The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3190: Ask for help


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Once a person becomes mad, it is undoubtedly very terrifying. The turtle shell and Wang Feng are almost mad now, and these people in the palace are the same.

In order to deal with the two of them, they not only lost the disciples of the national teacher this time, but also laid so many formations here, but even so, they still failed to keep each other.

So now they have made up their minds that no matter what the price is, they must leave the turtle shell and Wang Feng.

"Grass mud horse, chasing it."

Seeing the chasing soldiers quickly approaching him behind him, the tortoise's pale face couldn't help but burst into anger.

It seems that these people won't stop if they don't kill them, but all five of them burned their souls to pursue them. Is this going to consume him alive?

In the hand of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng fainted after exploding with a terrifying force. He himself suffered a severe backlash. In addition, the punch he just blasted completely exhausted every bit of strength in Wang Feng's body. Cells can no longer provide him with more power. If he was not dragged by the tortoise shell now, I am afraid he would have fallen into the void.

Although Wang Feng did not die this time, he also suffered serious injuries, and the tortoise shell was even more miserable.

Although the tortoise shell blocked the five people who suffered serious injuries, the tortoise shell was the one that caused him to suffer serious injuries. Fortunately, the tortoise shell did not die. Otherwise, even if Wang Feng broke out such a punch, I am afraid he will eventually There is only one death in the end.

"If this goes on, you will be chased sooner or later."

His heart is very clear that his injuries have multiple turtle shells. He knows that if he can't get rid of these five people as soon as possible, he may not be able to escape, so he must find a way to get rid of these five people.

Once driven by these five people, the tortoise shell probably has no chance to escape, so now although he and Wang Feng have escaped from that formation, their crisis has not yet ended, and a life-and-death battle is underway.

After burning the soul, the tortoise shell’s forward speed is undoubtedly fast to the extreme, like a phantom, leaving shadows after another in the void. Behind him, the speed of the five people is also not slow, they are little by little. Approaching the tortoise shell.

The main star is Su Yao's world, and there may be strong people coming to help at any time, so the tortoise shell dare not stay in this main star. At this moment, he is quickly heading towards the exit of this main star with Wang Feng.

When he came to the exit position, there was already someone waiting for him here, and the formation was set up here, trying to delay the tortoise shell.

They received an order from the imperial palace to set up checkpoints here to stop people. Unfortunately, time is limited. What they can do is to set up some rough formations here to stop the turtle shell.

It’s a pity that they really underestimated the turtle shell. When a strong man in the late Blood Saint realm desperately, these formations are completely useless. This turtle shell is just a burst of power. All of the Fa was declared broken, did not block the tortoise shell in the slightest, and even the people who were guarding here died tragically. No one was an opponent of the tortoise shell.

The powerhouses in the late Blood Saint Realm are not something these people can stop, and even the blood Saint Realm monks staying here is just a dead end, not the opponent of the tortoise shell.

After escaping from the main star, the tortoise shell is not so worried, at least there will be no ambush in front of him, at most it is chasing from behind him.

Since there were already five people chasing him, no matter how many people came, it would not have much effect.

In the vast starry sky, the tortoise shell did not know where to flee, because the five people behind him still did not give up chasing him. They all knew that if they kept chasing, they would definitely be able to kill Wang Feng and the tortoise shell.

So they are now using their full strength, and they have no intention of letting the turtle shell go.

This tortoise shell is also trying to get rid of these people, but after thinking for a long time, this tortoise shell has no solution. Although he knows some teleportation arrays that can be used at one time, he has no time to build such a one. Teleportation Array, because he only needs to stop for one second, and people behind this will definitely catch up.

At that time, under the siege of others, he would have to die here even with three heads and six arms.

So if he wants to survive, he can only seek other ways.

Fleeing all the way, the tortoise shell took the opponent in a big circle in the starry sky. He still failed to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind him, which really made the tortoise shell very distressed.

But when he saw the roar of the distant starry sky, his heart suddenly had an idea.

Let him get rid of these people by himself. He really can't do it now, but he can't get rid of these people, but he can completely borrow the power of others.

For example, Emperor Yongzhen who is now fighting Su Hong, this Emperor Yongzhen is a cultivation base that surpasses the late Blood Saint Realm, and only Su Hong is qualified to fight him.

As long as the tortoise shell takes Wang Feng towards the Yongzhen Emperor, then the two of them have a chance to get rid of those people.

Because Emperor Yongzhen only needed to temporarily help them block the dogs chasing in the palace, the tortoise shell took Wang Feng and fled.

Wang Feng's injury is too serious now, and the tortoise shell is the same. He can't hold on for long, so he can only let the Yongzhen Emperor come to rescue them.

His speed was extremely fast, and it took almost a few breaths. He had already come to a place not far from the battle circle of Emperor Yongzhen.

"Save us."

Although there is still some distance away from Emperor Yongzhen, the tortoise shell's mouth has already made a sound, because he is almost unable to hold on.

There was a feeling of dizziness in his head. He knew that his soul power was already going to be exhausted. If his soul power was completely burned by then there is no need to be behind him. If anyone came to chase him, he himself would die in this starry sky.

If he died in this starry sky, would Wang Feng have a chance to survive?

So now he is crying for help from a long distance away, hoping to get a response from Emperor Yongzhen.

In fact, the emperor Yongzhen’s hearing is superb. When the sound of the tortoise shell sounded, he had already set his eyes here. When he saw the tortoise shell and the tortoise shell’s Wang Feng, his expression couldn’t help. change.

Although he didn't know what happened to the two men, he could see that the current situation of the two men was worrying. If he didn't rescue them, I'm afraid they would be finished.

Especially when he saw the people chasing from behind the tortoise shell, he immediately understood what had happened, because these people were very familiar with Emperor Yongzhen. Secondly, he was injured by these people and was injured by Su Hong. These people Since he wants to chase the turtle shell and Wang Feng, how can he make these people do what he wants?

To others, these elders are all first-class strong men, but to the Yongzhen Emperor, these people are just ants, and ants want to make trouble? Isn't this nonsense?

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