In fact, let alone them, even the knights of the Knight Faction, although blessed by the power of angels, cannot see this level of battle clearly with their eyesight.

Only the knight leader who stood atop the sky fortress of Glastonbury and guarded the place according to Carissa's orders could barely keep up with that speed.

But because of this, his face became darker and darker, and a little worry appeared on his face unconsciously.

"It's not good... Even if Her Highness Carissa and the Daughter of Qingguo join forces, it is still too much to fight against the real Archangel..."

Under the night sky.

Carissa has extracted all the angelic power from Katina, and her whole person has entered the same extreme state as when she fought Bai Ye ten days ago. Although it is very difficult to control so many angelic powers, But at this moment she can also exert her strongest strength.

Moreover, she is assisted by the Alluring Daughter who can compete equally with her in her normal state. Theoretically speaking, except for perverts of the level of the Demon God, almost no one can stand on the same level as her.

But even so, the two of them were still suppressed.

The strength of the Archangel God Gabriel was almost visible to anyone with a discerning eye, suppressing Carissa and the Qingguo Daughter.

Her speed and strength are far superior to Carissa.

The 'false information' she released completely destroyed the warrior's wisdom.

The ice and water blades released by her wings were powerful enough to flatten a mountain range.

The strength of a fully manifested archangel is definitely beyond everyone's imagination - although then again, no one has ever seen a fully manifested archangel.

"...Don't you use the same power as her?"

Under the suppression of huge strength, the strength of the daughter of the Qing Dynasty is slightly inferior, but Carissa basically takes all the attention of Archangel Gabriel, but she has to relax a little. At this time, she is doing it to Carissa Such a question came up.

Carissa was once again deceived by the 'false information' spread by Gabriel, and her whole body was chopped away by the opponent's ice sword condensed with the power of angels.

"Ahem...the strength is almost the same, but the 'technique' is too far behind!"

Carissa quickly rose from the ground and came to the side of the Qingguo Daughter. She stared at Gabriel opposite with an unusually fierce look.

"The power of angels is originally a power that can only be used by angels. How far do you think a mortal can use the power of angels?"

If skills were expressed in numerical terms, Carissa would be one, and Gabriel would be ten.

Although the basic values ​​​​of the two are almost the same, the difference in skill in using the power of angels creates a tenfold gap between the two.

"You'd better pray she doesn't release the angel spell."

Carissa spit out the blood that overflowed from her mouth and carried Katina on her shoulders, her face still full of rage, "Otherwise, we may be killed instantly."

If Gabriel's skill in a normal state is ten, then Gabriel's skill using angel magic is enough to rise to a hundred.

At that time, the gap between the two will be a hundred times. Even if the two of them join forces, they probably won't be able to defeat Gabriel in one move.


Opposite him, Gabriel's inorganic eyes stared at Carissa and Qingguo's daughter indifferently.

It's hard to see any emotion on her simulated face.

However, at this moment, whether it was Carissa or Qingguo's daughter, their expressions both became solemn.

··········Request flowers 0·······

The murderous aura from the air was being released towards the two of them without any hesitation.


Under the gaze of the two men, Gabriel spread all the hundreds of wings behind him in one breath.

"...jhvghv range...bnkj setting..."

Words of unknown meaning came out of her mouth again.

The next moment, as if responding to her order, the white snow accumulated on the ground within dozens of kilometers around him melted directly and turned into streams of water, gathering around Gabriel.

"What's this guy going to do?"

The daughter of Qingguo frowned slightly and asked Carissa who could understand the angel's language next to her.

........ 0


Carissa was silent for a moment, and then a forced smile appeared on her lips, "I may be a bit crow-like..."

The daughter of Qingguo was stunned for a moment, and then her face instantly turned ugly.

Regardless of their reactions, across from them, Gabriel had already pointed the tips of his wings, which contained a large amount of angelic power, at the empty night sky.

"...projection kjb ready...hjvhjh completed."

"Get out of the way!"

Carissa then shouted loudly and retreated back without any hesitation. The Qingguo's daughter's reaction was not slow at all. The two of them had no intention of confronting the angel's spell and turned around and ran away immediately without even thinking about it.

"Command name [Sweep]—drop."

In the dark night sky, an unknown number of aqua-blue lights slowly emerged.

Immediately, with Gabriel as the center and within a radius of two kilometers, tens of millions of blue rays of light fell from the sky.

That was enough power to be called ‘God’s punishment’.

Tens of millions of aqua-blue rays of light filled this area densely.

Although Carissa and Qingguo's Daughter reacted quickly enough, they did not completely escape the scope of this field and were also involved. six.

Chapter 1433 It’s better to change your clothes first (second update)

+A -A

The concept of heaven and earth disappeared instantly.

The endless storm hit Carissa's head, and the strong impact caused her consciousness to go blank for a moment.

In this area that has almost become a restricted area for life, it is almost impossible for any life to survive.

The angel spell used by Gabriel was not the [Rocket Rain] that was not fully revealed last time. It was used against Hakuno. In terms of the power of [Rocket Rain], it was a spell that was enough to cover the entire earth. One hit. , the entire surface of the earth will be burned up, and all mankind will die.

However, the more powerful [Rocket Rain] is, the more powerful it is, but even for Gabriel, it would take about half an hour to prepare to activate an angel spell of the level of [Rocket Rain].

The last time the "610 Office" was involved in a fight with Bai Ye, Gabriel planned to spend half an hour launching [Rocket Rain] to kill all mankind and destroy it. Angels fall' and return to heaven.

This time, Gabriel switched to another angel spell. Although it was also [sweep], the range was accurate to within several kilometers. The time required for preparation was naturally greatly reduced, and it could be launched instantly.

However, because it is a precise technique, its individual power may exceed [Rocket Rain].

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