The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3141: General

"Wang Feng, this?"

Seeing people coming from outside, this tortoise shell couldn’t help but feel tight. Although he is already a powerhouse of the late Blood Saint realm, he just broke through the realm. Once he fights, he may not be able to get it. Upper hand.

"Behave as usual, just say what you should say, don't be afraid." Wang Feng shook his head, not afraid.

His own combat effectiveness is already very strong. If he cooperates with a tortoise shell, even if it is forced to start a battle, this general in the late Blood Saint Realm may not be able to win.

In that case, what are they afraid of?

"This place is really lively."

As soon as he walked in, the general of the Divine Army suddenly spoke.

Although he didn't deliberately exude his own breath, he stood there like a mountain, bringing great spiritual pressure to people, and he was only stronger than a tortoise shell.

Fortunately, when Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell went to attack the palace last time, no one in this palace could mobilize this **** army, otherwise the two of them might be in danger.

However, I can only blame Su Hong for this. He wholeheartedly wants to be controlled by one person, so in the end, even if the palace is attacked, this divine army is not moved.

Soldiers all take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. How dare they act arbitrarily without receiving orders, so the success of Wang Feng and the turtle shell last time was indeed luck.

Because the opponent is too strong and still has soldiers, the little servants in this inn dare not go up and talk to each other, and dare not ask the other party what to eat, so they can only hide and watch quietly.

"You all watch what I am doing. You should eat and drink as you should, just as if I didn't exist."

While speaking, the general of the Divine Army came to the side of Wang Feng and Turtle Shell. He didn't wait for Wang Feng to talk to Turtle Shell. He just sat down without any politeness.

"Two, don't you mind?"

Looking at Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, the man spoke.

"Just talk about it," Wang Feng said in a low voice at this time.

"So crazy?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the general of the Divine Army did not expect this young man to speak so badly. If you know that he is a strong man in the late Blood Saint Realm, wouldn't it be possible to win his respect?

But when he thought that he had sat down hastily, he didn't pursue Wang Feng's rudeness. After all, he was going to solicit tortoise shells next. It would not be wise to offend Wang Feng now.

"I think that the two have strong cultivation bases and are rare talents, so I want to come in and sit down. If there is any offense, I hope you two will not forgive me."

"If you are here to win us over, then hold your fists. We two don't have the slightest intention to honor the empire. You should go and ask someone to be smart." At this moment, the turtle shell spoke and immediately blocked the other's words died.

This person hasn't said that he wants to win over the two of them. The tortoise shell is now completely denying them a chance.

"Since you are in the empire, serving the empire is the supreme glory, and you can stay on the main star for a long time in the future. You must know that this is something that many people dream of."

"That's just what you think." The tortoise shell shook his head, and then said: "If we want the Lord, do you think we can't go up? Is there anything worthy of glory?"

"So, do you two have no room for maneuver?"

"You are really funny. We don't know you. You just sit down uninvited. Now you still talk to us like this. Is this how the emperor taught you?"

The tortoise shell spoke, and his tone became cold. You must know that the reason why he died in the heavens at the beginning was because the army of these dynasties outside the heavens even killed him when they went to sweep the heavens.

So now looking at the people in this army, he naturally thinks of the big feud in the past. It is strange that his tone is good.


Hearing this, the general of the **** army immediately took the case, and the soldiers who had been guarding the door saw the general's furious, they also rushed in instantly and completely blocked the door of the inn.

Seeing the two great gods fighting here, those other people can be said to have regretted in their hearts. You said they were greedy for small bargains to come in and eat and drink for free, but now they can’t even go out. Crying without tears.

This person thought that he had the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm, and he could do whatever he wanted with the position of a general of the gods. But if he really angered Wang Feng, would it be difficult for him and Turtle Shell to jointly kill him?

Since coming to this world, Wang Feng has not killed anyone of this level. Right now, he is only one person here, and the people with him pose no threat to Wang Feng and the tortoise shell. If this is the case, why should they swallow their anger?

When he was lurking in Su Yao's mansion, Wang Feng had suffered enough. Now they have left the imperial city. This person still wants to dominate in front of them. Isn't that a death?

"Why? If soliciting is not achieved, we have to start with us? Is your right a bit too big?"


Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the general of the Divine Army laughed loudly and said, “Young man, don’t know what’s good or bad. I’m worthy of you when I come to recruit you. As long as you join the army, you will definitely enjoy the glory and wealth in the future. , But now you actually want to reject us, do you know how wrong a decision was made?"

"I said, the army is not the slightest attraction to me. It is other people's business that others are willing to go. We like to be free, don't waste time here." At this time the tortoise shell also stood up and said.

From the tortoise shell, it was obvious that Wang Feng already had the intention to do something. In that case, why should they have a good word with this person?

Although they haven't done anything yet, the atmosphere in this place has become very depressing, and it seems that it is possible to do it at any time.

"Really not thinking about it?" the general of the **** army asked.

"There is nothing to consider, if you are willing to give up your position for us to sit, it is fine." Wang Feng thought about it at this time.


Hearing Wang Feng's This **** army general immediately patted the table. How fragile the table is. Under such a shot, the table was smashed to pieces. The dishes on the table Also scattered on the ground.

"Turtle shell, do it!"

Just one person dared to be so arrogant, how could Wang Feng bear it, at this moment he raised his fist and slammed it directly at the other party.

Although Wang Feng's realm is only in the middle of the blood sacred realm, his combat power is by no means comparable to that of the monks in the middle of the blood sacred realm. Therefore, when he punched out, the general of the **** army also sensed the danger, and instantly retreated a few steps. , Can be called teleport in general.

Wang Feng's attack did not attack this person, and it also surprised Wang Feng's heart. If you know that he suddenly shot, he didn't expect this person to react, this blood Saint Realm late powerhouse is really extraordinary.

"Daring to attack an imperial general is a capital crime!"

Looking at Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, the general who was hiding among the soldiers sneered.

"Since it is a capital crime, just come and see if it is you or both of us who died today."

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