She had just come out of the labor room and was feeling anxious because she could not get through Bai Ye's cell phone. As a result, she heard such news unexpectedly.

"Spy...? Killed with optical weapons...? What on earth is this!"

Misaka Mikoto felt that her brain was in a state of mush, unable to think or judge at all.

There was a huge noise on the roadside, and the students in the crowd were discussing with each other, all looking surprised and unbelievable. However, the reason why they were surprised was just because the spy was actually hiding there. Is it in level 5? I can’t believe it, it’s like discussing something that has nothing to do with oneself.

Misaka Mikoto wanted to yell at these people, you have all been deceived, that guy is not a spy at all, this must be a conspiracy by Academy City's top brass, but she was in a mess at the moment and could not make any reaction.

For the young man who rescued her sisters from suffering and helped her solve her troubles several times, Misaka Mikoto was willful and did not want to think that this information was correct.

What's more, those in charge of the council used her genes to carry out evil plans, right? What reason did she have to believe them?

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth. Under the tilt of the scale that symbolized trust in her heart, she immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of the talent workshop again. .

Chapter 1450 The talent workshop disappeared out of thin air

+A -A

However, when Misaka Mikoto arrived at the location of the talent workshop, she was shocked to find that the entire talent workshop had disappeared.

A huge crater was left on the ground, and the research institute that was supposed to be built here, whether it was the surface part or the underground part, had completely disappeared before our eyes, as if the entire space had been replaced. The air is average.

Why does it disappear?

Misaka Mikoto subconsciously had such doubts in her mind.

The answer is of course.

"Report, Saito's house disappeared out of thin air. It is speculated that he escaped from Academy City by some unknown means."

The captain of the driving armor unit who led the team to encircle and suppress the talent factory made a report to the people in charge of the council.

Misaka Mikoto, who was standing aside and watching, fell completely silent.

So, is Bai Ye really a spy?

Misaka Mikoto fell into confusion.


Between dimensions.

A mobile alien space is slowly drifting here.

Inside it is a huge research institute with a radius of several kilometers.

"Where is this?"

"Where is the director?"

"What kind of fate will we face in the future..."

General researchers came out of various research rooms and gathered together, shouting and discussing with each other in panic and uneasiness.

Behind the institute, in a private garden.


Shokuhou Misaki punched the stone table. The girl, who had always shown herself with a bright and sunny mask, now looked frighteningly gloomy.

"The situation is very bad."

Beside her is a girl from Amakusa, Itsuwa, who has short black hair and a pretty face. At this moment, Itsuwa's face is also full of worry, not only for Saitama and Shokuhou Misaki, but also for the dialogue wild.

"Hakuno will never die."

However, compared to Itsuwa, Shokuhou Misaki's confidence in Hakuno is as solid as a rock.

"He once told me that no one in this world can truly kill him. Even if he doesn't appear for a while, there must be a reason why he can't appear."

Shokuhou Misaki said this, but her expression still couldn't improve, "The reason why I'm angry is because all my efforts in Academy City for more than a year have been in vain."

Since a year ago, Shokuhou Misaki has been working hard to give Hakuno a force that he can rely on in Academy City. After enduring countless hardships, he has built the force of Talented House. Joined by Digital Level 5, he controls two Anbu organizations and even controls two directors of the governing council.

If everything develops normally, they might eventually become the masters of Academy City.

But now, this upward possibility and all the efforts made in the past have been wiped out, making Shokuhou Misaki very discouraged.

Although the Overarching Council is the largest authority in Academy City and has the power to design all aspects of Academy City, once the Chairman of the Overseeing Council comes forward, these powers of the Overseeing Council will become completely irrelevant.

When Chairman Aleister is determined to get rid of the Saigonbo, no matter how much the Saigonbo controls the Board of Directors, it will be of no use.

But fortunately, before the governing council took action, Shiogishi and Oyafune Monaka successively sent warnings to Shokuhou Misaki.

Shokuhou Misaki, who judged the authenticity of the situation, immediately decided to activate the final means left by Hakuno, the artificial room, to move the alien space and hide in the cracks of the dimension.

But thanks to this, the power Shokuhou Misaki had established was completely divided.

Among the 'group', Wuhe and Jiubiao Danxi both lived in the research institute, so they were all brought out.

However, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Psychosaki both lived in their respective school buildings, and Shokuhou Misaki had no time to take them away, so that they were completely trapped in Academy City.

Accelerator should have just rushed back to Academy City from Russia at this moment. In order to protect the last work that was also left in Academy City, he would most likely choose to stay in Academy City.

Not to mention the 'props', that team was not originally under their command, so of course they couldn't bring it out.

Time was rushed, and as a result, very few talents were brought out.

If you count it carefully, it is indeed a heavy loss.

".‖What should we do next?"

Itsuwa couldn't help but asked Shokuhou Misaki: "Should we continue to hide in the cracks of the dimension? Or should we return to reality and find which country to use as our base?"


Shokuhou Misaki's answer was straightforward, "Wait until Hakuno comes back before making a decision."

Itsuwa nodded obediently.

Although she was indeed worried about Hakuno's safety, since Shokuhou Misaki believed in his words so much, she had no reason not to believe him.

Furthermore, in the eyes of Itsuwa and even the people of Amakusa, isn't Hakuno just one step at a time, performing countless acts that are simply miraculous in their eyes?

Time gradually passed.

The sky outside gradually turned from dark to bright.

One hour, two hours, half a day...

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