The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3111: rumor

On this day, the outer dynasty looks like a monolithic dynasty, but no matter how stable the power is, there are always some restless factors, let alone such a big dynasty.

   So as long as Wang Feng casually releases some news that is not good for the empire, someone will naturally take action.

   After all, since Wang Feng’s assassination of officials last time, some forces in this empire have already begun to move around, and now they have been lingering, that   just lacked an opportunity.

   And now Wang Feng will provide them with this opportunity.

   The Wang Feng and tortoise shells have not established enough power to pass the news, so now they have to find someone to pass the news.

   In the entire Tianwai Empire area, there are forces loyal to the Tianwai Empire, and there are people who are not loyal to them and willing to be underground forces, such as some killer organizations and some intelligence organizations.

   Although these forces are not visible, this does not deny their strength, such as some killer organizations. Although they cannot be compared with the governor, they are also first-class forces.

   I want to walk the rumors, the best way now is to ask these forces for help. Of course, asking them for help will inevitably lead to heavy bleeding, but as long as the dynasty can be brought down, what about heavy bleeding?

   What Wang Feng wants is revenge, and everything else can be left behind.

   spent a huge amount of wealth, Wang Feng successfully passed the rumors to the hands of an underground intelligence organization.

   As for how they will eventually deliver the news on a large scale, it has nothing to do with Wang Feng.

   He had already paid the price anyway. If he didn't see the effect, Wang Feng would naturally look for the trouble of this force.

   "I have done everything that needs to be done, and then I will watch the show."

   After leaving this intelligence organization, Wang Feng breathed out a long breath.

   You must know that this time he paid a very high price, the purpose is to kill this alien dynasty, even if they can not be defeated, at least they have to pay a high price to quell these rebellions.

   "Are you sure this force will really help us?" Beside Wang Feng, the turtle shell said.

   "Taking people's money and wealth to eliminate disasters for others, if they can't do it, then they will naturally have to pay their lives to repay them." Said Wang Feng couldn't help but show a sneer on his face.

   He doesn't have any good feelings about these extravagant forces. Only the tribe who saved him is a little grateful. As for the others... If you provoke Wang Feng, how can you destroy them?

   Countless people died in the heavens, and after Wang Feng arrived outside the heavens, the people he killed were nothing compared to the undead in the heavens.

   It is impossible for Wang Feng to return to Su Yao. Even he can't show up in front of the public with his previous appearance. Since he can't go back, Wang Feng doesn't have to force it.

   So after leaving the intelligence organization and returning to their temporary foothold, Wang Feng directly took out a blood-red bead. This bead was called the bloodthirsty bead, and it could enhance Wang Feng's bloodline.

   This was when Wang Feng and the turtle shell had just arrived at the main star, and Wang Feng snatched them from others.

Later, in order to hide, Wang Feng didn't even dare to leak the breath of his own blood, and didn't dare to take this thing. But now he has failed in hiding, so he doesn't need to keep this thing in his hand as a display. Use the beads.

   "When I was cultivating, you helped to see if there was any news spreading outside. It shouldn't be a big problem?"

   "Please don't worry, if I can't handle even this little thing, then my life will be in vain?"

After explaining the tortoise shell, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and went straight into a state of retreat. The battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong was obviously not for Wang Feng, so he simply took advantage of this effort to absorb the bloodthirsty bead. Now, to see if he can take his blood to the next level.

   The bloodline is outside the sky, which makes Wang Feng disgusted, but if the current bloodline promotion can make Wang Feng's cultivation breakthrough, then he is willing to do so.

The tortoise shell was already guarding for Wang Feng outside. He knew that Wang Feng could not be disturbed when he was practicing, so he took the initiative to watch Wang Feng's door outside. He believed that if he wanted to cultivate important things, Wang Feng would do the same. He is average.

   It was like the last time in the tomb, Wang Feng could clearly kill the Yongzhen Emperor, but he gave up for the turtle shell, all because he wanted the turtle shell to absorb more vitality.

   Holding the bloodthirsty bead tightly with one hand, Wang Feng could feel that the blood in his body was fluctuating sharply, as if it was about to boil.

   It was as if there was a volcano about to erupt in his body, and Wang Feng couldn't suppress it anymore.

   But he doesn't need to be suppressed now, because he is no longer in the imperial city, let alone next to Su Yao, so since this bloodline is about to explode, let it explode as much as possible.


   There was a roar in the body, and all the various seals that Wang Feng had previously imposed on him were broken at this moment, and Wang Feng's royal blood was revealed at this moment.

In the imperial city, Wang Feng has lived with a false identity for so long. It is impossible to say that he is not tired, because Wang Feng has to be careful what he does, afraid of being discovered, but now he doesn’t need to hide anymore, because he can be himself Up.

  The power of the bloodline has exploded. At this moment, anyone within almost a kilometer around Wang Feng can feel the sense of depression that originates from the depths of the soul, and that is the innate suppression of them by the blood of the royal family.

   Looking at the bloodthirsty bead in his hand, Wang Feng did not hesitate to put the bead directly into his mouth.


   Just put this bloodthirsty bead in his mouth, Wang Feng felt that his mouth was about to burn. What he ate was not like a bead, but more like a hot ball of fire.

   That is, Wang Feng has experienced a lot of pain, otherwise he might have opened his mouth and vomited out what was in his mouth at this moment.

   Since this bloodthirsty bead has the effect of strengthening blood vessels, the intense burning induction should be normal. It is like the phoenix nirvana. If you don't pay any price, how can you be reborn from the cocoon?

No matter how hot this bead was, Wang Feng didn't make the slightest scream in his mouth. He could feel the heat from his own mouth constantly sweeping towards his body, making him appear this whole body. Kind of burning sensation.

   His skin was turning blood red, it looked as if the blood in his body was about to burst through his skin, and it was shocking.

   The heat in the whole room was rising sharply, and Wang Feng's body also convulsed slightly.

   Bloodline transformation is not easy. The pain that Wang Feng is enduring at this moment can hardly be described in words. It is like countless knives slashing and slashing all over his body. Even Wang Feng can't bear the pain.

   It's just that Wang Feng's reason is telling him clearly that he must resist this kind of pain. If he can't resist it, I am afraid that if he takes this bloodthirsty bead for nothing, even he will suffer severe injuries along with it.

   Therefore, Wang Feng now has no turning back at all. He can only silently endure the pain caused by this bloodline transformation, biting to death, and refusing to make a scream.

   At the beginning, Wang Feng's skin was only blood red, but later his blood had penetrated through his skin and began to penetrate outwards. It looked like Wang Feng was bleeding all over his body.

  Wang Feng didn't know how the bloodline evolved. Even when his bloodline became the royal bloodline, it was formed only by chance and coincidence, not Wang Feng's intentional cultivation.

   But when Wang Feng hopes that his bloodline can change, he doesn't know what he should do.

   Maybe when the burning sensation in his body stops, his blood will have automatically transformed to a higher level.

Silently enduring this kind of inhuman torture, Wang Feng waited for a couple of hours to inject incense before gradually feeling that his burning sensation was reduced. Since the saddest time has passed, the next point Suffering Wang Feng naturally did not care about it.

   Even while enduring this bloodline change, Wang Feng opened his own heavenly eyes and carefully watched whether the bloodline had changed.

   Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng can clearly see every vein in his body, as well as the blood flowing in it. The blood is still the same as it is, and there is not much change.

   The only thing that has changed is that Wang Feng's bloodline seems to be more refined.

   As for the metamorphosis, Wang Feng has not seen it yet.

   It seems that it is really difficult for the bloodline to transform. After all, Wang Feng has no way, so it is naturally difficult to transform into something more advanced.

However, the effect of this bloodthirsty bead is still there. After using this thing to strengthen his bloodline, Wang Feng's cultivation seems to have improved a lot, and now if Wang Feng reverses his bloodline again, I am afraid that he can get the same strength. Will be enhanced.

   So the pain he has suffered during this period of time is not in vain, but it has played its due effect.

   "Wang Feng, how are you doing?"

   At this time, the sound of the tortoise shell came from outside. I haven't heard any movement for such a long time. The tortoise shell was a little worried, so I asked this question.

   "Come in, it's almost done." Wang Feng said, and then his cultivation power exploded, and suddenly some of the dirt attached to his body surface disappeared and Wang Feng stood up.

   "How about? Is it useful?" Looking at Wang this tortoise shell asked.

   "In addition to causing me severe pain, the obvious effect is not." Wang Feng shook his head.

   "No? Is it really useless at all?"

   Hearing Wang Feng's words, the face of the tortoise shell showed a look of surprise.

   "It should be a little bit, but unfortunately I don't know how to transform my bloodline, so naturally I can't use the power of this bloodthirsty bead."

   "By the way, when I was guarding the law outside the door just now, I used my spiritual sense to see that many people outside were discussing what we had spread before." At this time, the tortoise shell spoke, and it was obviously a little excited.

   If this Tianwai Dynasty is slandered by this rumor, I believe it will not take long before they will have a big problem.

Rumors may not be believed when they first started, but as one spreads ten, ten spreads a hundred, and a hundred spreads a thousand, it will become a fact if it is false. It is not a rumors. For play.

   If this is not the case, why would Wang Feng spend such a high price to do this.


   Because I went out for three days on the National Day, so there were only two changes a day for these three days. It’s a small vacation for myself, sorry

   (End of this chapter)

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