The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3034: Female corpse resurrected

The      sword is about one meter long, which is considered to be very short among the swords, but such a sword now gives Wang Feng a cold and biting feeling. It is definitely a good sword.

     After all, with Wang Feng's current realm, something that can make him feel threatened is certainly not simple.

     Maybe this sword was the weapon that the female corpse used during her lifetime. After all, the sword is small and suitable for women.

"good stuff."

     Looking at the contents of the coffin, the tortoise shell couldn't help making a sound of emotion.

     "Things are good, but they almost pit me." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he stretched out his hand to take the sword off.

Holding the sword hilt in his hand, Wang Feng could feel a biting chill in his palm. If it weren’t for his stronger physique than ordinary people, plus the practice of the Sun Bible, he could withstand the cold to a certain extent. Otherwise, he might suffer with this thing.

     "This sword is probably tailor-made for this woman. People with low levels may not be able to use it," said the turtle shell.

     "The things that can accompany her in the funeral must be something she cares about very much, but unfortunately people are already dead, and they can't take up weapons."

     "You can take it back to your women. If they can use these weapons, they can also improve their combat effectiveness."

     "The coldness of this sword is too heavy. People with low levels can't drive it at all. On the contrary, there is a possibility of injury. How can this be used for them? We will wait until their cultivation base becomes stronger."

    While speaking, Wang Feng directly took this thing into his space ring. Although Wang Feng would not use this sword for Bei Yunxue and the others for the time being, once they broke through to the Blood Saint Realm, it should be enough to drive this thing.

     Especially Tanglin Tianxue, she has lived in the environment of ice and snow since she was a child, and has a natural affinity for the cold, so this sword is suitable for her.

     "Take down the finger on her hand and take a look." At this moment, the tortoise's eyes pointed at the ring on the other's hand, and she shouted.

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and directly pulled down the fingers of the female corpse.

     two people just squatted in front of the female corpse, taking whatever they saw, just like robbers from the tomb.

     "It's a pity that the fingers are empty, I thought there was some treasure in it."

The finger that      removed from this female corpse was entirely an ornament, there was nothing in it, which made Wang Feng happy.

     "I think the clothes on this female corpse are also a magic weapon, or..." At this time the tortoise shell spoke, and Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

     Although they came to this place to look for treasures, it’s really not authentic to pick up people’s clothes. This tortoise shell is simply not human.

     "Go away, don't say I know you." Wang Feng yelled, and then his power exploded, and instantly put the lid of the crystal coffin back to its original place.

The deceased pays attention to a rest. They have already taken the things to be buried with. There is no need to do anything with the corpse. Moreover, this woman is so beautiful that Wang Feng really can’t get it off, so he re-covered the crystal coffin. Up.

     There is only one sword and one finger on the inside of the crystal coffin. Apart from that, there are no treasures anymore, and there are relatively few burial objects.

"The tomb is relatively small from top to bottom, from bottom to top. The real big tomb is in the middle. It is estimated that this person's status is not high, so there are very few burial objects." At this time, Wang Feng thought for a while and said. .

     "Then what are we still rubbing with, hurry up."


     has found the treasure in the lowest tomb, and there should be more treasures as you go up. This place is not only the two of them, but also Su Yao and others.

     Therefore, Wang Feng would naturally not let them go first. If there is a baby, he must first get it in his own hands.

     exited the tomb, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell went straight to the higher-level tomb without stopping all the way.

     just hadn’t waited until they walked to a tomb above. Suddenly the two of them noticed a movement behind them, as if it were footsteps, and both of them couldn’t help but change their expressions slightly.

     "What's the situation?" At this moment the tortoise shell asked.

     "Something should follow us."

    While speaking, Wang Feng jumped behind a big rock and hid, he wanted to see what was behind it.

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and with the sound of this footstep, Wang Feng's heart can't help beating with it. In such a ghost place, hearing footsteps is not good news, or it may be dangerous , So Wang Feng felt that a big battle might be coming soon.

The passage was dark, but it did not hinder Wang Feng’s sight. Through his own eyes, Wang Feng saw that a figure appeared where they had just walked, but when they saw this figure, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell almost both sucked up at the same time. Take a breath.

     This is a woman in a white shirt with a beautiful face, but Wang Feng and the turtle shell are shocked that this woman turned out to be the person lying in the crystal coffin just now.

     "Why did she get up?" At this moment the tortoise shell spoke in shock.

     "You ask me, how do I know?" Wang Feng replied, staring at the woman firmly.

     When opening the crystal coffin before, Wang Feng could conclude that the other party was someone who had been dead for an unknown period of time, but now she actually got up and was still following them.

     If it weren't for Wang Feng's knowledge and knowledge, he had seen so many incredible things, otherwise he might have screamed out in shock now.

     seemed to be aware of the fluctuations in the souls of the conversation between Wang Feng and Turtle Shell. This woman who had already stopped walked towards Wang Feng.

     She doesn't walk fast, but in this kind of ghost place, seeing a dead body that hasn't known how long has actually crawled out of the coffin by herself, and everyone will feel a little panicked.

     Although Wang Feng's concentration was relatively strong, he was still a little confused when he saw this woman walking towards him.

     This woman is standing and walking, but she doesn't have any vitality in her body, and even her eyes are lacklustre, like a puppet, dominated by something.

     Sky eyes unfolded, and Wang Feng is watching what is going on with this woman.

     It was just that his gaze had just begun to penetrate the opponent's flesh and blood, and the woman suddenly roared, opened her arms, and rushed towards Wang Feng. It seemed that Wang Feng's actions stimulated the other party.

"I go."

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng instantly backed away without letting the female corpse touch him.

At the same time, Wang Feng also discovered the weirdness of this woman. This woman does not know how many years she has been dead, but now there is a black air in her mind. The reason why she can walk and run is even Being able to attack is driven by this black air.

     That is a pure evil spirit, it is this thing that affected her.


     made a roar that didn't look like a human being. This woman attacked Wang Feng with red eyes, without any tactics at all.

     If you don’t know why, people will definitely be frightened, because a corpse actually got up by itself and attacked people. What is this not a ghost?

     But since Wang Feng can see it, what else is he afraid of?

     So watching the woman pounced, Wang Feng's cultivation strength also exploded, he punched out, and instantly blasted the woman out, and finally hit the stone in the passage.

     It's just that Wang Feng didn't get rid of the things in her mind. Even if she was traumatized, she still got up and went straight to Wang Feng.

     "If that's the case, don't blame me."

Before, Wang Feng didn’t treat the woman’s corpse. That’s because the other party was pretty. Moreover, when Wang Feng saw her, he regarded him as Sister Xue. That’s why Wang Feng didn’t do anything. But now she is going to attack. For himself, in order for her to gain true rest, Wang Feng could only resort to ruthless methods.

     was blazing flames all over, Wang Feng burst out his own real sun fire, this woman is now like a lunatic, Wang Feng can only destroy her, only then can she be able to rest in peace.

     Zi Zi Zi!

Originally, it was extremely difficult for this woman’s body to be preserved. It can be seen that the person who buried her was also very careful and specially prepared a crystal coffin for her. However, she has now mutated. Wang Feng can only destroy her strongly. Can't let this woman influence.

     "It's a pity that a good skin bag." At this time, the tortoise shell spoke, but did not release his evil spirits, because his evil spirits were already full, and this woman was indeed beautiful, and he was a little reluctant.

     Everyone has the love of beauty, he is also a human, and naturally he has the same ideas as Wang Feng.

     "It's no pity, she found this by herself." Wang Feng said.

     "Did you say that we just opened her crystal coffin and let in some things that shouldn't be in, or else people have been lying here for countless years and have not seen the mutation." At this time, the turtle shell said.

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Maybe it's really our fault."

While talking, the flames all over Wang Feng disappeared, his hand caught the female corpse in an instant, and his power wandered through her body in an instant. In this way, the female corpse could not move even if she wanted to move, because she had already let her Wang Feng was sealed.

     "Go, send her back to where she was supposed to be."

     clutching the female corpse, Wang Feng walked towards the tomb where they had been before.

     returned to the tomb where Wang Feng and Turtle Shell had been before, they found that the crystal coffin had indeed been This female corpse should have run out of it.

     "Excuse me."

     clutching the female corpse, Wang Feng directly put her back in the crystal coffin and closed the lid again.

After      and put the lid of the crystal coffin on, Wang Feng also covered his power in the crystal coffin and completely sealed the crystal coffin. He did this to prevent the female corpse from running out of it again.

     and after doing all this, Wang Feng also arranged the formation outside the crystal coffin. Before they came here, there was the formation here, but now Wang Feng has returned the formation to them.

"excuse me."

     arranging the formation is not very challenging for Wang Feng, he quickly completed it.

     In front of the crystal coffin, Wang Feng bowed to the crystal coffin, and then he turned and left here.

     "It seems that if you open the coffin again later, you must do a good job of protection, otherwise these corpses will run out strangely scary." At this time the turtle shell said.

     "Don't worry, with the current lesson, I don't need to say that I will do that too."

     took other people's funerary objects, if they can't let people rest in peace, then the sin is really too great.


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