The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3066: Battle of the Palace

After the war last night, a lot of people died in the palace, but as someone came to clean it up, by the time of daybreak the next day, the palace was no different from when it started, but it was just dark. After a while, the palace started to fight again.

     When these people put it together, they were too hard, and they didn't look like acting at all.

     Because the dead cannot be resurrected, even under Wang Feng's attention, he saw that many soldiers let their opponents divide their bodies. It was really tragic.

It may have been just a few breaths of time, dozens of masters have already died in this palace. Although these soldiers are just soldiers, their blood sanctuary cultivation base is not a joke, even among soldiers. Belongs to senior.

     It is very likely that this is a private soldier cultivated secretly by the royal family, and naturally it is not comparable to the soldiers in the camp.

     But in this kind of melee battle, their lives are so fragile, it's almost like paper.

     "Hand over Su Yao!"

    While Wang Feng was paying attention to these soldiers, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man wearing a bronzing robe appeared. When this man came out, Wang Feng's expression was shocked.

     Because he finally waited for someone who was a little bit worthy.

     Tianyan has been following Wang Feng for decades. It is no longer a problem for Wang Feng to distinguish what he is talking about based on the mouth shape of others.

     Although this person's voice was imprisoned in the palace, Wang Feng could still see what he was saying.

     This person may have come from the sideline, and came to Su Yao.

After his voice sounded, an old man suddenly walked out of the palace. This old man was too old, as if both feet had already stepped on the coffin, with white hair and white hair. It was estimated that a gust of wind could take him Scratch away.

"What do you see?"

    While Wang Feng was paying attention to this scene, he suddenly heard the tortoise shell. At this moment, the old guy also wanted to know what happened in the palace.

     "A person with weight has appeared." Wang Feng said, and then he stopped paying attention to the tortoise shell, but paid attention to the scene in the palace.

"His Royal Highness Su Yao is His Majesty's only parent and child, and it is impossible for us to hand it over. If you really want to mess around, you are welcome at any time." Although this old man is not so old, he speaks with great momentum, and he does not fear these people at all. .

    Because his cultivation is in the late blood sacred realm, he is much more powerful than these people, even if he stomped his feet, I am afraid these soldiers will die a lot.

Just like Su Yao, when his cultivation reached the late Blood Holy Realm, his combat power was far better than the Blood Holy Realm middle stage. Not only did the people who were sent to catch him by the sideline not catch him, but instead He was also beaten to dust by Su Yao.

     Even a person who just broke the realm is so powerful. This old man must be even more powerful. Although he is standing alone at the entrance of the hall, he is like a huge mountain, blocking everyone's path.

     "Don’t your Majesty prepare to give us an explanation?"

     Hearing what the old man said, the sideliner sneered.

Just like what the King Xiangyang said when he was dying, although the collateral line is very glorious to outsiders, it is an authentic royal family, but because of the origin, the collateral line cannot ascend the throne of God. This has always been the biggest in their hearts. The criticism made them endure pain for many generations.

     When King Xiangyang was killed, he actually had a chance to survive, because as long as he wanted to survive, the old prince could take him away from Su Yao.

     But the King of Xiangyang was unyielding at his death, in order to let the sideline attack the direct line.

    Even a young man has such a hatred for his family. The other old immortals naturally hate even more, but they are very good at forbearing, and they have not burst out.

     But now that the King of Xiangyang is dead and killed by Su Yao, his direct line, how can they swallow this breath?

     "Your Majesty is distinguished, and the king is in the world. Does he need to explain to you?"

     Hearing what the other party said, the old man sneered, then he gave way, and then a team appeared behind him.

     Looking at these people who appeared, the man in the bronzing robe couldn't help but his expression changed. Obviously he knew how powerful this team was.

     "This... is the explanation given to you by your majesty."

When      spoke, the people behind the old man did not hesitate, they all rushed out and plunged into the battle circle.

     "Good, good, good."

     Seeing that the people he brought were being quickly slaughtered, this sideliner was obviously also very angry, and his expression was pale. He didn't expect His Majesty to be so tough. It seemed that he didn't plan to hand over Su Yao.

     The palace has already been forced to this point, but he did not expect to get an answer like this.

King Xiangyang is a genius among their collateral family and a leader among the younger generation. Even though he was born inferior to Su Yao, he is also a genuine royal family. Now that he has been killed, his majesty didn’t even have an explanation. How can they stand it?

     Su Yao's father is your majesty, but the father of King Xiangyang also occupies an important position in the sidelines. Since your majesty insists on protecting this Su Yao, don't blame them for the sidelines.

These days, they have gathered a lot of masters from their side lines. The purpose is to ask for Su Yao. Last time he let Su Yao escape in the restaurant, but he didn’t expect that he would be protected by his father now. If you still want to catch Su Yao, it might not be so easy.

     "That's it, do you have any means to take it out. After so many years of keeping a low profile, the people you can take out now are no more than that." The old man sneered, and didn't even look at these sideline monks.

The collaterals secretly hold the private soldiers. This majesty does not know, but he consciously owes the collaterals, so he keeps one eye closed. If he really wants to be held accountable, he can use an excuse to take these private soldiers. Kill them all, because their existence is threatening Jiangshan Sheji.

     is all right now, and it's troublesome to raise tigers, these people actually came to the palace.

     If it weren’t for the emperor’s severe damage in the last battle, I’m afraid this farce would have already ended.

     "The concubine deceives people too much, so don't blame us."

While speaking, this person didn’t know if the message was sent out. A large number of guards suddenly gathered at the gate of the palace. All of these guards wore the same costumes and looked indifferent. They were all cultivation bases of the Blood Saint Realm. powerful.

     "Your Majesty said, if you have the ability to break into his retreat, he will give people to you." The old man spoke, and then he retreated directly from here.

     Based on these people outside, they want to kill your Majesty's retreat. It is basically impossible, and once your Majesty recovers, it will be the end of the sidelines.

     took advantage of your majesty's wounds to dare to kill in this palace, really bold.

     means that they are the royal family, and there is a reason for attacking, otherwise the palace can send an army to suppress them all, none of them can escape.

     But now although your Majesty gave them a way, but this road is almost the same as a dead end, rushing to the place where your Majesty retreat? That's probably something that there is no door.

     The palace is not an ordinary place. The masters here are like clouds. With these collateral people, I am afraid they can't do anything. Maybe they can't even reach the core area.

     Unless all the collaterals are dispatched, otherwise they have no chance.

     "Push me in!"

After      put the people outside the palace in, the sideline shouted, and all of them joined the battle.

     The original collaterals have now been pushed into the wind, with many casualties, but with the arrival of their backup, they immediately pulled the disadvantages back, killing these straight line soldiers to lose their helmets and remove their armor, and the casualties were very serious.

     just killing these people has no effect at all, because they still can't see Su Yao, let alone punish the other person.

     "Step forward, kill without mercy!"

Just when these people were about to rush into the hall, suddenly a man in armor stepped out of the hall and saw a spear in his hand. The whole person was like a sharp sword out of its sheath. I could feel the biting chill from far away.

     This person's hands must have been stained with a lot of blood, otherwise his aura could not be so terrible.

     "The first general, Qing Luan!"

     Looking at this person who stepped out of the hall, whether these soldiers or the high-level sideline, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

This Qingluan is a strong man who came out of the Qingluan clan. The Qingluan clan has been women for generations, and they do not intermarry with foreigners, and they do not need men to give birth because they give birth to newborns by themselves every hundred years. This is God's gift to them, so they don't need men, and the ethnic group can continue.

But there is no absolute thing. The Qingluan clan are indeed women for generations, but in the last hundred years, they suddenly gave birth to a man from their clan, and for the Qingluan clan, a man has never happened before. .

     Therefore, the birth of Qingluan caused a great sensation at the time. Many people said that they had an affair with the Qingluan clan, which is why they gave birth to a boy.

But this Qingluan's mother has never taken a half-step away from the Qingluan clan. How could she go and mess with the men outside? Her mother is indeed intact, and she has never had a skin close to a man.

     In that case, the Qingluan clan can only accept this mutated boy. After all, they are from the Qingluan clan. They can't send people outside, right?

     Then they will not let the world curse?

     They did not know how the boy came, but they still cultivated the boy well, no different from other people.

     It is strange to say that this boy has shown extraordinary talent for cultivation since he was a child. No matter what he learns, he can get started quickly, and his cultivation level is far beyond all his peers, even asking them to look up.

For the Qingluan clan, they have been women for generations and have never given birth to a man. Therefore, the existence of the Qingluan is undoubtedly a shame for them, but people were born in their Qingluan clan, and they must accept this. fact.

But as time passed by, the child grew up, and his cultivation showed an explosive growth. The shame at the beginning became the glory in their eyes. No one thought that this child was so talented and talented. Genius.

     until this person walked out of the Qingluan clan, entered the army, made great achievements, and eventually became a generation of military commander, Qingluan!


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