The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3638: The experience of the fortune teller

"Brother Jiang, wait for me in this place first."

Although this **** fortune teller loves money, his cultivation is only in the middle of the blood sacred realm. If Wang Feng brings Jiang Yihuan together, what if this **** fortune teller doesn't finish his words? Therefore, Wang Feng is still going to follow this divine operator to take a look alone.

The fortune teller did not bring Wang Feng into this inn, but took it outside the city.

The current cultivation base of the **** fortune is in the middle of the blood sacred realm, which is one level lower than Wang Feng. Wang Feng does not know what kind of opportunity he has to achieve soaring so much in a short period of time, but it is undeniable that the **** fortune and the original In comparison, it's totally a world, and the difference is too far.

Follow the fortuneteller to the outside of this city, in an unmanned mountain range, the fortuneteller stopped.

"Can you tell me?" Wang Feng asked at this moment.

"Give me the Lingshi first." At this time, the fortune teller stretched out his hand for fear that Wang Feng would not give him the same.

"Compared with before, you still haven't changed much." Looking at the fortune teller, Wang Feng said.

"If you don't give me the spirit stone, then I will leave." At this time, the fortune teller said.

"Forget it, give it to you." To Wang Feng, the spirit stone is like something outside of his body, so Wang Feng did not hesitate to take out a large amount of spirit stone and hand it over to the **** operator.

"What news do you want to ask from me?" Looking at Lingshi, the face of the **** operator showed a trace of greed. When he was in the heavens, his favorite thing was Lingshi, even if time passed. For a long time, he still didn't change his habit of liking Lingshi.

Even if he is a little more advanced now, he still uses a pill to help Buiere calculate, but after all, Lingshi is his original preference and it is not so easy to forget.

"How did you survive during the catastrophe of the heavens?" Wang Feng asked at this time, and put his gaze on the fortune teller.

"Speculate the secrets and find a way out. I escaped through an ancient starry sky." The fortune teller said astonishingly, Wang Feng couldn't help his eyes widening.

When is there an ancient starry sky in this heaven? Why didn't Wang Feng know?

"When did an ancient starry sky appear in the heavens? Why don't we know?"

"As mortals, you cannot deduce the secret of heaven. Naturally, you don't know where the ancient road of the starry sky is." At this point, the face of the **** operator couldn't help showing a trace of arrogance. You must know that he calculated this. A road has paid a huge price and almost died.

Fortunately, he finally survived, otherwise, where is there any magician now, just died.

"Where is the ancient starry sky road?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"In the next three days of heaven, in an extinction that I have never been to."

"The extinction in the next three days, even if it is dangerous, I think someone should have been there. An extinction that no one has ever been to. Is there such a place?" Hearing the words of the fortune teller, Wang Feng frowned and asked. .

"The heavens are so big, can you guarantee that you've been anywhere?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the fortuneteller sneered, and then said: "The place I went was in the boundless deep sea, where there was a disrepair. The teleportation array for a long time, I came here through this teleportation array."

"Do you mean that this teleportation array directly sent you to this star field?"

"That's right." The fortune teller nodded, and then he said: "Just for you are still stupid and desperate with others, where you are like this, you escaped easily."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Thinking of the tragic death of the **** emperor and others, Wang Feng felt very owed to them in his heart. If they could all escape through this ancient starry sky, they would not have fallen.

"I want to say it too, but when the other party came, I just repaired the teleportation array. I didn't have time to inform you, so I just left by myself."

"You know if you are willing to tell us that there is a teleportation array, we won't die so many people in the heavens."

"You can't rely on me for this. The next three days are as far away as the last three days. If I were to come to inform you, I'm afraid I would die halfway. I can't take my life for you. Is it buried?"

People don’t die for themselves, and the choice of God fortune tellers is not wrong. Wang Feng can’t blame him on the top of his head, because in the situation of the heavens, everyone didn’t see any chance of surviving at all, even Wang Feng almost thought that Their heavens are going to take the same old path.

It was only because of Wang Feng's breakthrough in cultivation and the recovery of the tortoise shell that the rest of them survived. Otherwise, they would have died collectively in this heaven.

"Then what kind of opportunity did you get after you came from the teleportation array in the heavens? Your appearance has changed a lot from before."

"This cultivation level has been improved, and this appearance has naturally become a lot younger. What's strange about this."

"I mean, how did your cultivation level rise so much all at once, when your cultivation level was so low back then, how did you survive in this world?"

"The mathematics of this seat is useful wherever you go. Do you think I have such a craft in it, so I won't get mixed up?"

"I mean, how could your cultivation level rise so quickly? You have reached the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm now, and you are only one level behind me."

"Didn’t I tell you? After I came to this I helped people calculate that only pill, and under the accumulation of countless pill, you think I can’t even get to a Blood Saint Realm ?"

"It makes sense."

As the old saying goes, as long as you stand on the air vent, even a pig can fly. The foundation of this divine calculation is actually not bad. With the help of the pill, his realm will naturally increase faster.

"Anything else you want to ask?"

"The questions that should be asked are almost the same." Wang Feng originally had a lot of questions, but the fortune teller has basically answered everything that should be answered, so what effect does he ask again?

"The same old friend, do you want to go back with me?" At this time, Wang Feng wanted to ask.

"I'm having a good time outside now, why should I go back with you?"

"Because I can give you a lot of spirit stones."

"Wang Feng, I just took your spirit stone in front of you as an deceased person. What I need now is a pill, not a spirit stone. The spirit stone is no longer of much use to me."

"Change your hobby?"

Hearing the words of the **** fortune teller, Wang Feng's face was surprised. The **** fortune teller loves Lingshi to such an abnormal level before. Wang Feng has never seen a person who can love Lingshi to this degree, but now the **** fortune teller He even said that he didn't want Lingshi instead of pill.

It seems that he has also experienced the benefits of pill, that's why he changed his hobby and evolved towards a higher level.

"People always have to look forward. Spirit stones are of course important to me, but in this star domain, it is most important to improve the cultivation base and save my life. Don't want to use them to buy me."

The voice of the fortune teller is very firm, and there is no room for maneuver at all.

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