The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3181: Leaving with everyone in the heavens

Once the resources have been handed over, Wang Feng will not stay here for long, so the next day everyone is planning to leave.

For example, the Great Emperor Xuanyu, Ye Zun and others are definitely leaving here to go out and wandering, and the other younger generations, such as Wang Feng’s apprentice Bi Fan, etc., although their cultivation has not reached the Blood Saint Realm, let them It is not a good thing to stay here for a long time.

This will severely hinder their next cultivation base upgrade, and even directly ruin their future, so some of them will also leave here.

Anyway, they are all going to send them out. Simply send a little more people at once, so that the people behind them will not worry about it.

There are so many people and powerful, even if something happens, they can unite to deal with it.

Finally, after some selections, Emperor Xuanyu, Ye Zun, Emperor Nine Ranks, Saintess of Hundred Flowers, and the younger generation of Bi Fan, Meng Wuyuan and other young people were selected among them, ready to leave here with Wang Feng.

They have been in this world for such a long time, and they have never been out, so since Wang Feng is willing to give them this opportunity this time, they will naturally agree.

After all, no one wants to stay in this place forever.

"Do we need to pay extra attention when we go out?" Great Emperor Xuanyu asked when he was about to leave here.

The question he asked is actually what everyone wants to ask. After all, they are not yet familiar with the world. It is always good to know more.

"There is nothing to pay extra attention to. In short, you must know how to control when you kill these people from the outer empire. Revenge is certainly possible, but if it attracts the attention of some interested people, it will be troublesome."

"Don't worry about that, you said this thing yesterday."

"I have said that I want to say it again. The masters of the outer empire are like clouds. Everyone in the heavens is considered top-notch, but when you get here, you will also grab a lot of better than you. Only by low-key can you live longer. I don’t want to lose any of you present."

"Master, can I go with you?" Bi Fan asked at this moment.

"What are you doing with me?"

"Following Master, I can learn some of the skills I want to learn the fastest." Bi Fan said.

"Bi Fan, today is different from the past. In the heavens, your master and I have a high level of cultivation and high combat effectiveness. Naturally, you can be comprehensive. But when you get to this place, your master and I sometimes even have problems with self-protection. you."

"And I am now an important wanted criminal in this empire. Once I am found, you will probably face endless pursuits, so you should follow your master and them. After you leave here, you will pretend not to Knowing me, naturally no one will come to target you extra."

"Yeah, your kid has a low cultivation base now. I'm afraid that we can't do anything with us. It's better to follow them and learn your skills first. If you really grow up one day, you can be your own person. You don't need to say anything. I think your master will also take you."

"Then I hope this day can come sooner." Bi Fan said, his tone firm.

"Okay, go and pack everything that should be done. After a stick of incense, we will leave."

Said that Wang Feng sank into his mind and began to ask Sister Xue and the others. After all, they have been with him long enough. Now that this place is safe, they can stay in this place if they don't like running around.

"Sister Xue, do you want to stay?" Wang Feng's voice resounded in his dantian.

"Since I have followed you so far, it's boring to stay, so let's continue to stay here." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bei Yunxue's voice sounded, and he didn't mean to stay.

Rather than staying in this place and waiting for Wang Feng, they are more willing to follow Wang Feng every day, even if they can’t do anything, it’s not happiness to be able to see what Wang Feng is doing and hear his voice, so they have followed this way. Why stay here for a long time?

"Wang Feng, are you going to drive us?" Tang Airou's voice sounded at this time, meaning it smelled like gunpowder.

"No, how could I rush you? I just asked in a symbolic sense. I know you won't leave." Wang Feng responded with a dry smile.

"Hmph, if it annoys us, do you believe me to punch your belly?" Tang Airou said viciously at the moment.

"I believe it, of course I believe it." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng laughed again and said: "My aunts, this time I was wrong. After we go back, I will find a place to compensate you."

"Compensation? How to compensate?" Zisha asked naively at this time.

"Of course it is..." Wang Feng gave a chuckle, and then he didn't speak any more.

"Of course it is?" Seeing that Wang Feng hadn't finished speaking, Zisha couldn't help asking.

"Don't ask." At this time, Bei Yunxue tugged Zisha's sleeve and whispered.

"Sister Xue, what does he mean?" Zi Sha pulled the clothes of Bei Yunxue and asked innocently.

"Come here and I'll tell you." When Zi Sha was asked like this, Bei Yunxue couldn't help but turned red, and then she whispered a few words in Zisha's ear, saying that Zisha was all right. He hurriedly hid to the side, took a sip and said, "I didn't expect Wang Feng to be so charming, bah bah bah."


Seeing Zisha's performance, the women couldn't help laughing.

"Master, let's go."

Since his own women didn't want to leave by themselves, Wang Feng didn't have to force them to stay and bring them by his side.

"Are you going to bring us to that star?" At this time, Emperor Xuanyu asked Except for the ruler of the dynasty outside this sky, you can choose any other subsidiary star regions, and I will satisfy you. "

"We just went, and we are not familiar with our lives, so let's gather on the same star first." Ye Zun said at this moment.

When they were in the heavens, although they were all first-class masters, when they came to other people's world, they weren't masters at all, so it's better to stay together temporarily.

"It can only be so."

Hearing Ye Zun’s words, Wang Feng did not express any other opinions, because they really should stay together, otherwise Wang Feng would definitely be worried if they dispersed too much, so stay together temporarily to get through the dangerous period as soon as possible. .

"Have you decided which star field to go to?" Wang Feng asked after about a minute.

"We haven't been to these other star regions. Let's go to the star where we were before." At this time, Emperor Xuan Yu thought for a while and said.

"In that case, go here."

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