Therefore, Archangel Gabriel has set his sights on him.


If you say it, it will probably shock the jaws of the entire magic world.

Accelerator was actually able to understand part of Gabriel's words. On the entire magic side, only the Ying royal family holding the Katina could understand a little of the angel language, but Accelerator could understand more than half of it. If this kind of information was exposed, When he goes out, he doesn't know how many magicians on the magic side will chase him.

In view of this, Accelerator instantly became wary of the archangel in the sky.

The next moment, as expected, Gabriel suddenly swooped down from the sky and rushed straight towards Accelerator at a speed that was ten times faster than the speed of sound, arriving in front of him almost in an instant.

"So fast!"

Accelerator's pupils narrowed sharply.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he could only react subconsciously and could not even make a planned counterattack.

But fortunately, ninety-nine percent of the attacks Gabriel used at this moment were physical damage. The moment they landed on Accelerator's body, they were directly rejected by his 'reflection'.

The huge power returned to himself, causing Gabriel's body to tremble unconsciously, and he stepped back ten steps, making the remaining 0.1% of the magic attack meaningless.

Accelerator reacted and immediately controlled the strong wind to condense into dark wings behind his back. He rose into the air, opened the distance between him and Gabriel, and then attacked forcefully.

He knows very well that facing an opponent with magical power, it is difficult for his reflexes to be effective. The most effective way is to carry out a fast attack that the opponent cannot cope with, so that they have no time to distract themselves from using magic.

In the past few days, he had basically used this strategy when facing the magic groups who were chasing him. He only failed once when fighting the fire on the right.


The strong wind gathered by Accelerator stirred up almost all the atmosphere within a radius of ten kilometers, and surged crazily in the direction of Gabriel with a majestic whistling sound.

Gabriel's eyes flashed slightly.

She also stretched out the wings on her back, and then waved hundreds of wings down together.

The storm also emerged with ferocious momentum like supersonic speed, stirring up the atmosphere within a radius of ten kilometers, making this area almost a vacuum.

The storm and the violent wind collided instantly. 350

The air is drained.

The earth was torn apart like skin.

The chaos between heaven and earth made it impossible for some soldiers inside to effectively identify heaven and earth.

Under the impact of this strong wind, the knight leader had to order to keep the air fortress Glastonbury away from the center of the battlefield.

The knights of the Knights took the soldiers they rescued and lay down, using the power of angels to hold on to the ground as much as possible.

From the perspective of ordinary people, this is probably a scene comparable to the end of the world.

"whispering sound……"

In mid-air, Accelerator worked hard to control the surrounding wind, intending to overwhelm Gabriel's offensive.

Gabriel fell into silence.

Although the power he used was different from that of Carissa and the others, Gabriel had to admit that Accelerator was indeed a difficult guy to deal with.


Gabriel whispered like this, and pointed all his hundreds of wings towards the sky again.

That was exactly the same action as when he used [Sweep] to deal with Carissa.


Accelerator's face instantly darkened. .

Chapter 1435 - ‘Star of Bethlehem’ (fourth update please subscribe!)

+A -A

Facing opponents with magical power, the last thing Accelerator wants to see is for them to launch an overly powerful counterattack against him.

In the face of magic attacks, his reflection is difficult to work. If there are physical magic attacks such as "water arrows" and "ice cubes", his reflection can temporarily neutralize them.

But if it is an energy attack that is too 'abstract' or 'uncomprehensible', then it will be difficult for his reflection to work.

And Gabriel's [Sweep] is obviously this type of power.

If that overly powerful attack really lands, then needless to say, he will fall into the same situation as before when he fought the right fire - being killed instantly.

Therefore, no matter what, he has to prevent the opponent's attack from launching——


However, before Accelerator could react, Gabriel opposite him was punched by a boy who arrived in time, and his whole body flew backwards uncontrollably.

【Sweep】It will stop naturally.

Even the previous storm lost support because of this and was easily defeated by Accelerator.

This world has returned to tranquility.

But the earth is also in a mess, fragmented and has countless potholes.

Accelerator fell from mid-air, stood not far from Bai Ye, and glared at him again with an angry look.

"...I didn't ask you for help, and I won't say thank you."

She was clearly in crisis, but after being rescued by Bai Ye, she refused to admit it because of her hostility to him. According to common sense, this is considered tsundere, right?

Hakuno shrugged, ignoring Accelerator's awkwardness, and turned his head to look at Gabriel on the other side.

The archangel floated in mid-air, with hundreds of wings spread out. His inorganic eyes stared at Hakuno and Accelerator. Although he couldn't see her expression clearly, both Hakuno and Accelerator could feel it. The murderous aura released from her body.

"Fire on the right, are you watching?"

Although he was facing such an archangel, Bai Ye did not pay attention to her. Instead, he used her to talk to the mastermind behind the Third World War.

Gabriel's figure suddenly stagnated, and his murderous aura also subsided.

"Under normal circumstances, humans cannot control angels, but there are exceptions to everything. If you, the 'right side' of God's right seat, can use the one hundred and thirty thousand books of knowledge in Index's mind, it will be It's possible to control Gabriel in the 'rear' area."

The fire on the right corresponds to the archangel Michael.

Although Gabriel is one of the four archangels like Michael, his status is actually below that of Michael, who is the archangel.

As mentioned before, the right hand of God is identical with God.

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