The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1786: Yuanjia Road is narrow

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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters

Although Wang Feng's eyes were closed, his heavenly eyes were always paying attention to Ye Sheng's movements, and even what Ye Sheng and the old man said, Wang Feng could judge by his mouth.

It can be seen that the matter of this ancient tomb should be true, and he does not need to find an excuse to deceive himself.

It's just that Wang Feng really hasn't figured out how dangerous this is.

Fighting power Wang Feng may not be Dao Zi's opponent, but Wang Feng can cope with these second generation ancestors and eight kings, so Wang Feng is not afraid of them.

But the only thing he was worried about was the threat of the Sea Clan. There were so many Sea Clan monks. Once the Sea Emperor ordered to deal with him, Wang Feng might not be able to escape the siege by then, so he really needs to think about it.

Wang Feng left here silently, he needed to consider this matter before giving Ye Sheng an answer.

The next day, Wang Feng arrived in the attic on time, but Ye Sheng and his servants had already been waiting here.

"Brother Wang is indeed a punctual person, I have seen it below." Seeing Wang Feng appear, a smile appeared on Ye Sheng's face.

"Unexpectedly, you came so early." Wang Feng said, and then he didn't wait for Ye Sheng's invitation. He sat directly opposite Ye Sheng, looking at him quietly like this.

"I wonder what Brother Wang thought about last night?" Ye Sheng asked.

"It has been considered." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I can accept your invitation, but as a condition, we need to sign a contract."

"What contract?" Ye Sheng's expression changed when he heard Wang Feng's words.

Because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so difficult, he said that he agreed to sign a contract, which obviously did not trust him.

"It's not an important contract either. Both parties will make an oath. I promise to go, and you have to promise that you won't count on me, so that I can rest assured."

"OK then."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Ye Sheng changed his mind and thought about it. It was indeed the same thing.

Wang Feng didn’t know him at all. It’s quite normal for people to distrust him. If it’s him, maybe he would click on △③small △③ and say, .⊕.o☆s_; will choose to and Wang Feng did this.

In this way, both of them made a poisonous oath, as long as one party violates the oath, then they will suffer the vows.

It is important to know that the more monks cultivate to the later stage, the more they are affected by the Great Dao. Often some poisonous oaths can affect their future cultivation, so generally those who take the oath will not violate it, because they know it will become The demons in their hearts.

If this were not the case, the lord of the legendary organization would not be so crazy to chase Wang Feng. After all, he would do so crazy for his future practice. If there is no oath, the ghost wants to continue to deal with Wang Feng.

"How long does it take to leave?" Wang Feng asked.

"Don't worry about this, I still need to contact other people before we can set off."

"Then just let me know when I'm leaving." Wang Feng said, and then he threw a talisman into Ye Sheng's hand.

"it is good."

Seeing Wang Feng's agreement, Ye Sheng finally breathed a long sigh of relief and grabbed a Wang Feng. They were more confident about exploring the ancient tomb. This was a good thing.

With his servants, Ye Sheng quickly left here.

Finding Wang Feng still used a special channel, so next he will look for other helpers.

"I'm afraid there is fraud in this." After Ye Sheng left, the sound of the tortoise shell sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

Although he has no cultivation base, this does not mean that he is truly stupid. He also has his own wisdom, and he is not low.

"It doesn't matter if there is a fraud. As the so-called wealth is in danger, since he dares to come to me, then I dare to agree, and even if there are traps, it should be easy for me to get out."

The Southern Territory is not a Heavenly Pass. Everything covered here is the rules of the avenue, so as long as Wang Feng is willing, he can leave here with teleportation at any time.

With this in mind, it is very easy for Wang Feng to get away, even these people don't even want to catch up with him.

Without going anywhere, Wang Feng stayed in this city. When he was fine, he would look around, or he would just hang around in the shops selling elixir medicines, so Wang Feng spent a peaceful half here. Months.

Half a month later, his talisman was lit up, and Ye Sheng finally heard news.

"Two days later, the Forbidden Sea is conspiring on a major event." This is the news that Ye Sheng passed to Wang Feng, which made Wang Feng show a trace of longing.

Since it is an ancient tomb that has been passed down for a long time, there must be treasures in it. What can I get if I go out this time?

Relying on his own advantages, Wang Feng quickly came to the beach of the Forbidden Sea. When Wang Feng appeared, the people waiting here widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color.

You should know that they saw Ye Sheng send a message to Wang Feng with their own eyes. Even if Wang Feng used the teleportation array, he couldn't get here so soon, right?

"Brother Wang, did you teleport here?" Looking at Wang Feng, Ye Sheng asked in surprise.

"Hehe, you think too much." Wang Feng shook his head, how could he admit that it was teleportation, he just said: "I happen to be near here, so I came here after hearing your message."

"So that's it." They didn't hesitate when they heard Wang Feng's words, because Wang Feng's teleportation was very well hidden, and basically no one knew about it.

And they would not have thought that Wang Feng really had teleport. After all, such abilities were basically only possessed by the dominion. Wang Feng was only in the king's realm, so how could he teleport.

So they reluctantly accepted Wang Feng's explanation.

"Brother Wang, you haven't seen you for such a long time, your style remains the same." Just then a voice came, and when he looked up, Wang Feng found that it was Dong Jun who was speaking.

This person met Wang Feng in Peicheng last time. It happened that Wang Feng was in a bad mood, so he also repaired the other party's subordinates. Now that he saw him again, Wang Feng felt embarrassed.

"You beat your guard last time, don't you mind?" Looking at Dong Jun, Wang Feng said.

"What are you talking about? Those guards are no more than a dog I raised. They beat him as soon as he hits him. Moreover, he himself spoke badly first, no wonder." Dong Jun smiled slightly, his attitude is not bad.

Because from the beginning to the end, he never thought about having trouble with Wang Feng, so now that Wang Feng gave him steps, he naturally went on the road all at once.

"Several people, don't you plan to introduce yourself?" Ye Sheng said to the other second generation ancestors at this moment.

"My name is Wu Yang, and I am glad to meet you." A young man said, although he was politely greeting you, but when he said he was happy to meet you, he didn't even stretch out his hand. It can be seen that he is still very aloof Wang Feng did not bother to shake hands with him.

"I'm Kong Shaoyuan." At this time, another fat-looking young man said, and then he stretched out his hands and firmly grasped Wang Feng's palm.

Seeing that he was so excited, Wang Feng was a little surprised. He didn't seem to know this fat guy, right? Is he like this?

If it weren't for his clear eyes, Wang Feng would doubt if he wanted to find himself.

"He is the cousin of Rank Nine Emperor." Ye Sheng said at this time, telling the origin of this fat man.

The people who were present at the Nine Revolutions knew it well, and even Wang Feng knew it, because he had personally met the Nine Revolutions at the time, this fat man could not have thought that he was related to the Nine Revolutions, but his identity was amazing.

Originally, this Kong Shaoyuan was not qualified to stand with the people present, because young people such as Ye Sheng were basically direct descendants of those giants, with the exception of Kong Shaoyuan.

Because he is just the cousin of the Nine Revolutionary Emperor, in terms of identity, he shouldn't be here.

But the blame is that the Nine Ranks Great Emperor valued Kong Shaoyuan very much, and treated him as if he were his own nephew, so he slowly became confused.

If there is no Rank Nine Emperor to support him, how could he appear here today.

When Wang Feng rushed to the ladder, the Emperor of Rank Nine was particularly optimistic about him. The person who broke his own record was certainly not the general generation, so from then on, the Emperor of Rank Nine reminded his nephew, as long as he had the opportunity to make friends. Wang Feng must not let it go.

That's why there is this scene now. It is obviously only the first time to meet, but this Kong Shaoyuan's attitude is a bit surprising.

Although he is not a direct line of the giant, but through his previous performances, he should not be this kind of person, right?

Just behave like this as soon as we meet, shouldn't his head be showy?

"Hehe, nice to meet you."

As the saying goes, no matter what the fat guy is doing, he doesn't hit the smiley. Since he really makes friends, Wang Feng won't shut him out.

Now this place is different from Peicheng at the beginning. At the beginning, he was eager to find Guan Fu, so he didn't fight with Dong Jun. Now that the dust has settled, Wang Feng is also time to consider these things.

In life, some relationships are necessary. These people almost all represent the supreme. There is no harm to them. Therefore, Wang Feng is still very polite.

"I said, brother, don't you need to hold hands for so long?" After about five breaths of time, he saw that the fat man hadn't thrown his palms Feng reminded him.

"Oh, hehe, I'm too happy to forget it." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Kong Shaoyuan smiled, and then he released Wang Feng's palm.

"I'm Ji Ming." At this time, the last young man in white said, his face was cold and he didn't mean to befriend Wang Feng at all.

His face was almost like the Xuanbing that hasn't changed for ten thousand years, as if no one would enter.

"He is the grandson of the Ji family." Ye Sheng explained in a low voice at this time.

He speaks in a very low voice, and it can be seen that he is very jealous of this person. The Ji family has a long history and no one knows how long they have existed.

As for the Ji’s Supreme, it’s even more terrifying. He can be said to be one of the oldest Supremes in the heavens. No one knows how long he has lived. Generally speaking, this Ji Ming is among the five people present. The most unfathomable.

"Haha, I'm glad to meet the five of you. Next, we will work together to strive for everyone to get the opportunity they deserve." Wang Feng laughed, and then stopped talking.

Because he noticed the light flickering in the sky, a monk was coming here quickly.

Just looking at this person, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, because he didn't expect that the eight kings would also come to join in the fun.

Hasn't he forgotten the miserable defeat in the kingdom of kings by his own hands?

"Unexpectedly, you came so quickly." Before the people arrived, the voice of the Eight Kings had passed.

It's just that when the Eight Kings saw that Wang Feng was here, his expression was as wonderful as it was. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

The best perspective

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters

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