Seeing that she was still in shock, Bai Ye scratched his cheek and looked helpless.

"...Speaking of which, Miss Asagami, please don't go back tonight."

Bai Ye nonchalantly made a statement that could make any woman call 110 with a cold face.

This strange topic also instantly made Asagami Fujino break away from his fearful mood, and he looked at Hakuno with confusion in his eyes.

"With your current situation, you can't control your abilities at all. Who knows if you might lose control and kill someone along the way?"

Bai Ye explained calmly, "What's more, it's so late. If you encounter gangsters, it's also worth worrying about - worrying about whether you will dismember them when you get excited."

"Anyway, just stay here tonight. With me here, I can help you suppress this power."

"Really... Well, well, that's right."

Asagami Fujino didn't react, but Hakuno's statement was obviously right... So let's stay here tonight, right?

"By the way, do you want to take a shower? I also have women's clothes here. You can sleep in the room at night. I will sleep on the sofa in the living room..."

After Hakuno's interruption, Asagami Fujino's mood finally stabilized again and he regained his previous calmness.

She looked at the back of Bai Ye who walked into the bedroom to arrange the bed. She put her hands on her chest and felt her heart gradually regaining its calmness. A warm smile appeared on her face inadvertently.

Asakami Fujino is a very smart girl. .

Chapter 1471 Hypnosis and Autosuggestion (please subscribe for the third update)

+A -A

Finally, at Hakuno's suggestion, Asakami Fujino took a bath in Hakuno's apartment.

After so many days, she lived in fear every day, for fear of accidentally killing someone. In addition, she had school studies during the day and had to go out to look for Bai Ye at night. It was true that she had not taken a proper bath.

"Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly become animalistic~?"

Before Asakami Fujino took a bath, Hakuno asked her with such interest.

"I believe you are not that kind of person."

Asakami Fujino held a set of women's pajamas that Hakuno took out in his hand, smiled lightly at Hakuno and replied: "If you really want to do something, you wouldn't refuse when I said I was willing. ”

Saying this, Asakami Fujino entered the bathroom with confidence, and soon there was the sound of splashing water.


Bai Ye sat on the sofa outside, shook his head, and made such a critical comment with a "You are too sweet" expression on his face, "Creatures like men always walk on the edge of reason and animality. !”

When he said this, it was as if his bestiality would come out in the next moment.

However, in fact, during the time Asagami Fujino was taking a bath, he still sat on the sofa for twenty minutes, very calm, even though he knew that there was a girl's beautiful body just across the door.

After Asagami Fujino walked out in her pajamas, he said to her calmly: "Okay, sit down, and I will teach you how to control the magic eye."

Not to mention doing something, there was not even the slightest thought of peeping.

Bai Ye can even withstand the temptation of the God of Beauty, but his determination is not that shameful.

Asakami Fujino sat opposite Hakuno, looking directly at Hakuno with a very focused expression, full of desire for knowledge.

"Most things like the magic eye are innate. Although it is a type of magic, in fact, it doesn't matter if you regard it as some kind of super power."

Bai Ye said: "As an innate ability, under normal circumstances, the magic eye can be controlled by the owner at will. There is no situation beyond the control. Even a novice should be able to do it within a day or two. Get familiar."

"In your words, it's because this innate ability has been sealed for too long, the power that bursts out in one breath is too strong, and this power is still rising, which makes it difficult for you to control this Double magic eyes."

This is like a flood discharge. Of course, the gate that has just been opened must withstand the greatest impact.

"After a period of time, you will naturally be able to control this power. However, to be honest, you really need to practice control, otherwise someone is likely to be killed."

Because the power of Fujino Asagami's magic eye has been sealed for too long, the power that bursts out in one breath is too powerful. According to Hakuno's estimation, her magic eye is at least 'gem level' and can compete with Medusa's. 'Petrified Demonic Eye' is compared.

Moreover, the power of these magic eyes is still getting stronger, and I am afraid that it will soon expand to the limit. By then, I am afraid it will not be difficult to directly collapse a bridge, right?

"However, although it is difficult to control, innate abilities are actually the same thing as instincts. You just temporarily forgot how to use your instincts."

Shirono's dark pupils looked directly at Asagami Fujino, and said solemnly: "Close your eyes and imagine that there is a switch in your body now."

Asagami Fujino closed his eyes and pictured the shape of a switch in his mind.

"This switch is the controller for you to turn on and off the magic eye, and try to hypnotize yourself to form such a consciousness."

"Now that you have turned on the switch, the Demonic Eye of Distortion has been activated."

Hakuno's tone was quite soft, so soft that it was as if there was magic in his words. Asakami Fujino unconsciously believed Hakuno's words and regarded the switch in his mind as the control to control his own magic eye. device.

"Click" to turn on the switch.

Asagami Fujino opened his eyes suddenly, and there was indeed a red-green light spiraling in his pupils.

"Okay, turn off the switch. Your magic eye has stopped activating."

·· ······Asking for flowers··· ··

With a click, the switch in Asakami Fujino's mind was turned off again, and the spiral light in her pupils suddenly disappeared.

"Well done, just like this, control the magic eye by turning the switch in your mind on and off. Practice it a few times."

Asagami Fujino was unusually obedient and started practicing again without any rebuttal or complaint.

Her practice went very smoothly - which of course was impossible.

She was able to master the opening and closing of the magic eye at once only because Bai Ye hypnotized her through magic and allowed her to master it.

A pair of gem-level magic eyes, unless it is an existence of the level of the God of Disobedience, otherwise the most talented magician will have to practice several times before he can barely master the opening and closing process.

.. ... ...

However, just as Bai Ye said, the ability of the Demon Eye is innate, like an instinctive ability. Using the Demon Eye is like using your own hands and feet.

For someone who has forgotten how to use her hands and feet, just use hypnosis and use a little autosuggestion to make her remember again.

However, Asagami Fujino is obviously in a very special situation.

Not only did she forget how to use her hands and feet, but her hands and feet became extremely powerful.

Even if Bai Ye used hypnosis to help her, she was not able to open and close the magic eye as desired during practice.

By the time the practice was over, Asagami Fujino was exhausted. He was not physically tired, but mentally exhausted.

"Okay, let's rest tonight. Come to my place every night from now on and help you practice for about three or four days. You should be able to fully master the power of the magic eye. Go to sleep first."

After getting Hakuno's permission, Asagami Fujinosai walked to the room exhausted and soon fell asleep.

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