The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1801: Climbing the giant tower

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Chapter 1801 Climbing the Tower

Climbing the giant tower

Chapter one thousand eight hundred and one

Climbing the giant tower

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This new world is rapidly taking shape, but just when Wang Feng felt that all this was very strange, suddenly a tyrannical aura began to appear in this world.

Wang Feng saw a huge monster condensed from the void with his own eyes, and they came straight to Wang Feng with savage faces.

Before the monster arrived, a stinking smell was already rushing toward him, causing Wang Feng's brows to be slightly frowned. Isn't this the first level to kill these monsters?


There was a huge roar, and Wang Feng raised his hand and blasted out with a punch. This was Broken Star Fist.

With a punch, the violent power exploded in front of Wang Feng, and this monster was directly blown up. It was not of the same grade at all.

Only one monster was killed, and there are more to come. At this moment, there are all such monsters in the sky, and there is no end in sight.

"so much?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp, but it was just the effort to kill a monster, and the number of these monsters simply increased sharply.

Almost subconsciously, Wang Feng wanted to take out his war sword, because in the face of such a group attack, the war sword could definitely clear them out in a very short time.

What Wang Feng didn't expect was that when he wanted to take his sword, he found that his space ring could not be opened.

The connection between him and his ring seemed to have been directly interrupted at this moment, which immediately changed Wang Feng's expression.

It's no wonder that few people in the tower were able to go to a higher level in the past, and the use of space rings is prohibited here.

"Oh shit."

Screaming in his mouth, Wang Feng scolded the person who had introduced him to the Tianyou Pagoda before, and ran to him where he stayed, but he did not tell him about such an important matter. This time, he was stumbled. .

If he had known such a thing long ago, he should take out his war sword in advance.

This is all right, Wang Feng's combat power without a sword will drop to a freezing point. How does this make him break into the tower of the sky?

"It looks like the only thing I can rely on now is my own hands." Looking down at his hands, Wang Feng directly blasted the Broken Star Fist.

Because at this moment, a monster has already rushed up, once he does not resist, his fate can be imagined.

Even if he didn't have a war sword, Wang Feng would still go to the secluded tower of this day.

It's already here. It's not Wang Feng's character to look back at this time, so even if he bites his head, he has to rush.

More than one monster surrounded him, so at this time, Wang Feng's best use was the group attack technique.

The space ring cannot be opened, which means that Wang Feng cannot use the war sword, nor can he use his own medicine for recovery, so he needs to test everything now.

Seeing more and more monsters surrounding him, he directly exploded his own Sun Bible.

A terrifying flame exploded from his body at this moment. Under such a hot temperature, these monsters that rushed up were almost instantly roasted into coke.

The rich smell of meat mixed with burnt smell filled Wang Feng's breath, and a massacre was unfolding here.

Here Wang Feng was blocked by these monsters, but some people with quasi-evil-i have now rushed into the second dimension, just like those Daozi.

As Taoists, people such as the Four Kings can reach levels that many people can’t reach, just like this Tianyou Pagoda. Although they have not gone through it, they have long been related to the Tianyou Pagoda. It has already been figured out, so under this kind of prepared situation, it is reasonable for them to quickly pass the first level.

It's a pity that Wang Feng was fooled this time, otherwise he has already stepped onto the second floor.

Carrying an astonishing flame forward, as long as all the monsters near Wang Feng died tragically, they did not survive at all.

Regarding the realm, the monster realm here is probably only the appearance of the king's first heaven, and the king's second heaven is rare.

Presumably the strength of these monsters evolved according to the monk's own realm, otherwise how could this breakthrough be fair.

Under the explosion of the Sun Bible, Wang Feng finally passed the first level in about ten minutes. Compared with him, he has reached the third level faster, and his name is inconspicuous in it.

Even people who noticed him automatically ignored him, because if Wang Feng, whose name shines in the heavens, came to this Heavenly Tower, he would definitely be in the forefront. After the person, who will spend time paying attention to him.

After passing the first level, Wang Feng went directly to the second level through a teleportation array.

When his body appeared on the second floor of the tower on this day, a majestic power directly fell on him, and the power he had previously consumed was being replenished. Perceiving such a change, Wang Feng suddenly relaxed. Take a breath.

Fortunately, each layer can have the power to recover, otherwise, who can stand it if the fighting continues like this?

Standing here to restore his strength to the peak, Wang Feng took a deep breath, and he stepped out of the teleportation formation in one step.

It was almost the same as on the first floor. When his body was revealed, this chaotic space began to change. First, flowers, trees and rivers appeared, and then the monsters that Wang Feng needed to kill appeared.

Through the first layer, Wang Feng has already figured out how to break through the level. Only when all these monsters are killed by the monks will the teleportation formation appear.

This is like playing a game, as long as you kill all the monsters, the NPC that leads to the next level will appear.

Looking at these monsters that turned out, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, he chose to attack first.

Compared with the first level, the monsters here are obviously going to be stronger and horizontal. Here, the king of the second heaven monsters occupy the majority. This is a swap with the monsters in the first level. The monsters are stronger and weaker. .

It was still the sun's bible exploding fā, Wang Fengguang used the terrible temperature of the real fire of the sun to forcibly kill all these monsters, leaving none.

Looking at the teleportation formation that appeared, Wang Feng stepped into it in one step.

At this time, others had quickly reached the fourth floor of Tianyou Tower.

"Looking at this speed, it is estimated that someone will rush to the ninth floor this time." Outside the Tianyou Pagoda, a cultivator spoke, and everyone was watching the changes on the list.

The person in the front row is naturally among the six Daozi. The fastest runner is the two kings. This person became Daozi after the Daozi. After so many years of cultivation, he has long been unfathomable.

No one knows what level he has reached. Although the ranking among the nine avenues cannot be used as a comparison of the final combat power, it can be used as a reference.

This is like Daozi, he is the first to become Daozi, so his combat power is the strongest among all Daozi, it is definitely not an exaggeration.

According to this comparison, it is not unreasonable that these two kings can run in the forefront.

Behind Daozi, Kong Shaoyuan and other young talents did not lag behind. They were basically on the third floor of Tianyou Tower.

Although they did not participate in the battle for the position of the aisle sequence, they are all the supreme relatives after all, and they can be much stronger than ordinary people based on their blood.

And they usually have strong guidance in their cultivation, and they are actually very strong, but they don't show up or show water.

Just like that Ji Ming, if he hadn't been framed by Wang Feng this time, he might have appeared here too. Once he exerted his power, whether the two kings could be the first would be two different things.

So this Taoist is glamorous on the surface, but these second generation ancestors are not necessarily weak.

"It seems that you only need to kill these monsters if you want to break the level."

When Wang Feng appeared in the third level, he immediately understood the rules of the tower of the day, killing monsters continuously, and then rising continuously.

As long as the strength of the monk is strong enough, it is not a dream to go to a higher level.

"Someone has gone up to the fifth floor." Outside the Tianyou Pagoda, some monks spoke, and they saw that the ranking of the second king directly rushed to the fifth floor of the Tianyou Pagoda.

"As long as you get to the fifth floor, you can get the insight of the real way. Are these two kings able to attack the master?" Someone said, his tone was full of envy.

People like the Second King can’t find a few in the entire heavens, so even if they are envious, it's useless. Who makes them less talented than others.

Through the killing, Wang Feng finally reached the fourth floor, and as he reached the fourth floor, the two kings of the family had already slew to the sixth floor.

The gap has been revealed at this moment.

However, Tianyou Pagoda does not mean that you can get benefits quickly. In the end, it depends on who gets through more levels to get the corresponding reward.

The fourth level is a threshold relative to many monks. At least more than 80% of the monks who enter the Tianyou Pagoda are eliminated by the Tianyou Pagoda in the fourth level, so those who can enter the fourth level are already There is not much left.

Wang Feng's name has also entered the eyes of everyone, because the remaining people on this list are less than two hundred, and it is understandable for others to notice him.

"Should this Wang Feng be the one in the Heavenly Pass?" someone asked, with a slightly surprised tone.

"How can there be such a coincidence, there are so many people in the heavens called Wang Feng, who knows if this Wang Feng is that Wang Feng, and if Wang Feng really wants to come to this Heavenly Tower, do you think his ranking will be like this?"

"That's true." Hearing this, many people nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of many people, Wang Feng's reputation is very strong, regardless of his personal strength Since he can have such a reputation, then the corresponding Wang Feng must have some means.

So if he will come here, he will definitely be in front.

It can only be said that this kind of psychology misled all of them, and no one knew that the Wang Feng inside was the person they were talking to.

"I heard that Wang Feng has been in serious trouble recently, and I don't know where he went." Someone spoke, thinking of what happened in the heavens recently.

In order to hunt down Wang Feng, the Ji family has posted a reward list. As long as anyone can provide his information, they can get a lot of rewards from their Ji family. It is just that after searching for such a long time, the Ji family has not received any useful news. , This Wang Feng is like the world has evaporated, they can't find it.

"The seventh floor."

After about half an hour passed, the names of those two kings finally rushed into the seventh floor of Tianyou Pagoda, and at this time, Wang Feng had just reached the fifth floor.

Only after stepping out of the teleportation array from the fourth to the fifth floor, Wang Feng felt a natural aura descending into his body. At this moment, he not only felt the shackles of his realm, but also felt himself. Suddenly, his mind became extremely clear at this moment.

If one word is used to describe his current state, then Daigo initiation is more appropriate.

"Dao Dao sentiment?" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he closed his eyes directly, because there were not many opportunities for such insights, he had to hurry up—

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Chapter 1801 Climbing the Tower

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