The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3070: The middle-aged emperor appeared

     "Look at the embarrassment of the two of you, even your faces are pale." Looking at Wang Feng and the turtle shell, the middle-aged emperor said with disdain.

"If one day someone suddenly comes behind you and talks to you, you will be scared just like us." Although the opponent has a high cultivation base and strong strength, Wang Feng is not afraid of the other person, and even he has some thoughts about this person. Hate.

The reason for      is very simple, it's that this old immortal actually lied to him.

     At the beginning, the middle-aged emperor said that the purple stone could be used for comprehension, but Wang Feng had studied it for so long and found no effect. What is it that this old immortal deceive him?

     "Oh, your kid dared to talk back to me, do you believe it or not I will kill you now?"

     "If you want to kill you, just come, I will yell at that time, saying that the dog emperor is here again, and then it will see how you escape from here."


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Since I can come in from outside, don't you think I have the strength to get out?"

     said that there was a sneer on his face, and said: "When so many people besieged me back then, I could walk away calmly. Do you think I'm afraid?"

     "If the rumors are good, you shouldn't have escaped calmly, right?" At this time, Wang Feng said with a smile.

     "What do you mean, boy? Are you doubting my strength?"

     "You have a high level of cultivation and a strong strength. I don't doubt that, but are you a bit too bad?"

"You stinky boy, if you don't tell me clearly today, I have to interrupt your leg." This person is also a person who was an emperor in the past. How can he hear Wang Feng saying that he is bad ? If he is bad, can he sit on the emperor that countless people want to sit on?

"You told me last time that the purple stone can help people understand cultivation, but after I took it back, it was useless at all. You are just fooling me. You are fooling even a junior. You are not bad. what?"

"You can't use that." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor's face showed a hint of pride, and said: "I got the purple stone at a high cost. I took it in your hand. It's completely abusing the heavens."

     "You said I don't know how to use it, so you use it to see?" Wang Feng said disdainfully at this time.

     "Let’s tell you this, this stone is a stone on the surface, but it is actually similar to the magic weapon, and how can you activate the magic weapon?"

     "Are you talking about acknowledging the lord with a drop of blood?" Hearing the words of the middle-aged emperor, Wang Feng's eyes widened and asked in an incredible way.

     "It seems that you are not stupid." Seeing Wang Feng's surprised look, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help shaking his head.

     "Then I'll try it." Now that he got the right method from the middle-aged emperor, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, so he quickly took out the purple stone in his space ring.

     just before Wang Feng dripped blood on the stone, Wang Feng suddenly noticed a lightness in his hand, and looked down, where there was some purple stone in his hand, which had already ran into the hands of the middle-aged emperor.


     Looking at each other, Wang Feng really doesn’t know what to say, is this person too mean? He actually grabbed his things.

     "Did no one tell you not to show your wealth in front of others? The stone itself belongs to me, and now I just take back what belongs to me."

     "You are simply shameless."

     Hearing this, Wang Feng immediately cursed.

     "This is interesting for you. You took this stone from my coffin, but now you are saying that I am shameless. I think you should be the shameless person, right?"

     "You clearly promised to give it to me last time, and now you are turning back, do you still have the demeanor of a senior?"

     "Since you know that I am a senior expert, you should be polite to me when you speak, and say that I am bad. I think your kid is sand in your eyes."

     "My eyes won't get into the sand, I'm telling the truth."

     "Since you want to say that, then I can't give you this stone anymore." When talking, the person will put the stone into his sleeve.

     just before he put it in, Wang Feng quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Senior, we have something to say, there is no need for it."

     "Damn, your kid changes his face faster than flipping a book. In the past, the treacherous and cunning people in the middle of the country are probably not as clever as you."

     Seeing Wang Feng's changes, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help cursing.

     "What do you want me to do before you are willing to return this stone to me?"

     finally got the correct way to use this stone, but Wang Feng snatched this thing back before he used the old immortal, and even Wang Feng was unprepared.

     Now that things are in the hands of others, it is basically impossible for Wang Feng to get it back on his own strength.

     the other party dared to attack even the palace, such a ruthless man might be a hundred Wang Feng not his opponent.

     "It's very simple, as long as you are obedient, I will give you this thing."

     "Fart, this is my thing in itself." Wang Feng cursed.

     "Oh, are you shameless as a kid? This is clearly my thing." The middle-aged emperor cursed.

"I think you two should stop quarreling. What's the point of arguing." At this time, the tortoise shell really couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "The owner of this stone is me. Now you are all okay. ?"

"To shut up!"

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng and the middle-aged emperor spoke at almost the same time.

     Wang Feng hasn't gotten a stone yet, and this tortoise shell has also been mixed in, which is more shameless than this old immortal.


     was targeted by Wang Feng, and the tortoise shell didn’t know what to say for a while.

     "Boy, I have already said very clearly just now. As long as you listen to me, I will return the stone to you and never break my word."

     "Then if you ask me to die, wouldn't I be a big loser?"

     "Don't worry, such a thing will never happen. Since I want you to help, how can I let you die? It is to do something safe." The emperor said.

     "Do you think I will believe it?"

Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng made it clear that he didn't believe it. This guy is now the most wanted criminal in the outer empire. He even said that he should do something safe. If anyone believes him, I am afraid that he will not be killed know.

     "Of course I believe it." While speaking, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help raising the purple stone in his hand, making it clear that he was threatening Wang Feng.

     "Then you take the rock and play slowly. I don't want this rock, and I won't play with you."


     Hearing what Wang Feng said so bluntly, this time the dumbfounded person was the middle-aged emperor. He thought that the purple stone could seduce Wang Feng to do things for himself, but at present, it seems that this kid is very tricky and totally unjust.

     But it is normal to think about it. What he wants Wang Feng to do is life-threatening at any time, and a stone alone may not really be so effective.

     Unless he offered a condition that Wang Feng could not refuse, otherwise he wanted to drive Wang Feng up, I am afraid it would be impossible.

    Wang Feng has been in the cultivation world for such a long time. He is not a fool who can fool anyone. He will kill someone for a broken stone. He will only do that unless he is crazy.

"In this way, in addition to this purple stone, I will give you a magic weapon with strong defense power, which I grabbed from the hand of the emperor." The middle-aged emperor spoke, and then he turned his hand and took it out. He put on a shoulder pad and said, "Look, this is it."

     "It's like making me work for you? Is my life worth such a shoulder guard?"

     "Then what else do you want?" The middle-aged emperor said that the complexion of the middle-aged emperor here is already ugly, and said: "Young people, being too greedy is not a good thing."

     "This is a little funny for you. When did I promise you that I would do something for you?"

    While speaking, Wang Feng took a step back, and said, "I persuade you to die. I won't help you."

"Money can make ghosts grind, you can reject this purple stone, you can protect your shoulders, but I don't think you can reject this thing." While speaking, the middle-aged emperor turned his hand and took out a bead and said: "Know this Is it something?"

"What?" Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng asked in surprise, but when he said this sentence, Wang Feng's heart had already made up his mind, and he must not let the other party call, otherwise he would just step on the thief ship. It's hard to get down.

     This middle-aged emperor looks strong, but his cultivation level has not yet recovered to the peak. It is too dangerous to trade with him, and Wang Feng will not take risks.

     "This thing is called Celestial Pearl."

     "What's the use? Can it help me break through?" Wang Feng asked.

     "It's obviously impossible to help you break through the realm. You rely on yourself for cultivation, and foreign objects are just assistance. Don't you just think that a baby can make your cultivation breakthrough? Don't be too naive."

     said the middle-aged emperor here said: "Its only use is to increase your life."

"Add a life?" Hearing these words, Wang Feng's expression on the surface did not move, but in fact he was a little shocked. Since the great avenue of the heavens collapsed, he could not use the avenue to resurrect him, so now Wang Feng only has A life is lost if you lose it.

     Right now, the middle-aged emperor actually said that this bead can add a What is this heavenly treasure?

     "I think you understand how I was resurrected." The middle-aged emperor said, knowing that Wang Feng was a little confused, so he had to explain the origin of this thing. Otherwise, how could Wang Feng be moved.

     Money can make ghosts grind, there is no one in the world who can't move, it depends on whether you are willing to pay the price.

     He believes that as long as he pays enough, driving Wang Feng is not a problem.

     This kid had the cultivation base of the middle blood sacred realm at a young age. In addition to his character, the middle-aged emperor felt that Wang Feng would definitely be a big help for himself in the future, otherwise how could he come here today.

     You must know that he spent a lot of money to find Wang Feng. Now he has injuries and it is inconvenient to move around, so Wang Feng has become his best spokesperson.

     "Does your resurrection have anything to do with this thing?"

     "Of course there is a relationship, and the relationship is bigger."

"My resurrection relied on the anger that was transformed from death, and this stone contained the anger that transformed from death. If you take this bead when you are dying, I'm sure you will change immediately. It’s like having an extra life."

     "Is there really such a **** as you say?"


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