The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1768: Incorporation

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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight chapters


"If you make such a big movement, you should have grabbed this spirit vein, right?" When Wang Feng appeared at Bei Yunxue's residence, Wang Feng heard Bei Yunxue's suspicious voice.

"Sister Xue is the one who knows me. I really grabbed this spiritual vein." Wang Feng said without denying it.

Sooner or later they would know about the destruction of the three sects, so there was nothing he didn't dare to admit. The manly man had to dare to act, the sect was destroyed by Wang Feng, so he didn't have to avoid suspicion.

"You have such a heavy **** smell, did you kill again?" Zisha's Qiong nose sniffed slightly, frowning and said.

"Well, three sects were destroyed." Wang Feng said, before saying: "Our Red Flame Alliance just took root here. Those people don't buy our account, so in order to deter other sects, I can only kill chickens and monkeys. "

"You'd better kill fewer people, you're a dad, so let's accumulate a little bit of yin virtue." At this time, Bei Yunxue said, and did not mean to blame Wang Feng.

Because she knows the cruelty of the cultivation world, if you don't kill others, then the last person to die may be yourself. She just hopes to kill fewer people, because she doesn't want her husband to become a murderer.

"Don't worry, as long as others don't provoke me, I won't kill people casually." Wang Feng said, and then said: "I have something in my hand that can transform my cultivation talents. Sister Xue, please help gather everyone together. , And then I will help you collectively reform."

Longevity Shi Wangfeng still has some in his hands. He left it specifically for his family. Now they have all come to the Red Flame League, so Wang Feng felt that the matter could not be dragged on.

Talents are transformed as soon as possible, because as the age increases, the speed of the cultivator's realm improvement will also decrease. Wang Feng did not expect Sister Xue and the others to cultivate to the point where others need to look up.

But at least they can't stand still, so it's necessary to help them transform their qualifications.

"OK then."

Since it was something beneficial to everyone, Bei Yunxue had no reason to refuse, so she quickly helped Wang Feng call someone there.


After Bei Yunxue left, this Zisha stretched out her arms and hung directly on Wang Feng's shoulders.

Hearing her delicate cry, Wang Feng really felt that his bones were almost crisp, because he hadn't heard this name for a long time.

This is still the name on the earth, and I didn't expect to be called to this heaven by Zisha.

"What's the matter?" Wang Feng asked, looking at Zisha who was close at hand.

"I want to see Nanyu, can you take me out to play?" Zisha asked happily.

"It's okay to play, but not now." Wang Feng said, not really a refusal.

Because some forces will send resources over tomorrow, in order to avoid something happening, Wang Feng must sit here, so how could he leave at this gate.

"Then let's set a time, what do you think?"

"Well, it will take at least one month to help all of you to transform your qualifications. After all your qualifications are transformed, I will take you out to play, which is considered to compensate you."

"Okay." Zisha's face showed a smile when she heard Wang Feng's words, and then she kissed Wang Feng directly.

"you guys……."

I don’t know how long this kiss was. It’s different from the time when Wang Feng and Zi Sha are already monks, so even if they don’t need to breathe, they won’t feel the slightest discomfort, so they forget about this kiss. It took time until Bei Yunxue came back.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There is no formality during the day, and I don’t look at the impact. "Bei Yunxue said strangely.

"What are you afraid of? This is my home. I can do whatever I want. Who would dare to say me?" Wang Feng said old-fashioned.

"Oh, I can't tell you."

"Sister Xue, you are not immune." While speaking, Wang Feng reached out and grabbed, and suddenly Bei Yunxue was also dragged into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

Being held by Wang Feng, this Bei Yunxue exclaimed, but before the tone of the words fell, she made a whimpering sound because her lips had been kissed by Wang Feng.

"Oh, what a shame." At this time, Zi Sha said with a strange yin and yang, causing Bei Yunxue's face to flush.

It's just that Ren Bei Yunxue struggles in front of Wang Feng, it's useless, because her realm is too far from Wang Feng's. Wang Feng doesn't want to let her go, she can't get rid of it anyway.

"How did you get it? It's in the big day." At this moment, there was a movement from the door, and it was Dongling Tianxue and the others who came in.

"What's wrong, I'm an old husband and wife, I'm not afraid." Wang Feng said, and then his figure flashed, and then Dongling Tianxue and the others hadn't realized what was going on. Wang Feng stood in a neat row.

"Don't envy anyone, because you all have a share." Wang Feng said, and then he walked directly towards Dongfang Yuer who was the first in line.

"I kiss you, don't you have any comments?" Looking at Dongfang Yuer, Wang Feng asked.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Dongfang Yuer didn't even mean to speak, and she bowed her head shyly.

"It's useless to be shy. If you can't get away, you still can't get away." Wang Feng laughed, and then he kissed Dongfang Yuer directly.

Here Wang Feng is teasing many of his wives, while in other places, after the heads returned, they began to order the people under his hands to organize resources and then divide the territory.

Because Wang Feng didn't have much time left for them, if one of them was a little late, I'm afraid they would be waiting for them to destroy the door. This is not the scene they want to see.

"Everyone takes this pill first, and then I will start to help you transform your aptitude tomorrow." In the Red Flame League, Wang Feng, who had been intimacy with his wives, did not forget what was going on. He turned his hands and took out many pills. medicine.

This pill has only one effect, that is, it can remove impurities from the body. It is a thirteen class pill.

Such things are not uncommon for Wang Feng, but for Bei Yunxue and the others, the effect of this pill is great, because their strength is only true immortal, what kind of pill to take what kind of pill , With this pill as a foreshadowing, they will be able to transform their qualifications later.

"Enlighten the leader, the subordinates have something to report." At this time, a member of the Red Flame Alliance spoke respectfully outside.

"Needless to say, I already know." Wang Feng said, and then he left here.

Wang Feng had already sensed that someone from outside the Scarlet Flame League had come to him. He didn't expect that the other party's speed would be so fast, so he was afraid of it.

Accompanied by Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng met this head.

This person was one of the people who had been threatened by Wang Feng. He was afraid that his sect would be destroyed by Wang Feng, so after he returned, he quickly ordered people to separate the resources and territory, in order to send Wang Feng as soon as possible.

I was afraid that Wang Feng would change something temporarily, so he rushed over overnight.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Nine Kings." Looking at Wang Feng, the head didn't dare to put on airs, he even spoke with respect.

I don't know what kind of younger brother I thought he was Wang Feng, he didn't look like a master at all.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Did you bring what I need? "Looking at each other, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"Bring it, bring it." The head nodded, then he flipped his hand and took out a large number of space rings, saying: "His Royal Highness, all the resources you need are sorted and installed inside."


"Here is a clerk of land, please have a look." This person respectfully submitted a text book while speaking.

"Don't read it, I already know the content inside." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Also, I am no longer Daozi, please call me the leader of Scarlet Flame."

"Yes." The man nodded, and then said: "Leader Scarlet Flame, I have already submitted what you need. There is no falsehood. I don't know if my school is safe?"

When asked this sentence, he appeared extremely cautious, because he was afraid that Wang Feng would come again with a big lion.

The loss of 20% of the resources is already bleeding for him, and if Wang Feng comes again, he really cannot afford it.

"Well, as long as you follow my intentions, your school will naturally be fine, and as long as you obey our Red Flame League, I can even keep your school in good condition, unless our Red Flame League is destroyed."

"Leader Scarlet Flame, are you trying to win in?" This head is not a fool, he can totally hear that Wang Feng is collecting his school.

"You can think so." Wang Feng nodded.

For the Red Flame League to develop, its footsteps will definitely not be limited to this place, it is just the beginning, so Wang Feng will never allow anyone to stop his footsteps.

Once someone was in front of him, he would kick them away without hesitation.

Squeezing the resources of these sects is just the first step that Wang Feng has just taken. It is imperative to incorporate them in the future. Since this person has been so respectful, then Wang Feng might as well advance the matter of incorporating them.

Anyway, this matter will happen sooner or later.

"What will happen if our school is included by you?"

"I can't guarantee the rest, but as long as my Red Flame Alliance is still a I can guarantee that you will not be destroyed."

"I'm afraid I should go back and think about it, do you think it is okay for the leader of the red flames?"

"Okay, you go." With a wave of his hand, Wang Feng didn't mean to stay with this person for long.

Because the incorporation is not something that can be completed in a short while, the Red Flame Alliance has not yet established itself, and the hastily incorporation may cause some trouble, so this person may go back and consider it.

"Is the collection really feasible?" Hou Zhentian asked at this time.

"Whether it is feasible or not, as long as the person agrees, it will be included." Wang Feng said, there is no doubt about it.

"But our Red Flame Alliance does not have a real foothold right now. To take them in, I am afraid it will be difficult to control." Hou Zhentian frowned and said.

"Who said to take them in?"

"Didn't you just mean this?"

"Incorporating them is just to change them into the peripheral forces of our Red Flame League. The real core still needs our own development. They are equivalent to the handymen in those mansions. Do you understand what I said?"

"You mean to use them?"

"Life itself is constantly using, if they don't even have any use value, there is no need to exist." Wang Feng said with a smile.

"I found that you will definitely have a great future if you become those koo-headed sergeants." Hou Zhentian said.

"Being a dog-headed military officer, I don't have the idle time. I think this position is more suitable for you." Wang Feng said, and then he left here with a big laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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