"The Holy Right is indeed an extremely powerful force. If its user can gain some energy, let alone defeating Kanzaki Hakuno, even reaching my height may not be impossible."


The hatred of the Right Fire seemed to have been grafted. The eyes he looked at Aleister were full of extreme evil, and the third hand on his right shoulder was also ready to go.

"You guys, do you want to say that I am a waste who cannot use his own power?!"

......... 0

"That's right."

Aleister nodded indifferently, as if he didn't know what politeness was, "Now that you can't defeat even Kanzaki Hakuno, you are indeed a waste."

"If you can define Kanzaki Hakuno as an enemy, it means that you still have some 'talent', but you failed, not because Kanzaki Hakuno is so special, but because you failed to discover the sacredness yourself. It’s just the real power of the right.”

As Aleister said this, he stretched out his right hand as if holding something.

"It would be too much of a waste to keep the divine right hand with you. Give me your right hand, the fire of the right side."

"——Do you think I will listen to you obediently!!!"

The Right Fire's emotions finally reached the breaking point, letting out the most intense roar so far, and waving the third hand on his shoulder, he unleashed a full-force vortex of light in the direction of Aleister.

Aleister didn't speak, he just gently held something in the air, and his body disappeared in a flash.


Large swaths of blood sputtered out, drawing seductive arcs in the air.

The face of Right Fire was blank.

Behind him, Aleister held up a severed arm, his expression indifferent, without any fluctuation. six.

Chapter 1448 - A blow ten times the size of the Big Bang!

+A -A

With just one blow, Right Fire's right arm was chopped off.

This kind of overly expected development made Right Fire himself look confused, as if he was completely confused about the situation.

Not even Bai Ye expected this development.

More importantly, he didn't understand how Aleister did it.

The moment his right arm left Fire's body on the right——

“Boom, boom, boom————!”

In the sky, the four colors of red, blue, yellow, and green disappeared from the night sky.

The Holy Right is the key to constructing all spells. Once the Holy Right disappears, all spells will lose their effect.

However, this is not the key, the key is - that large piece of golden light in the sky, like a "seven-three-seven" that suddenly lost weight, fell towards the ground.


Bai Ye's eyes suddenly widened.

That ball of golden light in the sky is a huge mass of angelic power specially summoned by the Right Fire in order to rebuild the world, and it is not the size of an archangel, but the size of the kingdom of heaven!

Once this golden light falls to the ground, the entire earth will probably be destroyed.

Bai Ye did not hesitate at all, and once again activated the power of ultimate fantasy manifestation, forcefully making the world itself manifest a small black hole in the sky.

——The limit he can do now is to rub the black hole with his hands.

Fortunately, the power of the black hole was powerful enough, and even such a large group of angelic power was neatly absorbed into it.

Of course, if that ball of angelic power is controlled by someone or is artificially exploded, let alone a small black hole, even a planet-sized black hole will be difficult to absorb.


But the disaster doesn't end there.

After losing the support of the Divine Right, the huge aerial fortress of the Star of Bethlehem also lost its power. Various cracks appeared on it, and under the influence of gravity, it gradually moved downwards. The Eurasian continent was smashed over.

Bai Ye sighed.

The size of the Star of Bethlehem is about a hundred miles in radius. If it were to be dropped from this height, the entire Eurasian continent would probably be shattered in an instant, and the entire earth would be plunged into an ice age.

human civilization? Ruined.

Oh, hard work.

Bai Ye shook his head, and a small black hole appeared under the Star of Bethlehem, absorbing the entire Star of Bethlehem.

He wanted to use the infinite fog ability of the Infinite Dragon Divine Armor to send the Star of Bethlehem into a different space, but when he fought against the right fire just now, the Infinite Dragon Divine Armor was overloaded after all, and it would take some time to recover.

After the Star of Bethlehem disappeared from the sky, the appearance of the entire sky also changed back.

The night sky disappeared, and the skies all over the earth returned to normal.

Ophis has defeated Gabriel and took the initiative to return to Baiye's [Hall of Valor].

Although the strength of the Archangel is strong, the Infinite Dragon God seems to be even better. Even in this forbidden world, the Infinite Dragon God has few opponents.

Or even the golden wrists appearing all over the world? The moment those things were taken away by the divine right, they turned into pure angelic power and returned to nature.

In this way, everything will be over, and the whole world will be saved.

Bai Ye took a few deep breaths. Counting the time of the fire on the right, in just a few minutes, he had saved the earth and all mankind three times in a row. Who would believe it?

The fire on the right has disappeared. It seems to have fallen from the sky and landed on the snowy land. In his current state, it should be difficult to move. It should only be a matter of time before he is found and caught.

"Are you reassured? It's too early."

A voice full of contradictions and possibilities reached Bai Ye's ears, as indifferent as ever.

In an instant, the telepathy in Bai Zhi's heart was like overloading his brain and sending him a danger warning.

Aleister's figure appeared in front of Hakuno.

He held a magic wand in his hand, which was all silver. The handle of the wand was slightly distorted, emitting an extremely mysterious aura.

"I never said once that the situation that required me to come out was to take away the Divine Right."

Aleister looked at Hakuno, his pupils were extremely indifferent, and completely violated the mechanical and emotionless impression he always gave people - he released a tragic murderous intent... .

"That's just by the way, Kanzaki Hakuno, the reason I had to come out of the 'jar' is because you finally touched my bottom line."

"Fantasy Killer is the core of my plan, but your existence interferes with Fantasy Killer - you should not have the power to make Fantasy Killer 'acknowledge'."

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