The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1777: Daozi shot

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Daozi shot

Chapter one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven

Daozi shot

Author: Chi Yan hymns ← → download:

Feeling the pressure from the other side, Wang Feng's expression also moved slightly. The top figure of this legendary organization is really powerful, although the sword light he just hacked out is extremely domineering.

But under his twelve free hands, he actually cannibalized the sword light bit by bit, which is extremely rare.

For a long time, the power of Wang Feng's sword was obvious to all. Whether it was the pinnacle of the king or the Daoists such as the Eight Kings, they could hardly stop the attack of the sword.

But at the moment, the lord of this legendary organization used a strange palm technique to annihilate the sword light that Wang Feng had slashed out.

"Come again!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, he cut out a sword again.

It is the master's ability to be able to block a sword, but Wang Feng can now cut far more than one sword. He doesn't believe that this master can block the sword light of the war sword infinitely.

"Can it break out?"

Seeing that the sword light with death crisis struck again, the complexion of this lord became extremely ugly.

Don't think he can just resolve Wang Feng's sword light, but he himself understands that he used at least four of Xiaoyao's twelve hands in order to resolve that sword light.

In other words, he resisted this sword light at most three times. Once he crossed this limit, his life would be in danger.

"What are you trying to do, don't shàngqù quickly kill him."

Just then the lord spoke, and all the members of the legendary organization around him all reacted.

The reason why they suffered heavy casualties before was completely because they were threatened by the war sword, and there were many kings who were above the realm of Wang Feng, so they wanted to kill Wang Feng.

As long as Jianguang could not threaten them, Wang Feng might suffer severe injuries or even death.

"I think it's better to withdraw." Seeing that all of these legendary organizations were surrounded, the turtle shell said.

As the saying goes, heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. People from these legendary organizations deceive others. Tortoise shells don’t want to see Wang Feng suffer. After all, Wang Feng’s realm is still too low for these people. As long as he avoids this blast, Wang Feng will be at any time. You can find them to take revenge.

It's just that this time the people of the legendary organization appear so together, how can Wang Feng retreat, since he wants to kill, then he must kill them completely, as long as they are all destroyed here, it is a big deal in Wang Feng's heart. A piece of heart disease.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to retreat now.

Anyway, he has a glass green lotus tree protector, but he wants kànkàn whether he can afford it or the people of these legendary organizations can afford it.

Single to Shan Wangfeng is not afraid, he is not afraid of group attacks, so he is completely speaking again as a winner.

"What do you do so stubbornly." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell became a little anxious.

Since they can resolve Jianguang once, they can resolve the second time. The other party is completely prepared.

"Don't worry, I know what I do. If I'm not sure about destroying them, I won't show up." Wang Feng said, and then he took a deep breath and swung the sword again. Up.

With the burst of cell power in his body, coupled with the power amplitude of the Sun-Moon Battle Soul, the power that Wang Feng burst out at this moment was simply shocking.

Even if the lord of this legendary organization finally succeeded in resolving Wang Feng’s sword light, he himself suffered a serious injury. He saw his footsteps’ stepping back a few steps, and the corners of his mouth were all A trace of blood spilled.

Dissolving Jianguang is not easy for him.

"The legendary Nine Sacred Artifacts are really powerful." Looking at the war sword in Wang Feng's hand, the lord only felt his eyes hot. Wang Feng can only rely on this war sword to fight him with the king's first heavy day. If he can seize this thing, then in the future, this king's world is not that he can walk sideways.

Therefore, even if he paid a huge price today, he would leave Wang Feng's life here.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once it is missed, the ghost knows if they have a chance to kill Wang Feng next time.

"Since you know how great, then you should understand that you can't leave here alive today." With the help of the light shield of the glass green lotus tree, blocking the attack of more than twenty killers in an instant, Wang Feng swung a sword again.

Moreover, under this sword, Wang Feng swung another sword in succession. Since the opponents and these people have already started fighting with him to death, there is no need for Wang Feng to hide anything.

Even if they paid the price of physical exhaustion at this moment, Wang Feng didn't want to give them any chance to resist, because once this zhàndǒu drags on, he will definitely suffer in the end.

After all, he is still weak in this king, so dragging it on will not do him any good.

The continuous explosion of the two swords made Wang Feng present a scene of a great collapse in the void.

Under such circumstances, this legendary organization suffered heavy casualties, and more than ten killers were too late to resist the power of this sword, and their bodies were smashed into pieces.

Not only them, but even the lord of this legendary organization changed his face under this sword.

Because he didn't expect that Wang Feng could still burst out such attacks continuously, which made him feel a little caught off guard.

Can block a sword because he has enough time, but now two sword lights are coming one after another, he can block the first one, can he also block the second?

"You go."

With a thought, the lord of this legendary organization directly threw a subordinate at Wang Feng's sword light.

It was as easy as cutting a piece of paper. This assassin was split into two directly after touching the sword light. He almost fell before he could even make a scream.

"Xiaoyao Twelve Hands." There was another roar in his mouth. The lord of this legendary organization did not hesitate. He exploded the rest of his magical power.

Because he understands that once he hides himself, it is very likely that his fate will be the same as the one just now, without a dead body.

"Do you think you can stop it"?

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, and then he held the war sword and swung a sword again.

Just like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, under this sword, the lord of this legendary organization finally could not stop Wang Feng's sword light, his Xiaoyao twelve hands were forcibly broken, and his whole person They all vomited blood and flew upside down, like a kite with a broken wire.

"The Lord!"

Seeing this scene i, all the people in the legendary organization made yelling sounds, because they didn't expect the Lord to fail like this.

Wasn't he still able to withstand the sword light before? Why doesn't it work now?

"From the beginning of Nirvana, your broken organization has been targeting me. If you don't teach you some lessons, do you really think I'm in a muddle?"

There was a sneer in his mouth, and Wang Feng directly used the extremely fast instant kill to kill the lord of this legendary organization.

"help me."

A strong life and death crisis shrouded in his heart, and the lord of this legendary organization shouted directly.


Almost at the moment he spoke, the void burst, and a finger like a mountain was pressed out of the void.

At the moment this finger appeared, Wang Feng sensed a strong sense of crisis, but he had a war sword in his hand, even if he encountered Daozi, he was not afraid, so he swung a sword directly.


An indifferent voice came from the void, and after facing Wang Feng's sword, the finger pressed it without hesitation.


The fingers burst into an unimaginable roar against the sword light. Under Wang Feng's shocked gaze, the sword light of the sword was annihilated, but the finger was only swept out with a blood stain, and even the skin was cut.

"Not leaving yet?"

The roaring sound came from the void, and then the lord of the legendary organization did not hesitate at all, he turned and left.

It is obviously impossible for the legendary organization to stay in the Kings Realm for such a long time without being destroyed. It is obviously impossible to rely on this lord alone, and there is actually a backing behind him.

If there is no such backer, the things they organize to do alone will be enough for many forces to neutralize them.


It is no longer possible to deal with Wang Feng. He is already defeated in Wang Feng's hands. He will not be able to gain any benefits if he continues to fight. Therefore, there is only one thing he can do now, and that is to try to save his life.

Only by saving his life can he continue to plan to kill Wang Feng. Once he dies, he will have no chance at all.

"Want to go?"

Seeing the master of the legendary organization walk away, Wang Feng sneered, and then his figure flashed away with the help of extremely fast instant kill.

When he appeared in the void again, he was already in front of the Lord of the Legendary Organization.

"It's just that you have always wanted to kill me, and today I will avenge this." Wang Feng said, and then his sword slashed towards this person. ,

It's just that with Wang Feng's shot, that finger also reflected xùnsù. When the sword was swung out, the finger had already appeared in front of the lord of this legendary organization.

It can be seen that the owner behind this finger must protect this legendary organization today.

People who can have this kind of combat power can only be born in Daozi. It is unexpected that this legendary organization has such a hole card. No wonder they can deal with themselves unscrupulously.

"Wang Feng, let me warn you that there are some people you can't provoke. You'd better retreat wisely, or I don't mind teaching you a lesson today." An overbearing voice came from the void, causing Wang Feng to sneer. stand up.

"Don't you think it is ridiculous that a person who dare not even show his face even said this to me?"

"Just because you are not qualified enough to know who I am." Hearing Wang Feng's words, an indifferent voice came back from the sky again.

"Daozi, do you think you can hide from me? Unexpectedly, you are the person behind this legendary organization. I underestimated you."

"Since you know it's me, then you'd better let them go, otherwise no one will look good in the end."

Seeing that Wang Feng had already recognized himself, there was no concealment in this avenue, he walked out of the void.

In fact, it was a fluke for Wang Feng to recognize Daozi. The last time he was in Chishuiguan, he had seen Daozi make a shot and heard his voice. If not, how could Wang Feng recognize him.

In the eyes of many people, Daozi is recognized as the strongest, but Wang Feng has witnessed him being bullied by the Lord of the Demon Palace. Therefore, Wang Feng does not hàipà him, because there is a person who can be defeated by the Lord of the Demon Palace. It is certainly not invincible in itself.

Wang Feng wants to kill the lord of this legendary organization, no one can stop it!

Not even a great way!

Please remember our website for chapter 177 of the novel: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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