The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3132: Seize the national teacher

"If you can stop me, wouldn't I have come to this palace for nothing?"

   Looking at these people who wanted to stop him, Wang Feng's face was sneered, and then a green light suddenly floated in his body, followed by a cloud of black air.

   This is Wang Feng releasing the little monsters in his dantian.

This is what Wang Feng found in the tomb of Emperor Yongzhen. Although one of them was not good at attacking power, there were too many of them. When in that tomb, Wang Feng had already tried the power of these little things. , It is indeed terror.

   Now that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are in a situation of being besieged, Wang Feng happens to use these little things and let them eat them away.

   "What is this?" Seeing two different beams of light flying out of Wang Feng's body, none of these people could see exactly what it was in the first time.

   But when they really saw it clearly, these black mists had already arrived in front of them, and rushed up as a bite. There were too many of these little things. These people can kill some but they can't kill all of them.

   So in just a moment, many of them have already eaten their hands and feet by these little things. The defense is weak and even a blink of an eye, this body is half gone, and even the soul can't escape.


   Seeing this scene, many people feel shocked, these things are too scary? They could even eat their flesh and blood.


These people wanted to stop Wang Feng, but they were unsuccessful. Instead, they let Wang Feng release something to stop him. At this time, Wang Feng’s power had already fallen very accurately on the headlight in the center of the hall, instantly turning this great The lamp was broken.

   When the headlight went out, the formation that enveloped the national division naturally shattered along with it, without requiring Wang Feng to actively attack.


The formation was broken, and the face of this national teacher couldn't help but change drastically. Because without the defensive formation, he was actually exposed in front of Wang Feng. In terms of calculation ability, I am afraid that few people in the entire empire can compare. Fuck him, but he is strong in calculation, but his combat effectiveness is insufficient, which is regarded as one of his weaknesses.

After all, this calculation is equivalent to being a alchemist. They have spent their entire life studying this thing. How can they have other time to cultivate the realm, so they are very good at reaching the peak in some respect, but apart from this, their combat effectiveness But they can't take it at all. This is their flaw, and it is difficult to make up for it in a short time.

   "Guo Shi, which one do you calculate all day long, have you ever calculated that you will have today's calamity?"

"It's a person who will eventually have a day, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, you can kill me today, and others can kill you tomorrow." This national teacher is indeed a personal thing. After a brief period of chaos, he really calmed down and returned. Can talk freely.

   It's a pity that his words are useless to Wang Feng, and Wang Feng has never listened to it.

   "No matter if I die tomorrow or not, you can't live today anyway, and even if I die tomorrow, then I will live one day longer, right?"

   "I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. I have a lot of calculations. I didn't calculate that it was a young man like you who killed the palace. If my guess is correct, you should be Wang Feng?"

   "Am I important to Wang Feng now?" Wang Feng didn't think it was any strange when he heard the other party calling his name, because he only had to think carefully and guess his identity.

   It's a pity that even if he guessed Wang Feng's identity now, no one in this palace can save him.

This imperial palace is a magic weapon, and even the entire imperial city can be used as an attack weapon, but unfortunately that is the exclusive right of Su Hong. Although he is a national teacher, he is not qualified to touch it, and even Su Hong will not give it to him. Touch.

   So facing Wang Feng, he can say that he is desperate now, even if there are many people around here, but whoever of them is Wang Feng's opponent, there are too many people to use.

   "Unexpectedly, I capsized in your hands."

   Looking at Wang Feng, a wry smile appeared on the face of this national teacher.

   Although he is good at calculating, he can't calculate his own destiny. He just feels a kind of crisis, so he will prepare in advance here.

   It's a pity that all the preparations he made were useless, because Wang Feng easily broke the formation he set up and let him reveal it.

   Having lost his defense, he really has no threat. Wang Feng can kill him at any time.   "You have been sitting in this position for such a long time, and you have also enjoyed the glory and wealth that others can't enjoy in a lifetime, you should be content too.

   Murderous intent appeared on Wang Feng's face as he spoke, and then he raised his hand and directly detained the national teacher into his own hands.

When Su Hong was in the palace, Wang Feng had no chance to kill this person at all, but now this Su Hong is no longer, and even the eagle dog under his hand has been called away by him. If so, why didn't Wang Feng kill this person? Kill it?

   "Life and death have long been indifferent to me. Killing me is equivalent to stabbing a hornet's nest. There will be no place for you in the whole world." Looking at Wang Feng, the national teacher said forcefully.

"is it?"

   A smile appeared on Wang Feng's face when he heard this, and then he said, "But why do I see fear in your eyes? You are scared, right?"

   "And what you just said was wrong, the sky is big, do you really think your empire's minions have reached any point?"

"Although you are a national, apart from your identity, you are just an ordinary person. I have never seen anyone who is not afraid of death in this world. You are the Emperor Suhong. You should have this kind of retribution if you work hard."

   While speaking, Wang Feng's palm was slightly hardened, which made the national teacher feel uncomfortable even to breathe, his face was pale, and he did not look like a normal person.

   "Let down the national teacher."

   Seeing this scene, the people surrounding Wang Feng and the tortoise shell suddenly yelled.

   "You don't have to come up."

   Hearing these people's words, the national teacher said, he didn't want these people to die unnecessarily.

Since this person dared to rush to the palace at this time, he must have made preparations, and he lives in the depths of the palace. Since he can come here, it shows that his cultivation is very powerful. Even if these people are all up, I am afraid they are not his opponents.

   In that case, why should this national teacher let them make senseless sacrifices?

   He knew that he might be in a catastrophe today. He could not use the things left by his Majesty, and he was not qualified. So now the entire palace is up and down, and the people who can save him can't get it out. He has to wait for death.

   (End of this chapter)

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