The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3021: get together

     "Since it's a party, you can go alone, your Highness, why do you want to take me?" Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

     "You are now the second person in my mansion, and you are also a general of the empire. You are also a young genius. To put it bluntly, this is a meeting of young geniuses. You are fully qualified to participate."

     "But my cultivation is only in the blood **** realm, I'm afraid it is not qualified?" Wang Feng said embarrassedly.

     "You don't have to worry about this, I'm dignified, if I can't even take a person, then I might as well die if I live, just go with me, just take you to the world."

     "In that case, all right." Wang Feng reluctantly agreed.

     In fact, when he said this sentence, Wang Feng's heart was doing his own calculation. He would meet these people sooner or later, so this opportunity just allowed him to get to know the young people in this empire.

     They are all the future of this empire. If Wang Feng can kill these young people, in the long run, it will be a blow to this empire.

     The person who can mix with this Su Yao must be of a different identity, so Wang Feng must go to see this party.

     is just that he can't express himself very much, otherwise it would be too obvious, so he finally used a reluctant expression, pretending not to want to go.

     I have to say that Wang Feng felt that he was a bit cheap, but in order to deceive Su Yao, Wang Feng had to do this.

     "Let’s make a deal like this. Tomorrow morning you will come directly to the hall where we usually discuss things and wait for me, and I will take you out."


     Wang Feng nodded, and then watched Su Yao leave here.

"Interesting, I don't know that I can't find a way to open the current situation. I didn't expect this Su Yao to be delivered to the door by himself. It is really hungry that someone will come to deliver food." Wang Feng said, his face also Can't help but smile.

The next day, Wang Feng really came to Su Yao’s usual meeting hall early in the morning. In this place, Wang Feng saw Su Yao. He was ready to go. He was dressed in a golden robe and looked shiny. It is the dragon and the phoenix among the people.

     If someone saw him like this, he would definitely praise him, but Wang Feng didn't say a word, because it was disgusting to praise him like that. He is a man, not a woman, so naturally there is no need to praise Su Yao.

     "You are not dressed up?"

     Seeing that Wang Feng is still wearing yesterday's clothes, Su Yao is a little surprised.

     You must know that this gathering is a very high-profile gathering. Most of the people who can enter are people with status and status. Wang Feng just wears this way to enter. Isn't it shameful to him?

     "This is simple."

Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng changed his body. In an instant, the pure black shirt on his body turned into a pure white robe. With Wang Feng's upright figure, his aura suddenly became like a sharp sword. It's different.

"That's pretty good." Seeing Wang Feng's changes, Su Yao's face showed satisfaction. Although Wang Feng is his subordinate, Wang Feng's appearance and body are all first-class, if he doesn't say Wang Feng It is his own subordinate, I am afraid that others would think that Wang Feng is the same son as him.

     "I have never participated in such a banquet before, and I hope that your Highness can provide more cover for me."

     "This is no problem, with me, none of them dare to embarrass you."

     "Thank you." Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng said with a fist at him.

     "Let's go."

The location of the      banquet was set in a prestigious restaurant in the imperial city. It is said that eating and drinking in this restaurant can consume at least one hundred monks' resources for one year of cultivation, which shows its luxury.

     Ordinary monks can't afford to come to this place at all, so they can only look forward to it.

    , only the rich and powerful brothers like Su Yao can set up a banquet inside.

     "The hall is down."

     Su Yao was walking along the street with Wang Feng, but before they reached the door of this restaurant, a young man at the door suddenly saw Su Yao and ran all the way to greet him.

     "Your Highness, we can look forward to you for a long time." Looking at Su Yao, this person said with a big smile.

Although they are also the younger brothers, they are obviously not at the same level as Su Yao's level. Behind them is supported by your majesty. No matter how powerful the people behind them are, they are only ministers of the empire, and they are not even as good as this Su Yao, so when Su Yao came, this person naturally put his identity extremely low.

     Su Yao can only draw in, never offend, this is the consensus of all of them.

     "Are everyone here?" Su Yao asked calmly at this time.

     "Not yet." The man shook his head, then he set his gaze on Wang Feng and asked, "Your Highness, I wonder if this one is?"

     people who can come with Su Yao together must not have a low status, so when this young man looks at Wang Feng, there is a trace of respect in his eyes. After all, he doesn't want to offend anyone.

     "He is the twentieth general of our empire, appointed by this king." Su Yao said.

     "It turned out to be General Wang."

     Hearing Su Yao's words, the smile on this person's face suddenly increased, and there was no reason for Wang Feng's cultivation base to belittle Wang Feng.

     Because now Wang Feng is the celebrity beside Su Yao, who would dare to be disrespectful to him?

     It is said that this general helped solve the last time an official was killed, so offending him is tantamount to offending Su Yao. There is no good fruit.

     Although few people knew Wang Feng, there were quite a few people who knew about the new generals of the empire. So at this moment, as soon as Su Yao introduced him, this person immediately responded.

     "I can't see him when I hear it. I didn't expect General Wang to be such a young man. It is indeed the blessing of our empire." This person slapped Wang Feng.

     "I'm overwhelmed." Hearing this, Wang Feng smiled slightly, but he didn't put on airs, because he was not Su Yao, so there was no air to put on.

     What's more, Wang Feng didn't know what was going on here, so he couldn't mess around.

     There are so many masters coming and going in this place, and Wang Feng didn't dare to use his own heavenly eyes, because he was afraid that someone would notice when he used the heavenly eyes, so he could only act by ear.

     "His Royal Highness, you see that I have been talking to you, and I forgot to invite you in."

     said that this person here quickly stepped aside and said: "Your Highness, General Wang, please come inside."

     "Just follow me for a while, don't run around." Su Yao whispered beside Wang Feng at this time.

     "Yes." Wang Feng nodded, but made no mistake.

Under the guidance of a small servant, Wang Feng and Su Yao quickly reached the top loft of the restaurant through the stairs. This place is not open to the public on weekdays, perhaps only a group of young people like them. It is possible to rent this place temporarily, but usually many people can't come to this place.

     When Wang Feng and Su Yao came to this place, they were singing and dancing, and several beautiful singers and dancers were dancing in the middle of the hall. The scene looked very lively.

     "Your Highness is down."

     At this time, the sharp-eyed people saw Su Yao coming in, and suddenly made a sound.


     Hearing this, another voice sounded, and the singing and dancing suddenly stopped. Everyone looked at Su Yao.

     "What do you stop doing? Don't disturb everyone's yaxing because of me, I think this song and dance is quite interesting, go on." Su Yao said, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

     It's just that Wang Feng knows that he is completely pretending, because this guy is a very cruel person in his bones, and maybe only on such occasions can he put away his heart and show others with another look.

     singing and dancing continued, but at this time, everyone didn't have the heart to watch it again, and they all got up and walked towards Su Yao and the others.

     "This is the benefit of identity."

     Everyone is centered on Su Yao, and Wang Feng couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

     The feeling of being in a high position has already been felt by Wang Feng, and he has even experienced the feeling of being an emperor, so he does not envy Su Yao.

What kind of status and position he has, he has to bear corresponding responsibilities, just like Wang Feng, when the heavens are about to be destroyed, although he becomes the first person in the world and is admired by countless people, his responsibility is also great. It is to save people.

     Su Yao looks very glorious now, but behind this glorious, some hardships may not be known, so what can Wang Feng envy?

     "His Royal Highness, we haven't seen each other for a long time." At this time, a woman spoke, picked up two glasses of wine, and directly handed one to Su Yao.

     Her voice is very nice, and there is a fragrant breeze. Her voice seems to have some magical power, and people can't help but get close to her.

     It's a pity that the people present are all extraordinary people, and even the cultivation base is very high, so basically no one is affected by her.

     "It's been a long time since I met."

     took the wine from the opponent, Su Yao replied.

     "How is your father?" Su Yao asked at this moment.

     "Thanks to your highness, my father is fine now."

     "Yuji, all of us are still waiting, don't take your Highness alone." At this time, a young man roared.

     "Yes, who doesn't know that you have deep roots in your Highness, but you have to consider how we people feel."

     "I will not eat this wave of dog food."

     Young people are So Yu Ji couldn’t help but flushed. After all, it’s a bit embarrassing to be told face to face about the love of children.

     "Don't make any noise." Seeing everyone making a fuss, Su Yao's face became cold at this time, and the scene was immediately calmed down.

After the noisy voice subsided, Su Yao set his sights on Yu Ji and said: "Yuji, I know you are interested in me, but I advise you to dismiss this idea as soon as possible. I don't have anything to accept now. Concubine's thoughts, my path can't accommodate these."

     can see that Su Yao still cares about this Yu Ji, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to get angry at this time.

What Su Yao said is very clear. It is not that he doesn't want to talk about the love of his children, but he has important things to do. After all, he is still just a prince, not even a prince. How can he think about it? .

     So it’s almost the same to wait for everything to settle down before considering it.

     "It doesn't matter, I can wait." Yu Ji spoke, and then lowered her head.

"What an infatuated woman." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel sorry for this woman, because Su Yao is by his side now, this person Wang Feng will not let him live, so The two of them will not have any good results after all.


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