The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3024: 1 stroke

     "You haven't seen General Wang's power at all, so how can you make a conclusion so early?" Su Yao sneered, and then he stopped talking, instead focusing on this big bowl.

The brawny man has already rushed into the black mist of Wang Feng. This black mist looks like a devil to everyone. The only person who knows the inside story is probably only Su Yao. He had seen Wang Feng's black mist before. The fog was so severe that it was completely poisoning the monks one after another.

     This brawny man is unknown, so he rushed into the black mist of Wangfeng, afraid that he would pay a heavy price, right?

     This Su Yao has always been very dependent on Wang Feng, and the battle between him and this brawny now attracts Su Yao's attention. He wants to see the poisonous dominance of this king general again!

     "You still want to kill me with scum like you?"

     In the black mist, Wang Feng’s mouth made a sound that only he could hear, and then his eyes flashed, and immediately his soul power directly invaded the opponent's mind.

     The battle of souls is hard to detect, not to mention that Wang Feng's shot was just that instant. When everyone saw the strong man falling down, they didn't even understand what was going on.

     "Is this... what's going on? Why did the slave fall down by himself?" Seeing the scene in the bowl, the young people outside couldn't help making a surprised voice.

     They thought they could see a wonderful dragon and tiger fight, but who would have thought that this brawny man seemed to fall directly into the black mist before he even took a shot.

     "Is this black fog poisonous?" At this time, some young people guessed, and everyone's complexion suddenly changed.

Different from being approached by alchemists, most people are more afraid to hear the word "poison master". After all, staying with this kind of person might be poisoned to death anytime, so listen. When it comes to this person, the expressions on everyone's faces become unnatural.

     In front of Wang Feng, the brawny man was already dead. His soul was first severely injured by Wang Feng, and he lost the ability to resist the poison, so now his whole body is covered with poison, and he can no longer get up.

     He said before that the battle was ended within three moves, but he turned off the fire before he even shot it. It must be said to be a great irony.

     "The battle is over, let me go out." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "My good brother, don't let the people out quickly yet." Su Yao said at this time.

     "This time I'm dead."

     Hearing Su Yao's words, the King Xiangyang also knew that it would be useless to say more, because his servants were already dead, which was already a shame, so he gave a low voice at the moment and had to release Wang Feng.

     Looking at the Wang Feng dressed in white, the Xiangyang King couldn't tell that he was still a poisonous master. This time he was blindsided.

I thought my servant could deal with him steadily, but who could have thought that he could use poison and was so powerful that his servant would just fall down and become a corpse without a chance. He expected.

     It seems that his good brother has picked up a treasure this time. No wonder he will give someone the identity of a general. There is a basis.

     "His Royal Highness, finally fulfilled his trust."

     came out of the big bowl, Wang Feng said to Su Yao with a fist.

     "Haha, good job."

     looked at Wang Feng, Su Yao really became more and more happy, because Wang Feng won the servant, which means that he won the Xiangyang King. He rarely won the Xiangyang King, this time it was a win.

     "My good brother, what about the bet we promised before?" Su Yao asked at this time.

     "Huh, I won't owe you." While talking, the King Xiangyang waved his sleeve, and several brocade boxes appeared, and each brocade box contained a corresponding amount of medicine, which was very precious.

     Seeing this scene, many young people couldn't help but breathe a little bit faster, because a top-level pill is also very precious to them, because it is impossible for their family to provide them with an unlimited amount of pill.

     So the amount of one hundred is very tempting for them.

     It's a pity that this is Su Yao and King Xiangyang's bet. They can only watch at most, and they dare not have any thoughts, and grab their things, unless they don't want to live anymore.

     "Thanks a lot."

Looking at the face of Wang Tieqing in Xiangyang, Su Yao swept these brocade boxes over at once, and handed them to Wang Feng, saying: "General Wang, this is what I promised to give you. All the medicine belongs to you."

     "Thank you, Your Highness."

    Wang Feng was not very polite when he spoke, and he put away these pills.

     "Good brother, don't forget me if there is such a good thing in the future." Looking at King Xiangyang, Su Yao couldn't help but mocked the other person, and the face of King Xiangyang became ugly.

     "The little man gets the will."

     gave a cold snort, and the King Xiangyang ignored Su Yao at all, but found a place to sit down.

     Then the singing and dancing continued, and the atmosphere there gradually became warm.

It’s just that there is a cold air around the King Xiangyang at this moment. No one dares to get too close to him, or even to talk to him. Everyone can see that King Xiangyang’s mood is terrible this time. Dare to touch his mold.

     As the follow-up people gradually arrived, these singers and dancers were also invited out by them. They said that the party should have a party look. If you don’t talk about things, what will you get together?

     So after eating and drinking, it’s time to talk about business.

     "Let's talk about it, what's the matter for calling us all together this time?" Su Yao asked at this time.

     "His Royal Highness, this is the case. When I visited the mainland before, I found a large-scale tomb in a virgin forest. The tomb has extremely strong restrictions, and I have no way to open it."

     "You can't open it, don't you have a way at home?"

     "The people in my family have actually tried, and there is no way." The person shook his head and said.

If the people in his family can open the tomb, I am afraid there will be no such gathering today. After all, he wants to borrow the power of everyone present, then open the tomb and go in for an adventure. .

     "Then do you know what baby is inside?"

"I don't know about this. After all, I haven't even entered the door." This person said here after a short pause, and then continued: "But if you can have such a large-scale tomb, the identity is definitely not simple, maybe It is the tomb of the royal family left over from the past dynasties."

Although      Tianwai Dynasty is now strong, they are not always in charge of this Tianwai Dynasty. There have been several dynasties changes before them, but the time has passed too long and they are gradually forgotten.

The dynasties before      were not necessarily weaker than the current dynasties in their heydays. During that period, it was very likely that large-scale tombs would be left. In addition to the vast area of ​​the main star, these tombs may exist in some inaccessible places.

     So what this person said should still have a basis, not to mention that the identity and status of the people present are not low, and he dare not make up lies to deceive people.

     "If it is really a royal tomb, there must be treasures in it, but if it is not a royal tomb, wouldn't we all have to go for nothing?"

     "I just tell everyone about this place. As for whether you will go or not, you decide for yourself."

     "How far is the cemetery from our imperial city?" Su Yao asked at this time.

     "If we gallop at full speed, it should only take half a day."

     "Okay, I'll go."

     Hearing this, Su Yao did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

     is not far away for half a day. Even if something happens at that time, they can't call support, so you can go and see it.

     "His Royal Highness, why are you agreeing?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "There are a lot of treasures in the general royal tombs, not to mention that the dynasty of the last period may still have some secret books in it. We can fully learn about it."

     "If that's the case, then I'll go and have a look, how about it?"

     "Don't worry, even if you don't tell the general, I will take you with you."

"I'll go as well."

    Since Su Yao has already stated his position, the other people naturally did not hesitate. Whether they have ideas about the baby inside or want to gain insights, they all expressed their willingness to go.

     Among the young people present, there are only one or two people who will not go, even the King of Xiangyang will go and see.

     "Since everyone's opinions are unified, then we all go back and prepare, and we will leave in three days."

     "Since this is the case, then I will leave."

     Hearing this, someone stood up and was about to leave here.

     three days, they must have to do some preparations, otherwise who knows what they will face next.

     "Let’s go too."

     The purpose of the party has already been stated, then there is no need for everyone to stay in this place for a long time, they have to go back and make some preparations.

     "My good brother, this time you won a round, the next time I am afraid it will not be so easy."

     Just when Wang Feng and Su Yao were about to get up and leave here, suddenly the King of Xiangyang came up with a sneer.

"It's still the same sentence. No matter how powerful you are, you are not orthodox. If I don't die for a day, you won't be a prince in one day. Give me your feudal lord honestly. If one day I ascend the throne of God, The first person I have to deal with is you."

     "Then I will wait for that day."

After      said this sentence, the King Xiangyang left here with a green complexion.

When      came, he was two But now when he went back, there was only one left, which seemed a bit sad.

     "His Royal Highness, do you have any deep hatred with this King Xiangyang?" Wang Feng asked after the King Xiangyang left.

     "There is no deep hatred, but this guy always ran to my father and said bad things about me, and even broke me several times, so he has long been regarded by me as a thorn in my eye, and it is not easy to get rid of it."

     "No wonder my Royal Highness has been very targeted at him before, I didn't expect it to be for this reason.

     "Huh, it's not that this kid wants to go to the orthodox position. It's a pity that even if my second and third brothers die, he is still just a feudal king, and he will never come to an end."

"let's go."

     After saying this, Su Yao did not hesitate, and left here with Wang Feng.

After the two kings had all gone, the remaining young people began to discuss, saying: "Unexpectedly, this general king is still an expert in poisoning, and a person with a higher realm is instantly poisoned. He died violently without a chance to shoot, which is really amazing."

     "Isn't it? If you can be a general, how can you be counseled? We may have underestimated him before." Another young man said, knowing that Wang Feng has already reached their level.


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