It is a veritable brilliance that only appears in an instant...

The extremely powerful explosive power brings extremely powerful lethality.

In the past, in the duel with Kanzaki Kaori, Hakuno used this move to defeat her full-strength "Yi Flash", and even had to restrain part of his strength to avoid hurting her.

And now, Bai Ye used this trick on Carissa.

If it was Carissa in a normal state, she might not even be aware of the fact that Hakuno had drawn the sword, and she would have died in confusion.

However, with Katina Legitimacy in hand and the pseudo-power of the Archangel Michael, Carissa's strength is strong enough to rival Hakuno in this state.

Under this move that even a saint might not be able to react to, Carissa reacted in advance, raised Katina Orthodox in her hand, and then——

Then there is no more.

Carissa just raised Katina.

There was a hint of shock in her pupils, and this was probably just her subconscious behavior.


The majestic impact poured into Carissa in one breath, sending her flying backwards completely out of control in the blink of an eye, directly smashing the door of Buckingham Palace, and crashing through several walls before barely stopping. Come down.

The whole Buckingham Palace roared one after another.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, obscuring people's vision.

After Bai Ye succeeded with his sword, he did not move again. He just held the Seventh Holy Book and stood quietly, looking in the direction of Carissa, speechless.

"You shouldn't die so easily, right?"

Hakuno said softly in the direction in which Carissa flew backwards.

Although the voice was very soft, it was impossible for Carissa, who had gained the power of an angel, not to hear it.

So, it was as if she was deliberately going against him——


A low sound, like a bomb being dropped into deep water, sounded from the depths of Buckingham Palace, and then as expected, the familiar red figure appeared from inside, violently chopping up the palace blocking the way, and arrived with a look of evil intent. In front of Bai Ye, his aqua blue eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

"Stop looking down on me!!!"

PS: Chapter 4, make up for yesterday’s missing chapter.

Chapter 1389 Are you serious?

Carissa looked at Bai Ye with eyes full of killing intent. At this moment, her determination to kill Bai Ye became stronger and stronger.

In addition to the reason for killing Bai Ye at the beginning, another reason was added now.

And what is this other reason——

"That's what I said, but you were scared just now, right?"

A slight smile appeared in Bai Ye's eyes, and those dark pupils seemed to be able to see through her heart.

"The way you blocked my sword just now was a completely subconscious reaction. In other words, when faced with the sword I just struck, your subconscious reaction was to defend."

Bai Ye's sword strike just now was too fast.

Too abrupt and unprepared.

It was almost to the point where a person like Carissa, who had no intuition, no foresight, and a low level of martial arts, could only react subconsciously.

"But, in fact, there is no need for you to defend yourself...because even if you take the sword head-on, you will still be unscathed."

Bai Ye said so lightly, as if he was revealing Carissa's scars bit by bit.

That's right, even if she was hit by Hakuno's sword, Carissa was still unscathed.

Not to mention the injuries, even a little scratch was not seen.

At most, his hair is a little messy and his clothes are a little dusty and wrinkled.

Her momentum is still at its peak and has not weakened at all.

That was proof that she was unscathed.

"Really, Michael's power is really incredible. Even if he received my sword head-on, there would be no injuries at all. It's really sad."

Bai Ye didn't know whether it was true or false, but the calm smile on his face never changed.

And immediately, his eyes became extremely sharp.

"But, if you are really confident that you are absolutely invincible and can take my sword without injury, your actions just now should not be defensive, but counterattack-"

"Of course you didn't respond because you subconsciously thought you might be injured or die. In other words, you were scared, right?"

"The reason why you are angry and have the murderous intention to kill me is because you have the thought of 'Am I actually afraid?' This feeling of humiliation to your self-esteem is actually just an excess of self-awareness, right?"

If there were any psychologists here, they would definitely be shocked and amazed by Bai Ye's speculation.

Because there was a ferocious smile on Carissa's face, as if the shame in her heart was exposed, and she was planning to kill someone because she couldn't bear the humiliation.

"You are really not that powerful... So, if I face a guy like you, do I have to be serious?"

Carissa's eyes became as narrow as a villain's, and the smile at the corner of her mouth widened widely. This violent and ferocious feeling even gave people the illusion of a beautiful image.

"If I really do it, I have to mobilize 10% of the angelic power in one breath. I'm afraid that after one battle, the angelic power in my body will completely lose control, but it's okay. I just need to adjust it immediately after killing you. It's nothing. Big problem..."

It is very difficult to mobilize 100% of the angelic power with a human body.

Once used excessively, it may cause problems in operation, causing the angelic power in the body to lose control and fall into a rage.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the royal faction such as Carissa and Queen Eliza will never use 100% of Michael's power, just suppress the power to barely enough to defeat the opponent.

The more powerful the power used, the more time it takes to adjust the angelic power.

——The spiritual equipment that exists in Buckingham Palace to adjust Katina exists for this purpose.

However, at this moment, Carissa couldn't care so much.

One reason was that Bai Ye revealed the shameful fact that she was afraid of just now, and another reason was of course that Carissa realized how difficult Bai Ye was.

Even if you don't look at anything else, just looking at Bai Ye's movement speed and sword drawing speed, it greatly exceeds her neural reaction speed, so that she can only make subconscious reactions when fighting.

Doesn't that mean that once a fight starts with Bai Ye, she will only be beaten?

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