The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3059: The queen appears

Su Yao is still young, and he can’t tell the difference. This old prince doesn’t blame Su Yao, but he hopes that Su Yao can stop what he is doing now. Otherwise, once a big mistake is made, there is nothing to save. Leeway. ※Magazine bug※

Although the collaterals have not been in the right position for countless years, they are not without rights at all.

On the contrary, after countless years of development, the collateral has already been terrifying, spreading to all levels.

If the collaterals in the royal family insist on going against it, the entire empire will fall into turmoil, so this old prince will stand up at this time. As a member of the empire, he doesn’t want to see the empire fall apart, let alone. Seeing this dynasty change, he became a country in the hands of others.

He knew that standing up now might make this Su Yao very unhappy, but for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji, he must stand up, and now in this place, only he can persuade this Su Yao and let him not. Wrong again.

It may be easy for him to kill King Xiangyang now, but once he succeeds, it will most likely become a fuse. When the empire is in chaos, Su Yao will become the culprit. In this way, he still wants to be the culprit. Prince?

Not to mention becoming a prince, I am afraid that a prison sentence will be inevitable.

"Uncle, I hate him so much, I can't tolerate him."

Su Yao spoke, still not intending to let this King Xiangyang mean. Now King Xiangyang has been seriously injured. It is a perfect time to kill him. Even Su Yao only needs one blow to kill him and let him go again. There is no way to jump down.

"You hate him, I understand, because I hated your father in the same way in the past, but the fate is determined by heaven. What belongs to you always belongs to you. What does not belong to you is useless even if you force it. Understand?"

"I don't want him to live, uncle, sorry."

Although his uncle’s words are reasonable, it’s the time now. Su Yao is absolutely impossible to keep, let alone his uncle. Even if it is his father, the present emperor will come here. Shot.

This King Xiangyang didn't have trouble with him for a day or two. He started to fight against himself a long time ago. Now that he has a chance to kill the opponent, how could he miss it.

He would rather be punished after killing him himself than he would continue to jump around at this time.


Seeing that Su Yao was about to kill the Xiangyang King once again, the old prince's expression changed, and then he flashed directly in front of the Xiangyang King and said, "Yao'er, didn't you hear what I said?"

"If you kill him now, maybe this sideline will directly turn the face with our direct line. When the world is in turmoil, your father may not be able to suppress it. Do you want to watch the great world collapse? "

The voice of the old prince increased a lot, almost shaking the earth. Although the old prince has lived in seclusion for a long time, it does not mean that he is a useless bad old man. On the contrary, the longer he practiced, he His cultivation is even more exquisite, how could a junior like Su Yao be his opponent.

"Don't stop him, let him kill me, and then let the mountain change master, Feng Shui takes turns, your direct line has been sitting for so long, it is time to change positions." At this time, the King Xiangyang behind the old prince suddenly laughed. Everything that throbs in his eyes is crazy.

Su Yao wanted to kill him. He did not expect that, even with a careless move, he was now losing all the games. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the old prince, I am afraid he would have become a cold corpse now.

Since this Su Yao wants to kill him so much, let Su Yao kill him. Anyway, the sideline is always a sideline, and there will never be a day in which he will come out. If his death can awaken the bloodliness of the tribe, even if he is What's wrong with death?

As he himself said, this direct line of Jiangshan has been sitting for so long, and it is time to change positions.

"you shut up!"

Hearing what the King Xiangyang said, the old prince's face sank and he shouted, "I am saving your life now, do you want to die like this?"

"What's the fear of death? There is never a day before, and it is better to die than to live." King Xiangyang said, like a madman, not afraid of death at all.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Hearing what the King Xiangyang said, the old prince knew that he was definitely trying to get the sideline back, but since he had already appeared, he would naturally not let this happen.

If the Xiangyang King hadn't died, the collateral family would not find any excuses, so naturally they would not dare to do anything to the direct line. After all, if they rebelled without reason, it would be a real rebellion, and the direct line can send troops to suppress them in a grand manner.

But once this Su Yao is messed up here, and people catch the handle, the situation may be different. After all, there is an old saying that people who win the hearts of the people will win the world. If the world knows that it is the lineage deliberately picking things up, then I'm afraid it's hard to tell who owns the world.

"This is a way out for Cheng Yaojin."

Looking at the appearance of the old prince, Wang Feng’s complexion was not very good. At the beginning, he instigated Su Yao to kill King Xiangyang. In fact, he wanted to start a dispute within the royal family. But at present, it seems that it is not so easy to cause problems within them. Easy, this old prince ran out of the way, which really exceeded Wang Feng's expectations.

"Yao'er, listen to my persuasion. It is still too late to turn back. Once the big mistake is made, you will have no turning back." The old lord is still trying to persuade him, hoping that Su Yao can listen to his own words. ,

It's a pity that Su Yao is no longer a kid. If he wants to persuade him to turn around, he has created the most favorable conditions. If he doesn't kill King Xiangyang at this moment, he may not have a chance in the future.

So at the moment he gritted his teeth, he actually launched an attack on his uncle.

Seeing this scene, the look of the onlookers changed drastically. What kind of ecstasy soup did His Royal Highness Su Yao drink? He even attacked his uncle.


Seeing Su Yao attacking him, the old prince also looked ugly. He thought he could persuade Su Yao, but now it seems that he is not persuading Su Yao anymore. As long as this is blocked here, it will be Become the target of Su Yao's attack.

"Yao'er, are you crazy?" The old prince shouted, hoping to wake up Su Yao.

But Su Yao now only wants this King Xiangyang to die, he doesn't care about this old prince.

So after hearing what he said, Su Yao didn't move, but continued to attack.

"It looks like you have already reached a path of no return, no matter what, then this king will punish you on behalf of your father today."

This King Xiangyang is the most outstanding person in the collateral line right now. If he dies, the collateral line will definitely have a series of actions, and then their direct line may not be able to suppress it.

Therefore, the old prince must protect King Xiangyang no matter what, and he cannot be the corpse in Su Yao's hands.

This Su Yao is now attacking even his uncle. If he doesn't show some real skills, he might be very difficult to keep this person today.

"Let's see what you have cultivated over the years."

While talking, the old prince of this empire, that is, Su Yao's uncle, slapped Su Yao with a palm, with a terrifying aura.

Although Su Yao's realm is the same as this old prince, he is too young after all, and has experienced few actual combat, so when he collided with his uncle strongly, his whole person was directly lifted out. It was surprised.

He didn't seem to think that his uncle was so powerful, and he didn't seem to be his opponent.

"Yao'er, you are not my opponent, stop." The old prince said.

"Uncle, this King Xiangyang has become the demon on my path of cultivation. If I can't bring him down, the end of my life may be like this now."

"I know you have difficulties in your heart, but you can't be like that. In short, I won't let you kill this person today."

Having said this, the old prince paused for a while, and then said: "And I have already notified your mother, she should be coming soon."

The emperor of this empire has been traumatized from the last battle with the middle-aged emperor, and is now in retreat, so the old prince can only inform the mother of Su Yao, that is, the emperor of the dynasty later persuade Su Yao here Up.


Hearing what the other party said, Su Yao was obviously very angry. This uncle still loved him very much on weekdays, because he liked himself very much when he was a child and gave Su Yao a lot of things that Su Yao liked.

But now what he is doing is completely putting eye drops on Su Yao. He wants to kill the uncle of King Xiangyang to stop it. Now even his mother and queen are called here. Is he swearing to stop without achieving his goal?

"It's the same sentence, stop now, don't let your mother see you like this." The old prince said.

"Uncle, since you are my elder, you shouldn't stop me. If he can't make progress in his entire life, then you are the culprit who caused all this."

Hearing Su Yao's words, the old prince didn't speak up, but smiled bitterly.

From the time he first shot, he knew that he would definitely provoke Su Yao's resistance, but since he had already stepped forward, he would not go back at this time.

Su Yao wants King Xiangyang, that is something that the door does not have.

Others are afraid of Su Yao's status as his Royal Highness and dare not stop him from killing King Xiangyang, but as a prince and Su Yao's uncle, he has the responsibility and right to stand up and prevent this from happening.

Su Yao is his junior, and the King of Xiangyang is his It's better not to show up for this kind of killing each other, it is just to show outsiders to jokes.

And the more critical fatal point, he has already said, that is the death of King Xiangyang, I am afraid that the entire empire will usher in a change, and then the entire country will be in chaos. I am afraid that only Su Yao alone will be absolutely responsible. Great.

"Emperor, stop!"

Just then another voice sounded, and then a woman with a phoenix crown on her head and a delicate makeup entered the arena from where the old prince had just entered.

This woman looks very beautiful, even if she is some years old, but the traces of the years did not deprive her of her beauty, but gave her a more mature and mature style, like a ripe peach, which makes people Can't help but rush up to take two bites.

Although her appearance is not very similar to Su Yao, she has the outline of Su Yao. She is Su Yao's biological mother, the queen of the dynasty and the mother of a country.

Although her appearance is very amorous and attractive, but behind her is placed here, even if she is naked, I am afraid that there are no people who dare to go, because behind her is this majesty, such an identity. , Who dares to provoke, unless they don't want to die.

"Even the queen is here." Looking at the people who appeared in this arena, the people present couldn't help making an uproar. You must know that it is difficult for them to see the queen on weekdays, because she wants Presiding over the harem will not show up easily.

If it weren't for Su Yao, I'm afraid she wouldn't be here.

Pay attention to the official WeChat account of Zongheng: Guazi Military Aircraft Department. The historical news inside contains a second code word king competition. You vote for this book. Don’t get rid of it at the audition stage. That’s a cheating. As of two o'clock p/>

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