alive like this is more painful than death, his power is sealed, and his stripped flesh and blood can't be recovered, he is floating in the void like an evil spirit, making his scalp numb.

"I said, I will let you never enter the cycle of reincarnation, aren't you ruthless? Then let's see who is more ruthless now." While speaking, Wang Feng shot again.

Ling Chi's punishment only stripped people of their flesh and blood, and as a monk, He Yuanlun certainly wouldn't die so easily, because this trauma would not cost him his life besides causing him pain.

But this is exactly what Wang Feng wanted. If he died like this, Wang Feng would not be able to torture him.


Under Wang Feng's intentional action, the bones of He Yuanlun's body were knocked off by Wang Feng, and afterwards, Wang Feng broke the bones of He Yuanlun one by one. During the whole process, Wang Feng appeared unusually calm, as if He Yuanlun was so miserable. He could not hear the call at all.

Seeing this scene, countless cultivators of the He family felt a deep chill. People were already like that, but Wang Feng had to break his bones one by one. Such a person was indistinguishable from a demon.

"Kill me, kill me." He Yuanlun screamed loudly, but it didn't work, because Wang Feng couldn't kill him like this.

Even if he wanted to kill, Wang Feng would bring him to Guan Fu's face. It was he who killed Guan Fu, so he should die in Guan Fu's face to make amends.

"Stay well for me first, and it will fall into my hands. Don't think about it for the rest of your life." Wang Feng said, and then he released the evil spirit of the clay pot, and then he threw the person into his dantian. in.

This person wanted to die, but Wang Feng would not let him die. He was the culprit in this incident. It was he who harmed Guan Fu, so Wang Feng wanted him to be tortured and tortured all the time. If not, how could Wang Feng Peace of mind?

When he arrived in front of the Patriarch of the He Family, Wang Feng hardly hesitated. He swung his sword directly at the Patriarch of the He Family.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch He's expression changed drastically, because he never thought that Wang Feng would shoot him so decisively. He thought that after he handed over his son, Wang Feng might let them go. He family once.

It’s just that he seems to think more. Wang Feng is no longer the indecisive Wang Feng. After experiencing so many things, he deeply understands a truth, that is, cutting the grass without removing the roots, and there are absolutely endless troubles. .

Perhaps the He family was frightened by Wang Feng's terrible power and did not dare to do anything to him. Once they waited for Wang Feng to fall off the horse, they would most likely counterattack.

Wang Feng has learned this lesson many times, so he will no longer have the slightest mercy.

When he came, Wang Feng had already thought about uprooting the He family, because they all indirectly harmed Guan Fu.


Before he died, the Patriarch of the He family uttered a terrifying roar.

"The son doesn't teach his father's fault. Your son's all kinds of bad behaviors are what you are used to as a father. You should perish with him."

After speaking this sentence, Jian Gang of Zhanjian unceremoniously tore the body of the Patriarch of the He family, he had no resistance at all.

Although he possesses the strength of the King Nine Heavens, the war sword is really terrifying, and the power of the Nine Sacred Artifacts is definitely not something he can resist.

So under a sword, his whole person was directly torn apart, and he died under the sword.

As soon as the Patriarch of the He family died, the He family was instantly messed up, because for them, the Patriarch was already the most powerful existence here, but the most powerful person still couldn’t stop Wang Feng’s one. Sword, it can be seen that no one of them here is Wang Feng's opponent.

Under such circumstances, they had no other way except to think of escape.

However, Wang Feng’s formation has already been placed around this family. I am afraid it will not be easy for these people to escape. Even if tens of thousands of monks attack Wang Feng’s formation at the same time, this formation is still solid and indestructible, because they The realm is too low, how could they destroy Wang Feng's formation.

"Don't think about running away."

Looking at the king fleeing everywhere in the crowd, Wang Feng said with a sneer.

This person is the last king of the He family, as long as he dies, then the He family is almost finished.

Even though they still have an old ancestor, but that master has been blocked by the Lord of the Demon Palace, here Wang Feng and the others can calmly hunt down these He family monks.

They are not opponents at all.

People can be lifted up if they fall, but once the hearts of the people fall, it's really finished.

The Patriarch of the He family is already dead, so what's the point of resisting these remaining people?

Even if there are people who are really willing to resist, but under the crush of absolute strength, they actually have no effect at all. They have no other choice but to wait for death.

"I have no grievances with you, why are you killing me?"

Seeing this Wang Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, the last king of the He family yelled.

"There is no reason, just because of your surname." Wang Feng said, and then his sword was swung out without hesitation.

Wang Feng's words were cold and unfeeling, but he had already planned to destroy the He Family, so even if the other party said he was innocent, Wang Feng would not show any mercy.

Since it is revenge, it must be done thoroughly!

"All the monks of the He family, kill them without pardon!"

After killing the king, Wang Feng's mouth once again made a loud shout.

Hearing what he said, the members of the Red Flame Alliance were refreshed, but looking at the monks of the He family, at this moment they can hide or hide, and it is almost impossible to see how many people are resisting. They have all been lost. After fighting spirit, only fear is left.

Even if there are some monks at the peak of Nirvana and even the monks of God City, there is a huge threat of Wang Feng at this moment. They dare not show up at all, so the huge He family at this moment is completely letting the people of the Red Flame Alliance crush and kill in it. .

A human tragedy is being staged in this originally beautiful city, in which no matter what family monk or Ke Qing, even some foreign geniuses are all being killed.

Because Wang Feng was cruel and wanted revenge, none of these people wanted to escape.

"I drafted the uncle, you just stabbed Lao Tzu, and now I will kill you." A yelling voice came, but Hou Zhentian caught a Nirvana monk of the He family and killed him. .

When the Patriarch of the He family was still alive, Hou Zhentian was completely invincible, because the opponent's realm had surpassed him, but with the death of the Patriarch of the He family, this person also completely lost his fighting spirit, so Hou Zhentian naturally caught it now A chance for revenge.

Almost without any hesitation, Hou Zhentian took the opponent's life all at once.

Since entering the Heavenly Pass, he has basically never fought. When he first entered the Nirvana Realm, he had lived the days of hiding, almost afraid to show his head.

With the rise of Wang Feng behind, he has no chance to do it, because some of the Red Flame Alliance is used by people, so he naturally does not need to do it himself.

Now he has a chance to shoot at this house, so he naturally rises up to kill.

Looking around, the Scarlet Flame Alliance had the upper hand at this moment, and this He family was completely in a situation of being slaughtered.

Under such circumstances, Wang Feng didn't move on again, because these people from the He family and Hou Zhentian were enough.

"Master of the Devil's Palace, I don't share the same spirit with you!"

Seeing that the He family has died into one piece, the eyes of the ancestors of the He family suddenly became blood red. Although he has become the master, he can live freely even regardless of the family's affairs, because there is a master. In his realm, he can still live for a long time.

But after all, the He family was something he created with his own hands. It was like a child who had been raised by himself and was bullied by others at this moment. How could he endure it?

The clay figurines have three points of anger. At this moment, his anger is almost out of the If you don’t share the sky, you don’t share the sky. Anyway, there are a lot of enemies in this seat. Less, do whatever you like. "The Lord of the Demon Palace said, without taking the other party's words to heart.

Because she is fully capable of resisting attacks from any ruler, although the realm of the ancestor of the He family is not weak, she has not paid attention to it.

As long as he left here, forgive the ancestors of this family with great ability, he would not dare to go to his magic palace to make trouble, because it was his base camp.

And this is the first time that Wang Feng begged her to do something. In order to have a better foundation for cooperation with Wang Feng in the future, in fact, she wanted to directly kill the ancestor of the He family to express her sincerity.

It’s just that the Lord of the Devil’s Palace also understands that no one who can become a master does not have two or three brushes. Such a person is very difficult to kill, so her current situation is to kill the opponent if she can kill. The opponent will be blocked here.

This old thing is not thinking about interfering in He's internal affairs.


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