
The silver ceremonial sword appeared in her hand at some point, and she swung down at the incoming lightning strike.

The dimension is cut off again.

The rapid lightning strike was naturally unsustainable and disappeared into the air.

Carissa stood against the wind, with a meaningless smile on her face, and what she held in her hand was the Katina, the largest spiritual weapon in the country.

"...It's really surprising. Even after launching such a coup, Queen Eliza can still trust Katina to your use."

A silent and surprised voice came from not far away from Carissa, and immediately attracted the attention of all the knights, and everyone turned their heads to look over.

It was a blond woman wearing a gorgeous dress based on white loose fabric. Her skin was unusually pale, her eyes were sunken, and she was extremely thin, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

She also held a sword in her hand, which was golden-red in color. The hilt was scattered and entwined like branches, and it also released some kind of power fluctuation that could never be underestimated.

"Huh, this is just Katina II. Katina Orthodox, who has the priority to mobilize the power of angels, is already in the hands of the Queen Mother."

Carissa curled her lips, "However, it is enough to deal with the daughter of Qingguo!"

——The daughter of a conquering country.

That is a woman who is comparable to the "Joan of Arc" and "Queen Mary" in history, and who is enough to shake the entire history of France.

This kind of shaking has reached a level that even important figures in France are afraid of her. They think that "the consequences of letting her go on like this are disastrous, but the indiscriminate execution is a pity for her talent", so they use magic to treat her body. Adjustments were made so that she could only survive in the magical environment beneath the Palace of Versailles and was not allowed to go out for the rest of her life.

However, even though she has been cooped up underground in France for a long time, she still puts forward opinions and makes decisions on various key issues in France from time to time. Even high-level government officials rely on her wisdom.

"Your body should be adjusted so that it can only survive in the special magical environment under the Palace of Versailles..."

The captain of the knights directed the surrounding knights, surrounding the daughter of Qingguo and Carissa, and said tentatively to the daughter of Qingguo with an indifferent expression.

But now, this alluring daughter has left the French underground and came to assassinate Carissa in person.

"Sorry, the so-called 'can only survive under the Palace of Versailles' is just a lie by the French government."

The daughter of Qingguo didn't care about the little moves of the knights at all, and said calmly 220: "As you can see, I can move freely."

Every country will have some trump cards.

Just like Catina is the trump card of the Ying country, the daughter of the Qing Dynasty is the trump card of France.

The so-called "can only survive under the Palace of Versailles" is nothing more than a smoke bomb deliberately released by the French government to confuse the enemy.

"However, it is a pity that your assassination failed because you did not expect-"

Carissa was not at all disadvantaged and raised the Katina II in her hand, "——I can also move freely."

The two people's eyes met, and they were tit-for-tat in a very tacit understanding.



The next moment, the silver ceremonial sword and the golden-red holy sword instantly clashed together, causing lightning strikes and dimensional debris to scatter in all directions.

"Even the Roman Orthodox Church doesn't dare to resist. You are far behind your sister in the Ilisalina Independent State Alliance!"

"You have no right to criticize me if you don't understand what politics is. Ilisalina is also a fool!"


PS: That...that, is it true that no one came to visit me at Station B? Search my author name? .

Chapter 1425 Kremlin Report

+A -A

On the Strait of Dover.

Carissa and Qingguo's Daughter fought fiercely together, causing lightning and dimensional debris to splash out in all directions from time to time, leaving no room for the surrounding knights to intervene.

The strength of these two people has surpassed everyone here, reaching a realm that is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to reach.

Carissa holds Katina and can use the angelic power of the Archangel 'Godlike One' Michael to use full-dimensional cutting techniques.

The daughter of the Qing Dynasty holds the 'Holy Sword Duranda' in her hand, which is inlaid with 'relics', and like Katina, it has a national level magic spell attached to it.

The strength of the two is very close.

It was so close that it was impossible to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Not only that, the two women also had no identity or airs at all. During the fierce battle, they were still blaming and belittling each other.

If ordinary women were insulting each other, it would probably make people think they were bitching, but these two women with extremely noble status could kill a magister with just a sword. During the battle, no one dared to think that these two people were shrews in their hearts, unless they were dissatisfied with their longevity.

"...Do you know about the Kremlin report?"

After kicking a piece of dimensional debris towards the daughter of Qingguo, Carissa suddenly thought of something and asked in a low voice to the daughter of Qingguo.

"Do you think I, who just came out of Versailles, would know about such a report of unknown meaning!"

The daughter of the Qing Dynasty swung her sword, and the dazzling lightning strike instantly cut the dimensional debris in half, while shouting in reply.

"Hmph, no wonder you still have the heart to fight me here. It seems you don't understand the seriousness of the matter at all...々‖..."

Carissa looked at the daughter of the Qing Dynasty with contempt, and her face naturally showed a condescending look.

"Then let me tell you!"


"Kremlin report?"

Russia, thousands of miles above the frozen soil.

A black and gray car with studded tires was driving fast and recklessly on the road, as if it didn't care about the snow that could slip at any time.

In the car, while turning the air conditioner to the maximum temperature, Sasha cast a doubtful look at Bai Ye.

"Question one, what is that?"

Bai Ye answered Sasha's question while holding the steering wheel to prevent the tires from skidding on the snow.

"Well, in a nutshell, it's a 'warning of nuclear and germ warfare'."

——Nuclear warfare and germ warfare.

That's a term that sounds suffocating.

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