The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3031: Mass graves

"so much?"

     walked forward for a while, and suddenly Wang Feng stopped, his face was shocked, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

     in front of him, at this moment, a large area of ​​the black flowers he had seen before grew up. The area of ​​these flowers was almost as large as a radius of ten meters. If all were picked, it would definitely not be a small number.

     Wang Feng did not expect that there are so many flowers in this place.

     "Boy, you posted this time." At this time, the tortoise shell opened, and he did not expect that there are so many black flowers in this place.

     These flowers may not seem to be of much value in this place, but once they are taken out and refined into poison pills, they are definitely something that everyone has to grab, so this time Wang Feng can be said to have made a lot of money.

     "Stop talking nonsense, quickly help collect these things, I suspect there will be more treasures in the future." Wang Feng said, with an idea exactly the same as others.

     Since so many treasures have been found here, there may be more in the future. It is precisely because of this kind of inertia that many people have gone astray.

     To put it bluntly, this is almost the same as a gambler. If you win, you want to win more. Unexpectedly, there is a big hole in the front, so even if there is a baby in the back, there may be some crisis.

     After all, since they came in to the present, they haven't encountered other living creatures except for the formation. This cemetery is so big, it can't be that simple.

     With the help of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng quickly picked all the flowers, and none of them were left.

     Collecting these flowers, Wang Feng also felt that he hadn't run in vain this time. Even if they didn't get anything later, they were still earning.

     walked over these flowers, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell went deeper, and the more they went inside, the more they noticed that they were full of life, as if there was a **** in front of them.

     "The death spirit is so strong, there must be bones in front, kid, go hurry up, let's go see what's going on." At this time the turtle shell urged.

     "Don't worry, this place must be weird, we'd better go slowly, it is safer, I don't want to die here."

     "Woo woo woo..."

At this moment,      heard a series of howls, as if there was some evil spirit in front of him, Wang Feng couldn't help but wrinkle his face.

     "I don't know how many years the tomb has existed. Even if there is a living thing, it deserves to die." At this time, the tortoise shell spoke, but it was not very afraid.

    Because he has a high cultivation base, and there is a Wang Feng next to him, even if a monster appears, he and Wang Feng are enough to deal with it.

     Even if someone from the late Blood Saint realm comes to them, they can always escape if they can't beat them?

     slowly moved forward, and it didn't take long before they came to the place where the sound was made.

     "It turned out to be just a vent, I thought it was something horrible." Seeing that the sound was a small vent, the turtle shell couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The      vents are very small, forming a flute-like effect, so once the wind blows through, the sound comes out naturally.

"I don't know how big this cemetery is. It took a few breaths of time when I fell from the top. It can be seen that this is a real big tomb, which may surpass any tomb I have visited before. "At this time, Wang Feng said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell couldn't help but respond: "Did you not listen to those people? This place is most likely a royal tomb. How strong is the dynasty outside this day? You don't know that if they want to build a tomb for the emperor, it will definitely not be easy, and perhaps only such a pomp is worthy of the emperor's identity."

"may be."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng did not refute it, because what the tortoise shell said was reasonable, and it would be strange if the people buried here were of a low status.

     There may be an emperor really sleeping here.

The      passage is very long, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell walked for a long time before they saw the light coming from the front.

     Seeing this scene, the two of them couldn't help speeding up their pace and headed straight ahead.

     "So many corpses."

     galloped forward quickly, and soon Wang Feng and the tortoise shell had their eyes widened, revealing an incredible color, because at this moment the two of them actually saw a mountain of bones appearing in front of them.

     These corpses are crushed layer by layer, and I don't know how many people died here.

     green flames are constantly rushing in this place. The light that Wang Feng and the other two saw before was emitted by these ghost fires.

     With so many people dead, it is normal to have wildfires.

     It’s just that there is no light in this place, it looks very gloomy under the shining of these ghost fires, as if there are countless ghosts traveling around here.

     "So much food, making a fortune."

     Many of these bones have not been completely decayed and still have a function, so at this moment the tortoise shell made a surprise sound, and then he released all his evil spirits.

     Evil ghosts can not only eat human souls and flesh and blood, but even weapons, and these bones are naturally good food.

When      was in the mansion, the tortoise shell still didn’t know how to change his evil spirit, but now there are so many bones here, does his evil spirit still eat it with worry?

     I am afraid that even if his evil spirits were to eat this place for three days, they would not be able to eat the bones like a mountain.

     "For others, this place is like hell, but to me, this place is like heaven." The turtle shell spoke, and there was an invisible joy in its voice.

     "Since there is so much food, eat it all at once. If you can't finish it, let's pick some good bones and collect them."

     Wang Feng said, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this. Anyway, he didn't know these people, and I don't know how many years these people died. Now they can still play a role after death. Isn't it a good thing?

     Watching the evil spirits in the tortoise shell are consuming these bones, Wang Feng did not urge, because he knew that this opportunity is very rare for the evil spirits in the tortoise shell.

     After walking through this village, there is no such shop, so Wang Feng also hopes that the evil spirits with tortoise shells can eat more, and it is better to transform them all into the Blood Holy Realm.

     Before the evil spirits were able to destroy Su Han's magic weapons before they reached the Blood Saint Realm, and if all these evil spirits were transformed successfully, wouldn't they be able to destroy higher-level magic weapons?

     So Wang Feng is eager for these evil spirits to change.

     "These people must have been abandoned in this place after their deaths, otherwise how could they be piled up here."

"I heard that some emperors still want to have supreme rights after they die, so after they die, they will ask many people to bury them, meaning that there are still thousands of troops to drive after his death. A funeral pit."

"I don't see it." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell immediately took out an objection and said: "If they are really buried, how could they be piled up here? In my opinion, this is a The mass graves might be the craftsmen who used to build this tomb. Perhaps the royal family didn't want others to know the existence of this place, so they killed all the people who came here, not one left."

     "It is also possible."

     the tortoise shell still makes some sense, and Wang Feng has to admit, because in the history of China, this kind of thing has not happened.

     For example, isn’t that the most famous tomb of Qin Shihuang?

Since      is the mausoleum after the emperor returns to the ruins, the secrecy must be done very well, and who will not reveal the secret? There is only one answer, and that is the dead.

     The mouth of the dead is the tightest, so there may be random graves here.

     "Forget it, there is no point in guessing these things here. Let's wait for the evil spirits to eat and then go to other places."

     The appetite of evil spirits is amazing, but there are too many skeletons here, even if these evil spirits open their belly to eat, they can't finish it.

     and it didn't take long, all the evil spirits released from the tortoise shell were full, and a new round of deep sleep began.

     "It’s good to fall asleep, maybe when these guys wake up, they will have metamorphosed." Turtle shell said, and then he took all these evil spirits back.

     "Although they are full, it is better to reserve some food."

When      spoke, Wang Fengtian opened his eyes. He was watching which of the bones were of good condition, and then he would take it away directly.

     Now the evil spirits in the tortoise shell can't eat it, but when they wake up next time, they will definitely need to continue to eat, so take some now, and you will be prepared for it.

     Seeing that Wang Feng was picking the bones, the tortoise shell did not hesitate to join in.

     But when the two of them picked these bones to the bottom, Wang Feng discovered that there seemed to be something at the bottom, but it was covered by these bones.

     "There is something below here." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "What is it?" Hearing this, a different color appeared on the tortoise's shell.

     "Remove all these bones and you'll know." Wang Feng's cultivation strength exploded as he spoke, and he instantly moved all these bones to one side, revealing the scene at the bottom.

     It turned out to be a huge stone tablet with some small fonts and some patterns written on it.

     "It's all the text from those previous I can't understand any of them."

     glanced at the font on the stele, the tortoise shell couldn't help but shook his head.

     He is a monk in this period, the last period is too far away from now, so it is normal for their culture and their font tortoise shell not to know it.

     "Although we don't know the characters, we can look at these patterns. Maybe this is the topographic map of the mausoleum. If we master this, then can we come and go freely here?"

     "It makes sense." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell hurriedly urged Wang Feng to come over and see what the pattern was all about.

The      stone tablets should have been abandoned here, or they may have been placed here deliberately and covered with corpses.

     But now that Wang Feng has seen it, of course he has to look at what is written on the stele.

The patterns are very vague, perhaps due to too long time, these patterns are no longer clear in many places, Wang Feng can only remember these patterns in his mind, and then calculate little by little, go slowly Combine these patterns into a complete pattern.

     During this period, it took Wang Feng a full ten minutes or so to complete.



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