"If I win, I will definitely not let go of the guy who hurts my companions. So, let these knights retreat and let me decide the outcome one on one with you. If I lose, I will fight with you." My companions will never disobey if they are at your disposal again."

"Winning one on one? To protect our companions?"

The knight leader just nodded indifferently upon hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll promise you."

"——Anyway, this battle will end soon."

Kanzaki Kaori's hand holding the knife tightened slightly.

She has never fought against the knight leader, so she doesn't know what kind of strength the knight leader has, but since he can command thousands of knights across the country, his strength cannot be weak.

At this moment, the knight leader knew that she was one of less than twenty saints in the world, but he could still say these words, so he must have strong self-confidence.

"However, for the sake of these companions behind me, I will never lose!"

Kanzaki Kaori grasped the handle of the Seven Heavens Seven Swords tightly, returned the blade to the scabbard, slightly bent his legs, and twisted his upper and lower bodies together with his slender and flexible waist, and his whole body was ready to go.


The loud sound of unsheathing sounded in the air the next moment.

The shining long sword pierced the sky, and the sharp blade was swung straight in the direction of the knight leader.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't hold back at all when he made a move. The power of the saint burst out in one breath. The Amakusa style ancestors gathered countless wisdom and condensed it. The unique move 'Yi Flash' instantly drew a wonderful arc, but with an extremely intense The danger is attacking towards the knight leader.

This sword can be said to be the strongest sword that Kanzaki Kaori has ever issued. The speed and power that exceeds the speed of sound many times seem to be able to crush all obstacles in the world.

· ······Ask for flowers··· 0

To put it bluntly, such a sword has the potential to kill the disobedient god.

Faced with such a sword that could kill gods, the knight leader's face showed no fluctuation, and he just slowly opened his mouth and spoke——

"Return to zero!"

A brief syllable was spoken from the mouth of the Knight Commander.

The next moment, an inexplicable force immediately acted on Kanzaki Kaori.

She instantly felt that the knife she swung out seemed to add extremely strong resistance out of thin air, causing the knife swung out at supersonic speed to slow down visibly to the naked eye, and soon it stagnated in the space, unable to move forward at all. .

It was as if the power of the move 'Only Flash' was forcibly 'returned to zero'.

........ . . . . . . . . .

A trace of astonishment appeared on Kanzaki Kaori's face.

"Quick defense."

In this unforgettable moment, a very familiar voice appeared directly in her mind without any warning.

The next moment, the knight leader raised his foot and kicked her in the abdomen with great force without mercy.


After a brief contact, Kanzaki Kaori stepped back ten steps under the opponent's kick before barely regaining his balance.

"Oh? I thought I could defeat you easily when the move was broken and I was distracted, but I didn't expect you to react?"

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the knight leader, which seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

"You are even better than I expected. If I had known earlier, I should have forcefully taken you under my command, regardless of the obstruction of that female fox Laura Stuart."

Kanzaki Kaori looked down at her hands. At that moment, she was originally unable to react, but thanks to the instructions from that voice, she subconsciously chose to be on guard, and was able to block the knight leader at the critical moment. A blow.

Otherwise, she would have been injured by now.

As for why she subconsciously listened to that voice, of course it was because the owner of that voice was the person she was most familiar with and trusted——

Chapter 1373 Do you understand that I will fight back? (Please subscribe for the third update!)

"Mr. Knight Commander, although I didn't say it before, it might really cause misunderstanding if you say this, right?"

A voice with a chuckle suddenly rang in the ears of everyone on the field.

Then a figure emerged from the air from shallow to deep, beyond everyone's expectation.

Even on this late autumn night, she was still wearing thin clothes with a white shirt and black trousers. Her delicate appearance was almost perfect, and her black hair was flowing in the night wind.

There was a slight smile on the visitor's face, as if he were a guest visiting a friend.

However, the smile in his eyes was somewhat low-level, giving people a chill for no reason.

"Kanzaki Hakuno...is he really out?"

After the young man suddenly appeared on the field, the knight leader's eyes immediately sharpened like an unsheathed sword, and he couldn't help but murmur in a low voice.

Although it was just the knight leader talking to himself, his voice still accurately reached the ears of the knights.

"Kanzaki Hakuno?"

Immediately, there were exclamations among the dozens of people from the Knight Faction.

"Could it be that he defeated that William Orwell——"

"Kanzaki Hakuno of Academy City!"

"You actually came here?"

While the knights were exclaiming like this, everyone in the Amakusa group also showed expressions of relief.

"Is it finally here?"

"I'm so exhausted that I almost gave up."

"I feel like I'm used to being saved by this kid."

The knights and the Amakusa style showed two completely different reactions.

And Amakusa Shiki's reaction to Hakuno's arrival just confirmed the knight leader's suspicion.

"Sure enough, if you take action against Amakusa Shiki, you will definitely come forward."

The knight leader looked at Bai Ye not far away with complicated emotions. Even with his stability, he didn't know what kind of reaction he should make at this moment.

"You are indeed a magician from the Amakusa Cross Sect, right?"

If before, the knight leader only revealed Hakuno's name, which put the knights into surprise and alert, then at this moment, the knight leader's speculation about Hakuno's origin made the entire knight sect fall into speechless shock. among.

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