The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3134: Turned upside down

"What are you going to do?" Looking at Wang Feng, the turtle shell asked.

"Kill the high officials of their empire." Wang Feng made a calm voice, and then he walked straight ahead.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell's mouth could not help but laugh out loud. He knew that Wang Feng would not leave that easily. Although this national teacher was dead, the empire could still function without him.

But if all other high-ranking officials are killed, then everyone will have no leader. Even if Su Hong comes back, the imperial city will be a mess. Therefore, Wang Feng will kill these high-ranking officials as much as possible. If one dies, the empire will be a little messy .

If all are dead, then things might be fun.

The senior officials in the palace must have also known that someone had already entered the palace, so he asked many people to protect himself.

It is a pity that when Wang Feng and the tortoise shell came here, these people who protected him were like ants, and Wang Feng was easily wiped out, and none of them survived.

"Do it yourself or me?"

Looking at this senior official with a look of fear, Wang Feng said calmly.

These people have been in high positions all year round, and do not participate in the battle. When death is really about to fall on them, they are very afraid.

In fact, fear is human nature, after all, it is dying, who is not afraid?

Some people even say that they are not afraid of death, but at that moment, how many people are not afraid of death?

"Please let me go. You and I have never met, and I have never provoke you. If you need anything, I can give it to you."

Looking at Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, this man was really frightened and knelt before Wang Feng with a begging expression.

"Well, I can promise you." Hearing what he said, Wang Feng nodded, making this person's face suddenly show ecstasy. He didn't expect Wang Feng to speak so easily.

Is it just that Wang Feng is so easy to talk?

These people were all Wang Feng wanted to kill. How could he let them live, and today Wang Feng let them live, maybe tomorrow they will start looking for someone to deal with him, so Wang Feng will never keep this kind of misfortune.

"Then what do you need, let me give it to you." The man said, trying to stand up.

It's a pity that he hasn't stood up and was forced back by a terrible force.

A gloomy voice came, saying: "I only need your life now!"

While speaking, the world in front of this person directly turned into darkness, and there was no other color anymore, because he had been slapped on his head by Wang Feng, and even his soul was not taken away.

"Go, next one."

After killing this person, Wang Feng took away his finger, and then he went to the place where the next official was.

Although there are many guards in this palace, these guards do not exist in Wang Feng's eyes. They are not Wang Feng's opponents at all. Wang Feng wants to kill people, and these people can only be killed along with them.

It didn't take Wang Feng five minutes to kill these two officials.

After killing these two people, Wang Feng didn't continue to commit crimes, because he would continue to kill other officials, so there was no time to waste here.

These people have no effect at all, nor can they play a leading role, so killing them is at best to create more corpses. What is the use?

The national teacher died, and the two high-ranking empires were also dead. They did not stay in this palace. At this moment, Wang Feng turned around and left here with the tortoise shell. He was going to the homes of those high-ranking empires to kill them.

Because of Wang Feng's frustration at the gate of the city before, the entire imperial city was already in a mess. There were people smashing and smashing people everywhere, and soldiers arresting people everywhere.

It's just that these people can't affect Wang Feng at all, because he still has to deal with his own affairs.

According to the memory from this search, Wang Feng quickly brought the tortoise shell to the door of a senior official of the imperial court. Looking at the closed door, Wang Feng directly opened his own heavenly eyes.

With his heavenly eyes swept, he could see all the people in this mansion gathered together, as if they were guarding something.

Maybe they had already received the news that the palace was under attack, so they closed the door tightly to prevent people from entering or leaving.

It's a pity that they are hiding here and not leaving, aren't they just waiting for death?

Kicked the door of this mansion open with one foot, and Wang Feng and the turtle shell rushed in directly.

"I will leave the small one to you for a while, and I will kill the big one." Wang Feng said, and then he walked towards where the opponent was hiding.

This mansion is so big that most people may not be able to walk through it even if they wander around here, and now the whole mansion is empty, as if all the people in it have been evacuated.

But Wang Feng knew that they did not withdraw, but hid in an underground secret room of this mansion.

Even in order to create the illusion that they have been withdrawn, the people in this mansion deliberately messed up the ground, as if they were walking in a hurry.

It's a pity that they never dreamed that Wang Feng had a heavenly eye, and suddenly saw where they were, so they couldn't avoid this catastrophe.

"Still very smart, I know to cover myself." Turtle shell said with a smile at this time.

"If cover is useful, so many people will not die every day in the world."

"Everyone, is it comfortable to hide in this dark place?"

When they came to the place where these people were hiding, Wang Feng directly opened the door of the secret room where they were and walked in.

Looking at Wang Feng, the people in this secret room couldn't help but let out a startled sound, because they didn't expect someone to find them.

"Who are you?" A young man said at this time.

"I think you should all understand why you want to hide, so even if I don't need to introduce my own identity, I believe you all know what I did here."

"The assassination of an imperial official is a felony, and it is to afflict the nine clans. Are you not afraid?"

"Joke, your empire is now falling apart, you can still say such a thing, do you feel that you are too naive?"

"We can give you whatever you want, but we have never done anything to hurt you." At this time, an old woman knelt in front of Wang Feng. This is the young mother of this young age.

In order to keep everyone alive, she did not hesitate to kneel down for Wang Feng.

"Mother, why do you kneel to him?"

Seeing this scene, the young man yelled directly and was very emotional, because he did not expect that his old mother would kneel to the enemy.

"You may not have done anything to hurt But since you are going to serve the dog emperor Su Hong, then you are destined to have no good end, and if beg for mercy is useful, I believe There will be fewer disputes in this world."

Wang Feng spoke, without the slightest pity in his words.

When so many people died in the heavens, there were no begging for mercy, but what happened to them? It was not the same tragic death, and even if the tortoise shell suddenly recovered, Wang Feng would die in the heavens.

Since people from outside the heavens are not willing to let go of their heavenly people, why should Wang Feng be soft-hearted?

"Since your family is gathered here, don't blame me."

As the so-called killer is always killing, Wang Feng is just doing what he should do.

A group of hot flames flew out of Wang Feng's body, directly filling the entire secret room. In this flame, these people had suffered a devastating blow, and they were not his opponents at all.

Maybe it was a time of screaming for so many breaths, everything stopped, all the people in it died tragically, none of them remained.

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