The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3073: showdown

     Out of safety and caution, Wang Feng withdrew at this moment. In order to know who the people inside risked his life, Wang Feng would not do that, because he was not stupid.

     This middle-aged emperor did give him some benefits, but did Wang Shengheng go desperately for this benefit?

     The current Wang Feng is not only living for himself, he also lives for the heavens and the dead souls in the heavens, so Wang Feng cherishes his own life, how can he easily lose it?

"how about it?"

     went back to the inn where the turtle shells were located, the middle-aged emperor immediately asked.

     "In addition to the dog emperor, there are a large number of Blood Saint Realm masters in this palace, among which there are no fewer than 20 in the late Blood Saint Realm." Wang Feng said, telling the truth.

     As for the dog emperor, it must be in this palace, because he is the safest only to stay in this place to heal his injuries, and many palace masters will protect him.

     If you go outside, who will protect him?

     and Wang Feng also felt a crisis before, which should have been emitted by the dog emperor, so he said so at this moment.

     "What is the Blood Saint Realm?" At this time the middle-aged emperor asked.

     In their period, the cultivation system was definitely different from the current one, and even the name of the realm was different. That's why he asked that at this moment.

     "It is the strongest realm below your realm." Wang Feng explained.

     "Don't worry about these people, they are just ants. I want to know what happened to the emperor's injuries." The middle-aged emperor said.

"Since you want to know so much, why don't you inquire yourself? The opponent's cultivation level is so high, even if it is injured, it is not something I can deal with. You ask me to check him, it is not to let me die Is it?" Wang Feng couldn't help but said.

     "I asked you to go to the palace mainly to see him. If you don't even look at him, don't you run for nothing?"

     "Aren't you harming people?" Hearing what he said, Wang Feng finally understood. He didn't want to go to the palace to check the situation by himself. He wanted Wang Feng to check the emperor's injuries.

     It is a pity that Wang Feng's cultivation is so weak. Once he is discovered by the dog emperor, where can he escape?

     "If you weren't asked to see this emperor, what else would I ask you for?"

     "Forget it, take the things back, I don't need them."

     While talking, Wang Feng took out the bead that the middle-aged emperor had given him, and threw it in front of the middle-aged emperor.

What is this? Let him check the emperor’s injuries. This is simply to let Wang Feng go to death. If he said in advance that he wants Wang Feng to check the emperor’s injuries, then Wang Feng can’t take his things. This is not a pit. person?

     "Your cultivation is high, go and see for yourself, I can't help you." Wang Feng shook his head, then he winked at the tortoise shell, and then he turned around to leave here.

"and many more."

     "Do you have anything else to order?" Wang Feng said, but as soon as he finished speaking, he said again: "I am not familiar with you. I am totally unnecessary. I don't need to listen to you here."

While      was talking, Wang Feng walked towards the gate of the inn, and the tortoise shell followed him.

     "Can you walk out without my permission?"

When      spoke, suddenly the middle-aged emperor pointed at Wang Feng and the two of them. Suddenly, their bodies became stiff in an instant, making it difficult to move them. The other party actually forcibly imprisoned them.

     "You are a rascal." At this time, Wang Feng cursed.

     "To deal with you two, I don't have to play a rogue, I just don't want you to leave here easily."

     "I have returned the things to you, what do you want?"

"Actually, from the very beginning, I knew that you and I were the same." The middle-aged emperor spoke, and then he said: "When I was about to recover, you deliberately set up an array at the entrance to stop those people. Fa, besieged them for a while, if you and each other have no feud, why would you help me?"

The middle-aged emperor opened his mouth, his eyes flickering. How could there be a simple person who was able to sit on the throne in the past? Although he has never said this, it does not mean that he does not understand. He knows Wang Feng and these heavens There are some feuds in the dynasty, otherwise they don't need to set up a formation for themselves at all, they can make those people rush into his mausoleum in a big way.

     But since they did it, it has a special meaning.

     "I am so kind, what's the explanation for this?" Wang Feng responded at this time.

     "Your explanation is simply untenable." The middle-aged emperor shook his head, he didn't believe what Wang Feng was saying now.

     "If it weren't because you helped me back then, when I actually met you for the first time, you two were already dead. If my guess is correct, you should have hatred with these dynasties?"

     "No, that's just your personal guess." Wang Feng denied it.

     "Yes, that's just your own guess. How could the two of us have enemies with this dynasty." At this time, the turtle shell also agreed.

     "The two of you are completely dead ducks with hard mouths. I only understood the real situation after a little scrutiny. If this were not the case, do you think I would spend so much time looking for you?"

     said that the middle-aged emperor here let go of the shackles on Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, and said: "Since we all have the same enemy now, I think we can join hands and conspire together."

     "Your cultivation level is so defying, you alone are enough to overthrow this dynasty, do you still need our two gongs?"

     "Naturally need it." The middle-aged emperor nodded, and then said, "No matter how good I am, there is only one. I can't do some things myself, right? So I need a helper."

     "So you fell in love with the two of us?"

     "That's right, the two of you are my best choice, and the only choice."

     The middle-aged emperor was only resurrected, and he didn't believe anyone. Since Wang Feng and Turtle Shell had been with this Heavenly Emperor and had also helped him, he had no other choice except for the two of them.

     "But why should we help you?"

"It's very simple, because I can help you get revenge. Once I find an opportunity, I can overthrow this dynasty and let their imperial power completely collapse." When he said this, the middle-aged emperor suddenly radiated from his body. The breathtaking breath made Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell startled.

     "Wang Feng, this..."

     The other party has spoken so transparently, and even the other party knows almost what they think in their hearts. If they still refuse, it will be difficult to cooperate next.

     The opportunity is rare. If you miss it, you may not have it. Looking at the world, only the emperor of the Tianwai Dynasty can have his cultivation base, so apart from cooperating with him, Wang Feng and the two have no choice.

     "Cooperation is okay, but I won't help you find out the emperor's reality. I don't have that ability."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng pondered for a moment and said.

     He knew that the opponent had already had a showdown. If Wang Feng still insisted on going out at this time, I am afraid that he would go out of this door and it would be impossible to turn around.

     So at this time, all Wang Feng can do is compromise.

     "Since you don't check the reality of the emperor, I won't embarrass you naturally."

     Because of the showdown, the middle-aged emperor’s tone was also lighter. He didn’t want to leave these two people angry because of his attitude. Where else could he go to find a helper?

     The entire Tianwai Empire, who can he believe?

"This royal family has already begun a civil war under my design. Under such circumstances, the emperor did not even show up. It can be seen that his injuries are really serious, otherwise he must have stood up and ended everything. Now." Wang Feng said at this time.

     "You designed it?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the face of the middle-aged emperor couldn't help showing surprise.

     The reason why he came to the imperial city now is because a little change has taken place here, and he wants to take advantage of it, but what he didn't expect was that this battle was actually provoked by Wang Feng.

     This young man looked at his cultivation level not very good, but this method shocked him.

"Yes, this dynasty killed many of my relatives and friends, so I want to retaliate against them. I deceived a direct line of the royal family and killed a prince in the line of the royal family, and then both of them naturally The civil war began."

     "For a son, he doesn't even want the face of the royal family. What is the point of such a person living?"

     heard Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor said with a scornful smile.

     The person he was talking about was the emperor of this dynasty. If he were to sit on this emperor, he would never allow such a civil war to happen.

     either suppressed the opponent forcefully, or handed over his son to see what others could do with his son.

     probably because of the face of an emperor, they would at best punish the prince and dare not take his life.

     But now he would rather not give up his children in the civil war, which seemed a bit silly to the middle-aged emperor.

     "If he has many sons, I think it doesn't matter if he handed over one, but now he only has this single seedling left." At this time, Wang Feng said sadly.

     "What do you mean?" Hearing Wang Feng's the middle-aged emperor instinctively felt that there was a story, so he asked.

     "It's very simple, because of his three sons, two of them have already died in my hands. This is his last son."

     "You..." Wang Feng's words made the middle-aged emperor's eyes widened, and then he had to give Wang Feng a thumbs up and said, "You are amazing."

     "You are afraid that you are going to kill the other party to kill off children and grandchildren."

"What is it to cut off children and grandchildren? When they killed my relatives and friends, they didn't have the slightest mercy. They never thought of letting us live. Therefore, he killed his children and destroyed the peace of his empire. It is just the beginning. I want to let this empire People, blood debts are paid."

When      said the last four words, Wang Feng's voice also became low and full of murderous intent.

     "No wonder you will help me. I didn't expect that there is such a deep hatred between you."

     After listening to Wang Feng’s explanation, the middle-aged emperor finally figured out Wang Feng’s current situation. He could indeed become his ally, and he was still very solid.

     One wants to avenge blood, and the other wants to overthrow the other's dynasty. Although the goals of the two are different, the effect is the same. It can be said that it is a hit, it is difficult to find such a reason for cooperation in the world.


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