The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3114: 4 riots


Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were awakened still in the sound of fighting. At this moment, there was a fierce fighting sound from downstairs of the inn where they were. When they came to the window, Wang Feng could see that there were a large number of people wearing black costumes. The officials in the government fight, judging from the number of people, the people in black occupy the majority, and the guards were killed because they lost their helmets and screamed.

   "It's interesting, this riot happened in front of our eyes." At this time, the tortoise shell made a sound, which also meant watching the excitement.

   "What is the entry point for cultivation?"

  Although the people below are fighting and still dead, the complexions of Wang Feng and Turtle Shell have not changed at all, as if the people below do not exist.

   "This late Blood Saint Realm is like a thick wall, it is difficult for me to break through." The turtle shell shook his head.

   "Me too." Wang Feng nodded, but quite agree with the tortoise shell.

   Both of them are cultivation bases in the middle stage of the blood sacred realm, and both have to face this level of the latter stage of the blood sacred realm.

It’s really too difficult for the blood saint realm to enter the late stage, even more difficult than the heavenly giant’s entering the late stage of the giant. Although Wang Feng wants to go in this direction, he has no See the way forward.

   There are only a few cultivators in the late Blood Saint Realm of the Tianwai Dynasty, and it is normal for Wang Feng and the others to have difficulty breaking through.

   "It seems that we want to make a breakthrough in our cultivation base. We still need an opportunity." Wang Feng said, and then he said: "I am afraid that this kind of closed-door practice alone will have little effect."

   "Then where can you go?"

   "There is nowhere to go, but I know that fighting is the most grind, and the edge of life and death can better understand the realm."

   But as soon as the words were finished, Wang Feng said again: "But we still have to see if the dog emperor and the Yongzhen emperor are over."

  While speaking, Wang Feng opened his celestial eye. With his current cultivation level, his celestial eye can see things far away, even things outside this star, Wang Feng can see.

   "It's still fighting."

Above the stars where Emperor Yongzhen and Emperor Dog were, Wang Feng could see a large amount of dust floating outside this star. That was because the battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong was too fierce and had destroyed the star. It's very serious, I am afraid that the entire star has been affected by them.

   "It's a pity that I didn't add this to the rumors last time, otherwise the effect might be faster." At this time, Wang Feng sighed.

   "Even if we don't add it, and others are not blind, they can definitely see it.


   Such a terrifying battle, apart from Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong, who can break out today?

   So only a little publicity is needed to get good results.

   "Since we are still fighting, then we have something to do."

   While talking, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and left the inn, and went to the underground intelligence forces where they helped them spread the rumors last time.

   "Call out the person in charge here." Wang Feng said after entering the management office of this underground force.

   "Do you have anything to do with him?"

   Hearing what Wang Feng said, one of the people in this shop immediately walked up to Wang Feng and said respectfully.

  Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are cultivators in the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm. Such cultivation bases are all first-class masters in the entire city, and this person naturally does not dare to offend.

   "There is something important." Wang Feng flipped his palm while speaking, and suddenly a cloud of mist appeared in his palm. All the floating inside were spiritual stones, there might be as many as tens of thousands.

   "Guest officer, are you?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I did a big business with you last time, why don't you know me now?" Wang Feng pushed the cloud in front of this person and said: "Tell me now ."

   "No need to tell."

   Just then, a voice sounded. It was the people in this place who discovered the powerful aura of Wang Feng and the turtle shell, and took the initiative to walk out of the inner hall.

On the surface, this place is just a shop selling jewelry, but Wang Feng and Turtle Shell know that this is actually a stronghold of the underground intelligence forces. Last time they spread the rumors in this place, but it cost a huge price. .

   "Are you willing to come out?"

  Looking at the person who appeared, Wang Feng directly pushed the cloud and mist enveloping the spirit stone in front of this person, and said: "This is just a meeting ceremony, don't be too small."

   "Since it is a spirit stone, it is naturally not too small."

   The purpose of this underground force is to earn spiritual stones, so let alone tens of thousands of spiritual stones, even thousands of them would not be too small.

   "The two are our distinguished guests, please come inside."

   The man made a please gesture and said.

   The last time Wang Feng and Turtle Shell came here, they paid a huge price. It was a felony to spread the rumors of the empire, so Wang Feng almost emptied his space ring last time.

   How can he turn away such a big customer here again?

   "Come on, have tea."

   After bringing Wang Feng and the turtle shell to a hidden room, the middle-aged man called.

   "No need." Upon hearing his words, Wang Feng rejected his kindness and said, "This time I came here because I have something to ask you."

   "Excuse me."

   "I have seen your abilities this time, and things are done very beautifully." Before asking about the matter, Wang Feng praised them in reality, and the middle-aged man couldn't help showing a trace of pride.

   Among all the underground intelligence forces, they are definitely regarded as first-class. If they can't handle even this little thing, wouldn't they have smashed their own signs?

   "Taking people's money and helping people to eliminate disasters is something that should be done." The middle-aged man said a polite remark.

   "This rumor has spread all over the world, and the rule of this empire has caused major problems. Now I am here to ask you, do you know what insurgent troops are the strongest?"

   "Do you want to contribute to it?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help being surprised.

   You must know that when Wang Feng came to him to help spread the rumors, they were very shocked. If it were not because they were an underground power, I am afraid they would not dare to take over a business like Wang Feng.

   Fortunately, the price Wang Feng paid also made them very satisfied. That's why this business was achieved. Otherwise, how dare they agree to Wang Feng.

   You must know that it is a big taboo to do such a thing, maybe they will push their entire power down the abyss.

   Now that Wang Feng seems to have other purposes, this person is naturally shocked.

   This person's cultivation level is only in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm. It doesn't matter if he destroys the peace of the empire, but now he even asks whose troops are the strongest. This is a bad idea.

   "Will I be secretly adding to the flames? Just leave it alone. In short, now you only need to tell me if you have any news in this regard." Wang Feng said.

   "There is news." The man nodded, but soon he gave Wang Feng a wink and said, "It's just..."

   Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng naturally understood what he meant in an instant. Isn’t it just for good?

   "You don't have to worry about the price, as long as you tell me what I need, you are satisfied."

   "I know your strength naturally, but..."

   said that his face was embarrassed and said: "We are already a great concession to spread the rumors for you. If you continue to contribute to the flames in the dark, I am afraid I can't help with this.


  Wang Feng spreading rumors to slander the empire will definitely shake the hearts of the empire, but they can't control so much in order to make money.

   But now Wang Feng still wants to join this reactionary force to attack the empire. Is he still busy?

  Once Wang Feng was arrested and they said their existence, wouldn't they all have to follow suit.

   "Let's do this, I think your cultivation is on the verge of breaking through. I have a good pill here, which can increase your chance of breaking through the realm."

   "How much can it increase?" This person asked when he heard Wang Feng's words.

   "I can't guarantee 100%, but at least there is an 80% chance."

   "Friends, don't bully me for not knowing the alchemist. I am not someone without knowledge. If there is such a pill, I can't find it?"

   "Of course, I believe you have seen a lot of high-level pill, but other people's pill will be other people's pill after all. They can't help you, but I can." Wang Feng said, feeling quite mysterious.

   "Friends of Taoism, I admit that you have the strength, but it is a bad habit to speak big, you must not deceive me."

   "If you think I am cheating then we have nothing to say, goodbye."

  While speaking, Wang Feng stood up, and the middle-aged person who was watching couldn't help but anxious, because he felt that with Wang Feng's magnanimity and his cultivation skills, he should not deceive himself.

  His cultivation base has now reached the early stage of the Blood Saint Realm, and he has been unable to break through to the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm. If Wang Feng can really help him to break through, then why not even tell Wang Feng the news?

As the No. 1 underground intelligence organization, they naturally knew who had stronger teams. The reason why he didn’t want to tell Wang Feng was because he thought he was a member of this empire. People infringed, and even reduced to talk for everyone, but he never wanted the empire to fall like this.

   There are no eggs under the covering nest. If the empire is really destroyed, they will definitely be affected. Even if they are not destroyed, their vitality will definitely be greatly injured.

   But now that Wang Feng actually said that he could help him break through the realm, he had to hesitate.

People are selfish, and his cultivation is stuck at the peak of this Blood Saint Realm. This has become a very distressing thing in his heart. If Wang Feng can really help him, then he really Want to reach this deal with Wang Feng.

   "Wait." The middle-aged man called Wang Feng.

   (End of this chapter)

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