The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3187: 2 hit 6

"General, don't think about running away. You have no chance."

While talking, several people around Su Yao moved at the same time. They didn't surround Wang Feng and the turtle shell. At this moment, they directly attacked Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

There is only one order from this Highness, which is to keep the tortoise shell and Wang Feng, regardless of life or death, so the best way is to kill Wang Feng and the tortoise shell directly without leaving them a way out.

Because people like them, once they escaped, it might be difficult to deal with them in the future.

There are few people who are good at calculations, and those who are proficient in this line are even rarer. The two people who died this time were all personally trained before the national teacher.

But the disciples of the national teacher are not endless. Many of his disciples can't even figure out where Wang Feng is, and it is useless at all.

But those who can be pushed down to Wang Feng's approximate position have to pay the price of life, so the royal family simply can't afford this kind of loss.

They paid a heavy price in order to calculate the place Wang Feng would pass through. Fortunately, the price paid was effective. They really intercepted Wang Feng in this place.

Since the cost of finding Wang Feng is heavy, they will leave Wang Feng here this time, even if only the corpse is left.

"I'll hold them, you break the formation."

Seeing that the other party didn't even give the slightest chance to breathe, the tortoise's face sank, and then he had an idea in his heart.

The two of them obviously couldn't fight for the shopping, so they can only get out of here as soon as possible, breaking the formation is their only way out now.

Blocking so many people may be fatal to the tortoise shell, but in order to buy time for Wang Feng, he has to block even if he can't block it.

"No need." Wang Feng shook his head before saying: "Follow me and lead people here."

There are indeed many formations in this place. Even if Wang Feng wants to crack it, it will definitely take time, but it is a pity that Su Yao will not give him this time. Others have already killed him. Where does Wang Feng have time to break the formation.

It is strange to let the tortoise shell resist six people alone.

Therefore, Wang Feng would not let him do such stupid things. Since they were surrounded at the same time, they would naturally fight the enemy together.

Under Wang Feng's eyes, he could see the eyes of these formations. Since skill can't break the formation now, Wang Feng can only take advantage of it.

With so many **** battles of them, they will definitely bring extremely violent power, so as long as Wang Feng deliberately guides them to the place of the battle eyes, those battle eyes will naturally be broken.

It's just that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell would be very dangerous, because after all, the two of them are weak and weak. Two people beat six people, which may cause life and death crisis at any time.

"First, I will give you an appetizer."

Pulling the tortoise shell behind him, Wang Feng directly flung out the scroll he had copied before.

This thing is very powerful, and now so many people are besieging themselves, it just comes in handy.

Power was injected into this scroll, and in an instant a dazzling light burst out from the scroll. At the same time, a vast force burst out from the scroll, covering Su Yao and the others. In it.

The annihilating force exploded, making Su Yao and the others all face changed, and then they fought desperately.

I have to say that there are many people because of their power. When Wang Feng tested this scroll before, the power of this scroll was undoubtedly very terrifying.

But now, under Su Yao's cooperation, Wang Feng's picture scroll didn't have much effect at all, and they rushed out all at once.

However, Wang Feng's attack just now was still effective. Under such violent power, the formation that enveloped Wang Feng and the others shattered several times in an instant. As long as there were a few more waves of such an attack, the formation would naturally be broken.

"General, do you think these gadgets can hurt us? It's so naive."

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the trick!"

While speaking, Wang Feng directly blocked the tortoise shell and burst out his own eyes of destruction.

Two against two, it can be said that they have fallen into a disadvantage before they have defeated Wang Feng, so now Wang Feng can only use his strongest offensive and break this formation as soon as possible.

As long as the formation is broken, with the abilities of Wang Feng and Turtle Shell, even if they can't beat them, there is still no big problem to escape.

So the most important thing now is to break the formation.

The Eye of Destruction can hurt these people and break the formation, so this is the only opportunity for Wang Feng and the turtle shell, and they cannot be missed.

Several **** rays of light rushed out of Wang Feng’s eyes. The space in this place is so big, so Su Yao and others can’t hide it even if they want to hide, so they can only be forced by Wang Feng’s eyes. Hit and start the defense.

"General, I didn't expect you to be able to burst out such a tyrannical cultivation base under this situation. I really underestimated you." Su Yao's mouth made a sound at this time, a little shocked.

Six hits two, and there is no way to take down the opponent in an instant, which is really shameful.

The power of the Eye of Destruction is undoubtedly very powerful, but the six opponents only need to hold a group, and it is difficult for Wang Feng to pose a threat to them. Just like now, Wang Feng’s Eye of Destruction has indeed burst out, but they are six. Individuals joined forces to eat all the power of Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction, without causing any major damage.

Even when Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction ended, a dry palm came directly in front of Wang Feng, and slapped his body with one palm.


Although the old man who shot looked like he was about to die, his cultivation was undoubtedly strong, even if Wang Feng's body was strong, but this was just a guarantee that his body would not be crushed by an instant shot.

The power carried by the opponent can still cause a certain degree of internal injury to Wang Just take advantage of this. "

Seeing that Wang Feng had been traumatized, Su Yao and others all rushed up.

If Su Yao had pity for Wang Feng in the past, it was entirely because he felt that he owed Wang Feng the kindness, otherwise he would not take the initiative to release Wang Feng last time.

But now the situation is different. In order to find Wang Feng, Su Yao paid a great price, so today he has to keep Wang Feng here anyway, even if he kills the opponent, he can't let him go.

Su Yao is no longer an ordinary prince. He is now in charge of the imperial power. Since Wang Feng wants to harm the empire's rule, then he cannot keep Wang Feng, because keeping Wang Feng's life is a curse to the empire.

For the stability of the empire, he could only give up everything in the past and put Wang Feng on his opposite.

He didn't want to be an enemy of Wang Feng, but Wang Feng just wanted to come and be an enemy of him. In that case, he had nothing to say and could only kill Wang Feng here.

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