The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3162: Send soldiers to die

Thinking that they would soon become the slaves of others, these people couldn't stand it anymore, and they took action.

But they were not attacking Wang Feng and the turtle shell, but the enchantment that enveloped them all.

As long as they break this barrier, when the sky is high and the birds fly, they only need to run in the direction of the imperial city to survive.

There are a large number of masters in the imperial city. As long as someone comes out to rescue them, the two people can't help them.

"Want to go out and dream."

Seeing these people attacking the barrier, Wang Feng also moved.

These people are only the cultivation base of the middle blood Saint Realm, and Wang Feng has no challenge at all to deal with them.

Wang Feng directly reversed his bloodline, and then his combat effectiveness skyrocketed, and instantly subdued a general, who had no resistance at all in front of him.

"Did you take the initiative to give your soul or did I force it?" Looking at this person, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Hearing what Wang Feng said, the man said forcefully.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth."

Hearing this, Wang Feng shook his head, and then he said: "I was to relieve your pain, so I let you choose, but if you want to choose pain, then I can only fulfill you."

While speaking, Wang Feng's palm fell directly on his head.

His approach is different from that of the tortoise shell. The tortoise shell directly stuns the opponent, and then plant the master and servant mark.

But Wang Feng's approach was more rude, and he had to forcibly use the master and servant mark while the opponent was still awake.

In this way, the pain that the other party needs to endure will increase exponentially. Wang Feng has given him the opportunity to choose, but he has to choose the painful way, so Wang Feng will naturally satisfy him.


Wang Feng's soul power is constantly invading this person's head. Under such circumstances, this person's soul is almost like being strangled by a knife, and it is painful.

Hearing his screams, other generals were still attacking the enchantment with all their strength. To them, the screams were just like being transmitted from hell, making their backs cold.

No one wants to stay in this place, and even less want to be controlled by Wang Feng and tortoise shell. Unfortunately, they can't break this barrier at all, so they can only work here in a hurry.

"Get up."

Wang Feng's master and servant mark was forced, and this person's resistance was also very fierce.

But how could his soul be compared with an alchemist like Wang Feng, so now he was quickly controlled by Wang Feng and became Wang Feng's puppet.

After controlling this person, Wang Feng stood up without hesitation. The remaining generals couldn't break through the boundary, let alone escaped from here.

So in the end, their endings were the same as the puppets that Wang Feng had just controlled. They were controlled by Wang Feng and the turtle shell respectively.

When I came in before, the people here were still arrogant, but now they have become slaves to Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

As long as Wang Feng and the tortoise shell want them to die, they definitely have no resistance at all, only death.

"What do you do next?"

After controlling these people, the turtle shell asked.

"It's very simple. Just dig a hole and let the soldiers jump."

While talking, Wang Feng opened the barrier and left here with the turtle shell.

Not far from this army, Wang Feng began to set up an array here. If he wanted to kill these soldiers without any effort, the best way is for Wang Feng to set up a super large killing array. When the time comes, these soldiers can enter as many as possible. How much death will prevent Wang Feng and the turtle shell from doing anything.

Moreover, it is more convenient for Wang Feng to collect their blood energy, so Wang Feng feels that this method is undoubtedly the best.

Setting up the formation was not a big problem for Wang Feng. He soon set up a super-large formation not far from the army. Although the formation was a bit rough, it was enough to kill these soldiers.

And in order to deceive these soldiers, Wang Feng deliberately set the entrance of this formation to look like a cave. As long as he enters the whirlpool, he will step into the formation, so by then, will the person in front be dead? The people behind this will certainly not know.

"Okay, we can start."

The formation has been set up, and then Wang Feng and the tortoise shell only need to guide people in one after another.

"Everyone, prepare for everything, let me go and take refuge temporarily."

The general controlled by the tortoise shell made a sound, and immediately attracted the attention of these soldiers.

This time they suffered heavy casualties under the hands of others. Now that they heard what the general said, many of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Staying in this place all the time can lead to death at any time. Everyone is not afraid that it is impossible.

This soldier is also a human, and he also has emotions and desires. To stay in this place is to wait for death, so who wants to stay here?

"You guys from different armies line up, and then follow me to take refuge." The puppet said, and then the soldiers quickly moved.

The people who are arranged first are the people of the Divine Army. After all, their rank is higher than other armies. It is natural to arrange them first.

The realm is not as good as that of people, and they can't compete. Those people can only admit their fate.

Seeing the people of the Divine Army gradually enter the formation set by Wang Feng, those behind them couldn't help but become a little envious.

That is to say, they didn’t know the reason why the members of the Divine Army were placed in the forefront, that is, Wang Feng wanted to kill the soldiers of the Divine Army with stronger cultivation Envy them to be ranked first, Little did they know that these people were just going to die, they were fortunate that they were in the back, because at least they could live a little longer.

Watching these soldiers walk into Wang Feng's killing formation one after another, Wang Feng really felt sorry for them.

After all, they are living lives one after another. If they don't join the army and practice obediently in their own homes, then things like this won't happen anymore.

"The blood is really strong."

When the people in the heavens were slaughtered, the general used a container to collect the blood.

And now Wang Feng can also use this method to collect blood qi, anyway, after Wang Feng collects blood qi, he can slowly absorb it. I believe this Emperor Su Honggou did just that.

The countless lives in the heavens, he has all been replaced by blood, it is really sinful, such a person should not live in this world, because he is alive, there will be countless people die, but Wang Feng has no strength to kill him, otherwise Wang Feng had already gone to the imperial city just like Emperor Yongzhen.

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