The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3107: Trapped

"National Teacher, now everyone is complaining, what do you think should be done?"

  In the imperial palace, many officials gathered at this moment, preparing to discuss the blockade of the imperial city.

  The imperial city is blocked, and everyone will be affected, so no one wants to throw the entire imperial city into trouble for a single king.

   Once this majesty comes back and sees the smog they have made this imperial city, he still doesn't know what punishment they will suffer.

   Su Yao has been demoted to the army for training, so the only person in the entire imperial city who can now be the master is the national teacher. He is the brains of your majesty, so at this time everyone can only count on him to come up with a solution.

   "Don't worry, let me calculate the calculation again." The national teacher said, and then he directly sat on the ground and began to calculate Wang Feng.

   It's a pity that Wang Feng's fate is peculiar, and the original divine fortune teller couldn't calculate Wang Feng. Besides, Wang Feng is now tyrannical in cultivation. Even if this national teacher used his best, he would not be anything useful.

   The other party does not exist in this world. He can't calculate anything related to Wang Feng.

"It's weird. There are countless deductions in my life, but I can't calculate the whereabouts of a young man. What is special about this person?" Opening his eyes, a trace of unwillingness flashed in the eyes of this national teacher. The imperial national teacher, now even a young man can't deal with it, if this is spread out, where will his face be.

   So unwilling to reconcile, he started the calculation again, this time he even used the secret technique for the purpose of calculating Wang Feng.

   It's a pity that Wang Feng is like a non-existent person. He still can't calculate anything. It's like a punch in the air, with no effect at all.

   Thinking of this, this national teacher couldn't help but looked gloomy at the sky at the edge of the crowd. It was this guy who said that Wang Feng was still alive, but why did he calculate that he didn't get anything useful so far?

   "Are you sure Wang Feng is still alive?" the national teacher said with a gloomy face.

   "I can be sure that he is still alive, and the person who came to kill me in the dungeon is definitely he." The sky insisted.


Hearing this, it was because of the status of this national teacher. At this moment, he couldn't help but burst out the foul language, saying: "At the beginning, Wang Feng was killed by your majesty himself, and now I can't predict that there is such a People, you actually used a fake news to deceive me. Do you know what will happen if you deceive me?"

   "Guo Shi, do you want me to kill him?"

   At this time, when an official shows his loyalty, he must clean up the outsider for the national division.

  For an outsider like him, it is a great honor to walk into the palace. I didn’t expect that he would dare to fool the national teacher with false information. Who is this national teacher? How can you be deceived by him.

   So this man has committed a capital crime!

   "To deceive this seat, it is really unforgivable, to drag this person down and kill, in order to emulate you." The national teacher said, making the complexion of the sky change drastically.

   You must know that it took him a lot of effort to come to the palace. He still thought of this place to make contributions, but he didn't expect these people to treat him this way.

   The person who came to the dungeon to kill himself must be Wang Feng, because only Wang Feng would go to the dungeon to kill him so frantically, and even only Wang Feng could have such strength.

He would be crazy if he exposed the woman next to him. For this, Qiongtian thought that he was very good at it, because Wang Feng was a person who cared about his side very much, and he would do everything for the people around him. Do certain things, such as come to the dungeon to kill him.

   But now these people actually say that Wang Feng is dead, how could Qiongtian believe it.

   It must be that this national teacher is not good at his own level, so when he becomes angry, he wants to get an operation.

   I don’t have the ability to blame him on his head, what is the matter?


   Hearing the words of the national teacher, these people did not dare to hesitate, and someone immediately stepped forward to subdue the sky.

"Don't worry, you can't estimate this Wang Feng, you can estimate other people, such as the woman next to him, I know this Wang Feng too well, once we can catch his woman and spread the news at that time, he will definitely Showed up."

   "Are you so sure that he will show up? What is your relationship with him?" At this time, an official spoke with a sneer.

   They didn't even know Wang Feng at all. Even His Royal Highness Su Yao let Wang Feng be deceived, but this person actually said that he knew Wang Feng too much.

"He and I are enemies." Qiongtian said before saying: "As everyone knows, this enemy naturally has to figure out all the details of each other. This Wang Feng has the biggest weakness, that is, the people around him can't touch it. Once touched. He will go crazy."

   The best starting point for catching him is the people around him.

   "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

   "I thought we could catch him directly, but I didn't expect him to be so cunning."


   Hearing this, the national teacher snorted coldly, then he sat down again and began to calculate Bei Yunxue and others.

   This Wang Feng can't be calculated, can he still calculate the whereabouts of several women?

   "It's not good, someone is calculating us." Not long after this national teacher had just sat cross-legged, suddenly Wang Feng in the inn was awakened in an instant, because he actually noticed the feeling of being spied.

  Wang Feng knew that his fate seemed a little strange, and it was difficult for others to calculate, but at the moment his wives were still in his body, and others might be calculating Bei Yunxue and others.

   "Sister Xue, did you ever feel like being spied on?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

   Hearing what Wang Feng said, Bei Yunxue and others who were cultivating in Wangfeng's dantian all woke up in surprise, and asked in surprise: "No."


   Hearing this, Wang Feng wondered if he was being estimated, or how could he feel this way.

   "Let's go, this place can't stay, let's change to an inn." At this time, Wang Feng said, he couldn't calm down.


   In the palace, the national teacher's complexion was sour, almost unable to restrain his anger, and slapped the sky to death with a slap.

   This Wang Feng could not be estimated, indicating that Wang Feng might be dead, but he still could not estimate the portrait taken out by the sky, wouldn't they also be dead?

   It can only be said that Wang Feng's fate is really peculiar. He can stop others from calculating, not to mention that even the people installed in his dantian are difficult for others to calculate. Wang Feng did not expect this.

   People who can't even be estimated by this imperial national teacher, it is even more difficult for other people to catch them.

   "Pull him out and lock him in the dungeon."

   Guo Shi spoke, and directly pronounced the death penalty for Qiongtian.

  Maybe he won't die now, but this time he really fell into the prison, and it is difficult to climb out again.

   It was a pretend last time, but this time it is true.

   "There are other people around him who can calculate, we can try one by one." Qiongtian roared, but it was useless, because how could this national teacher believe him.

   He has been unable to calculate anything useful twice in a row, which is simply a great shame to him.

   Therefore, he would never believe the words of Qiongtian anymore. Even he dare to be deceived. This is simply a death.

   "Guo Shi, do you want to kill him directly?"

   After the sky was taken down by someone, someone immediately came up and asked.

   "Not for the time being." The national teacher shook his head, and then said: "I can see that this person should really know Wang Feng, but it's a pity that he makes me angry now, and I don't want to see him anymore."

"I understand."

   Hearing this, the official thought he understood the meaning of the national teacher, and said that he would not kill. I am afraid that the national teacher had already thought that Qiongtian would die.

   "You understand, what do you understand?"

   Hearing what the other party said, the national teacher's expression sank, and said, "I said, don't kill him yet. If this person really knows Wang Feng, then he will wait until his Majesty returns.

   "The subordinate is wrong."

   Hearing the words of the national teacher, this person can be said to be green and white, and he really loses his face.

   He thought he had understood the meaning of the national teacher, but the national teacher did not mean to kill the sky at all. This time he was flattering and patted the horse's leg. Standing here was extremely embarrassing.

   "Send my order to temporarily lift the blockade of this city."

Now Su Hong is no longer anymore. If they don’t make a living in the imperial city, it will be devastating to the entire empire, and those who have the hearts of the people will win the world. If your majesty knows that they are doing such a mess in the imperial city, Then all of them will definitely be punished, even this national teacher is no exception.

   When your Majesty is gone, he is in power. He can't mess things up.

  If Wang Feng is still alive, then they will naturally catch it, because Wang Feng let go of the middle-aged man last time, posing a huge threat to the entire empire.

   But now there is no clear evidence to prove that Wang Feng is still alive, so for such an unnecessarily person to block the entire imperial city, this is really the next choice.


  Since the national teacher has already spoken, naturally someone will do what he said.

   And after hearing what the National Teacher said, at least half of the officials present were relieved.

   You must know that the empire gave them the little salary, they couldn't support a family of children at all, so when they were in power, these people naturally made money through their own means, and they were not at all ambiguous.

   They are all high-ranking court officials in power, and all parties will sell their face, but once they abdicate, do ghosts know them?

   So if you don’t seize the time to make money now, you may not have a chance in the future.

  The imperial city blockades all of them to suffer so now they all desperately hope that the imperial city can pass normally, so that they can continue to do business.

   "Guo Shi, are we still looking for someone in the imperial city?"

   "The imperial city is so big, if someone wants to hide it, they can hide it anywhere they want. If you continue to find it, even if you find the year of the monkey, there may be no results."

   said that the national teacher was silent for a while, and then he said: "Fortify directly at the gates of major cities and strictly check anyone who enters and exits. Once someone shows a different color, they will be arrested directly, and I will personally review it."


Hearing the words of the national teacher, everyone present knew that the national teacher was cruel. There are too many people who enter and leave the imperial city every day. This national teacher has to interrogate himself. This is a very heavy workload. The national teacher has worked hard for Wang Feng.

   "Wang Feng, I heard that the gate of the city is passable."

   Guo Shi's order was soon implemented, and Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell had already heard the news, and Wang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

   "Blocking the imperial city is just a no-brainer. It is a bad idea. Even if we don't have to force it, someone will naturally come out to make trouble."

   (End of this chapter)

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