The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3120: King Xiangyang?

  "The things here are all from our Su family."

   While speaking, the patriarch motioned to his people to put these pills and spirit stones in front of Wang Feng.

   Sweeping these fingers, Wang Feng could naturally see what was inside. This time the Su family was attacking cities and plundering land. As long as the city was breached by them, their treasure house would naturally not escape their palms.

   Although Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell have already searched the city, but the Su family they have searched is not thorough, so it is completely reasonable for them to take the Su family.

   "Thank you so much." Taking a look at the contents of the finger, Wang Feng swept away his sleeves and directly put all these things into his own pocket.

   "Two, this time my Su family can command the entire Sirius, thanks to the help of your two distinguished guests, I know I may not be able to recruit you, but the door of my Su family is still open to you forever."

   The head of the Su family spoke with a solemn tone.

   "Then wish our friendship can last forever."

  Since he has all the things in his hands, Wang Feng doesn't need to stay in this place anymore, so at this moment he raised the wine glass in his hand and spoke.

   "We will always be friends." The head of the Su family also spoke, and then all the Su family members raised their wine glasses and drank them together with Wang Feng.

Just at the moment when Wang Feng was drinking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a young man in the crowd. The young man looked unattractive, but when Wang Feng saw him, he couldn't help but shake his body, and his face was even more serious. It showed an incredible color.

   Because he actually saw King Xiangyang, the King Xiangyang who died in Su Yao's hands.

   You must know that the original King Xiangyang was killed by Su Yao when Wang Feng watched him, but now he actually appeared here.

  Although he has changed his appearance, even his breath has changed slightly, Wang Feng's heavenly eyes can see through the falsehood, he can see through the disguise of King Xiangyang all at once, and his face is shocked.

   The King Xiangyang is clearly dead, but why does he appear here?

   Is it difficult?

   Thinking of this, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help being shocked. Is this Su family really that royal side?

   Otherwise, how could this King Xiangyang appear here?

   It was just a moment of effort, and many thoughts flashed in Wang Feng's mind. Among them, the most surprising thing was that the King Xiangyang was still alive, which was beyond his expectation.

   Isn't this guy already dead?

"what happened to you?"

   Perceiving that Wang Feng is different, the Su family chief asked.


   Hearing what he said, Wang Feng immediately reacted, and put down the wine glass in his hand, and said: "I encountered some resistance when I broke the city for you. Now, drinking alcohol has caused a little injury."

   "It's all because we didn't find you in advance, otherwise we would not have such a thing together if we all joined forces."

   The Su clan chief did not know if he really took Wang Feng's words as true, and at this moment he said with a hint of apology.

   From the beginning to the present, the head of the Su clan gave Wang Feng a very good impression, and he didn't put on airs. If Wang Feng was really just a casual cultivator, maybe he would follow the Su clan.

But now he actually saw King Xiangyang in the crowd, so how could he be with these people again? You must know that King Xiangyang is now the remnant of the royal family. Once his identity is exposed, I am afraid he will be as direct as himself. Being chased by the royal family is even worse.

After drinking a few cups with everyone, Wang Feng and the turtle shell left here. Although the Su family chief expressed his desire to stay here again, the two of Wang Feng never thought of staying here, so It would be vain to let them stay, and neither of them would stay.

   Therefore, under the watchful eyes of many Su family members, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell flew up into the air, and then directly penetrated their current formation, shocking their faces.

   You need to know that setting up this formation took a lot of effort, but now they can penetrate the past so easily, which really makes them feel incredible.

   "Patriarch, the formation we have set up is difficult even for the monks in the late Blood Saint Realm to break through in a short time, but why the two of them can ignore this formation directly, it is as if it does not exist."

"Isn't it easy?" Hearing this, the Su family chief shook his head, and then said: "Since they can help us break so many large city formations before, this is enough to show the opponent's knowledge in the formation. Very high, maybe all the formation masters in our clan together are not as good as each other."

   "No wonder."

   Hearing what the patriarch said, everyone nodded in agreement. Since others can break the formations of other cities, wouldn't it be normal to break them here?

   "Wang Feng, how many treasures did you get from them?" At this time, the tortoise shell opened his mouth and looked frequently to Wang Feng.

Although this tortoise shell has very little demand for the pill, it is better than nothing. Besides, this time helping the Su family is not only Wang Feng’s credit, but he also worked with him, so now he naturally I also want to know how many treasures Wang Feng got.

   "Not many, probably there are tens of thousands of pill." Wang Feng said, but in his heart he had to say that this Su family was really bright, how could he be willing to take out so many pill.

   "All top-notch?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

"It's impossible to think about it with my toes. If all of them are top-level pill, how could there be so many." Wang Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said: "There are about a thousand top-level pill. I don't want to introduce it."

   "It can be considered a catch."

  There are so many pills, it is almost the same, after all, the Su family also needs to use it, and if they are willing to take out so many, it is considered to be bleeding.

   I asked the tortoise shell of the pill, but as for Lingshi, he was not interested at all, because in this world, the effect of Lingshi is really very small, far less important than the pill.

   Even a top-level pill can sell countless spiritual stones, so what is this spiritual stone?

   "Do you know what happened to the Su Family on Sirius?" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this moment.

   "What's going on? Is there anything wrong with this?"

   The face of the tortoise shell showed a strange color. I don't know what Wang Feng meant by asking.

   "Of course there is an inside story, and the inside story is still big, I almost fell into a depression when I was drinking."

   "What do you mean? Tell me more carefully."

   "The last time the King of Xiangyang was killed by Su Yao by you and I, right?"

   "Yes, that guy is very poisonous, he is already dead and can't die again, is there any problem in this?"

   "Then do you know if I saw it when I was drinking?"

   "Fuck, this King Xiangyang is still alive, right?"

   Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell reacted instantly, with a shocked expression on his face.

   This King Xiangyang died in front of many people. It is very difficult to falsify, and after that, the royal family also launched a battle. If this is fake, they don't need to fight like this, right?

   "You are right. I accidentally saw a young man while drinking alcohol. This person is the fallen... King Xiangyang."

"How can this be?"

   the tortoise shell asked in shock.

   "Everything in the world is possible. Perhaps the death of King Xiangyang was just an excuse for their royal clans to launch a mutiny and want more rights from the emperor, but in the end they failed."

   "Are you sure you read it right?"

   Although it is possible to resurrect from For example, the Emperor Yongzhen is an example, but at what level is the King of Xiangyang, how could he have such a tactics against the sky.

   "My celestial eye can see through all the hidden. Although the person's appearance and breath have changed a little, I will never see it wrong, it is indeed the King Xiangyang."

   "So, maybe the Su family we helped before is also the side of the royal family?"

   "There is absolutely such a possibility." Wang Feng nodded.

   "Aren't they destroyed?"

"It's only the superficial forces that have been destroyed. Who knows if they have developed secretly, and since King Xiangyang has appeared here, then your statement is very likely to be true. This Su family may be the one that has disappeared The royal lineage in the eyes of the world."

   "This Nima..."

   Hearing Wang Feng's words, this tortoise shell really didn't know what to say. This royal family has come to this Sirius. Do they still want to use this as a springboard to continue to grab the imperial power?

   (End of this chapter)

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