The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3935: My revenge is coming

You must know that this time the fortune teller came to help Wang Feng but there was a lot of anger. He was fighting with people before, but because of Wang Feng's summons, he had to run over to help Wang Feng.

So now he should ask Wang Feng to do a favor. He didn't expect that Wang Feng would even say this. Isn't this cheating?

"Since it doesn't work, then the two of us have nothing to talk about. I don't have time to help with this."

"Don't don't don't." Seeing Wang Feng's resolute attitude, it's hard for this divine fortunekeeper to continue with Wang Feng, because he really needs Wang Feng's help this time.

His opponent is an early-level monk in the Immortal Martial Realm. This **** fortune teller went to find someone else to fight, but he couldn't kill him. You must know that this person has humiliated him before. If this hateful **** fortune teller doesn't report it. , Then what face does he have to say that he has broken through to the early stage of Xianwu Realm?

People's cultivation base has to break through earlier than him, so in this battle, the fortune teller will naturally not have an advantage, even if he does not have an advantage, what does he use to kill others?

Even this time he ran over to take revenge and suffered insults. Under such circumstances, it is hard to dispel his hatred not to kill the opponent.

Just this time, Wang Feng asked him to help again, so he happened to be able to take this opportunity to find Wang Feng to help him eliminate this person. Anyway, with Wang Feng's strength, killing the opponent would be no different from killing a dog.

"Then our chance this time will be forfeited?" Wang Feng asked.

"Okay, invalidate it."

In order to get Wang Feng to make a move, the fortune teller had already paid a lot of money. Anyway, he still owed Wang Feng several opportunities to make a move.


Seeing that the fortune teller agreed, Wang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He can do one thing with one shot of Wang Feng, which may not be a big calculation for the fortune teller, but for Wang Feng, this kind of opportunity is precious.

"If this is the case, then go with me, I will take you now."

"What to do?"

Although Wang Feng agreed to the **** fortune teller, and the **** fortune teller also gave a corresponding response, but what he asked himself to do Wang Feng is currently unknown, so he has to ask clearly.

"Help me kill someone."

Said that, the face of the gods could not help showing coldness, and said: "His cultivation is the same as ours. I want to use your combat power. It is not difficult for you to kill the opponent."

"As long as the opponent doesn't reach the mid-level cultivation base of the Immortal Martial Realm, then I will only have to die in front of me, and this matter is stable."

"Cut, don't flash your tongue, this person is not easy to deal with, you have to be careful."

"Don't say so much useless, now you just take me over, and after you kill him, you will say this again."

"Then come with me."

While speaking, the fortune teller began to lead the way, and Wang Feng did not hesitate, and quickly followed.

Under the leadership of this divine fortune teller, Wang Feng and the others quickly came to a star, and Wang Feng, who was far away, had already felt the number of masters on this star, but no matter how many masters there were on the star, Wang Feng If you want to kill, the people above can stop it?

"It's just above this star."

"Take me, I'll help you deal with this person."

"it is good."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the fortune teller nodded, and then he took Wang Feng to the stars.

Having just descended on this star, Wang Feng suddenly discovered that there was someone in front of him who was breaking through the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, and the aura above this star was still exceptionally rich, almost catching up with the main star where the imperial city was located.

Could it be that this avenue has not been specially taken care of here?

With such a strong aura, it’s no wonder that there are so many masters here. You must know that people have to go to higher places. Since the aura here is so strong, it is very likely that the masters from outside will come here. The master breath is so strong.

"God fortune teller, what have you discovered when you come to this star?" Wang Feng suddenly asked.

Since there can be so many masters here, it definitely makes sense, and it is very unusual to encounter the late-level cultivator of the Blood Saint Realm to break through to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm.

"What else can I find? Except for a strong spiritual energy, there seems to be nothing special about this star. There is nothing good to see. You should help me solve the problem first."

"Then you lead the way, I'll kill you right away."

"This is it."

Under the leadership of this divine operator, Wang Feng and the others entered a city and appeared in front of a palace.

This palace was built in an extraordinary style and occupies a very large area. In such a city, it can occupy such a large piece of land, it must be quite powerful.

It's just that the size of this power makes no difference to Wang Feng at all, because he dared to destroy even a large family like the Qi family. What is a mansion in this district?

It can be said that the master in this mansion is no longer on the same level compared to the other Qi family.

"Go and call the formation, call that person out."

At the gate of this palace, Wang Feng said.

"Used to call the formation?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, a sneer appeared on the face of the **** fortune teller, and then he walked directly to the gate of the palace.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that the fortune teller came to this gate, the two guards guarding the gate suddenly drank out.

"Why? Don't you know me, grandpa?"

Hearing these words, the fortune teller coldly snorted and then he lifted his palm and patted the two directly.

But just two people guarding the gate, where can this cultivation be so strong? When the fortune teller shot, the fate of these two men was almost destined.

Both of them flew horizontally towards the rear like kites with a broken line, and slammed into the gate of the palace.


A mouthful of blood spurted from the mouths of the two of them, and the two of them weren't the opponents of the fortune teller.

That is to say, the fortune teller had reservations when he made his move, and he did not kill him, otherwise the two men would have died violently.

"Hurry up and inform your lord."

One of them made a sound, and then he wanted to open the door and rush in.

It was just that before he got up, there was a loud shout from the mouth of the fortuneteller, and said, "Two little thieves, where can you escape!"

As he spoke, he strode forward and directly caught the person.

"You don't need you to open the door for me, I will open it myself." After catching this person, the fortune teller snorted, and then he raised his feet arrogantly, and directly kicked the door to pieces, very cruel.

"Listen to the people inside, I'm here to take revenge." After the fortune teller kicked open the other party's door, his mouth suddenly screamed.

Hearing his words, Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his head, because God fortune teller was too arrogant. I'm afraid he would dare to do this with himself?

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to sneak into this mansion directly and silently kill the people inside, but now it seems that this is almost impossible.

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