As soon as the news came out, the entire hospital immediately became excited.

Ordinary doctors and nurses would only think that it was a miracle that a person who had been in a coma for two years could come back to life. With this level of excitement, the hospital leaders were completely relieved and at the same time Everyone became complacent.

The Liangyi family is a veritable local snake-level family in Guanbuzi City. The eldest daughter of such a family was admitted to their hospital after being comatose. Who knows how much overt and covert pressure she has received from the Liangyi family in the past two years.

In the Liangyi family, where both black and white are very popular, although they are not an arrogant and domineering evil party, they are not a kind person who welcomes people with a smile. Even if they are not evil people themselves, they are not taboo about using gangster methods.

However, now that the eldest daughter of the Aoi family has woken up in Chapter 18, not only will the possible blame they have suffered completely disappear, but maybe they will also rise to prominence because of it?

The hospital quickly notified the Liangyi family of the news of Liangsi's awakening.

The head of the Liangyi family and his mistress quickly drove to Guanbuzi City Hospital and came to Liangli's ward.

"Doctor, how is your little girl doing?"

The head of the Liangyi family is a middle-aged man who looks very cold and inhumane. He keeps a cold face and does not smile all day long. At this moment, he made an indifferent decision to the attending doctor of Liangyi who came out of the ward. Ask questions.

After the attending doctor walked out of the ward, the look on his face was quite strange. Under the question from the head of the Liangyi family, the other party hesitated slightly and considered his words.

"Miss Aye Yi's condition is very good... I would rather say it's too good. I have never seen anyone who has been in a coma in a hospital bed for two years and is still alive and kicking when she wakes up."

Normally, if you have been inactive for two years, no matter how strong you were before, most of your muscles will have shrunk. Let alone jumping around, it will be extremely difficult to even sit up in bed. But the conditions of the two ceremonies But it clearly deviated from common sense, leaving the attending doctor at a loss.

"Really, you're lucky."

The head of the Liangyi family still had a cold face, and the expression on his face was unusually indifferent. The aura and the feeling of the Liangyi family were exactly the same.

The attending doctor left quickly, and the head of the Liangyi family, his mistress, and another young man walked into the ward together.

Within the ward.

The two of them were sitting on the hospital bed, with their long hair spread out on their chests, looking intently in the direction of the window.


The mistress of Ryogi, also the mother of Ryogi, was wearing an emerald green kimono, a woman who had a five-minute resemblance to Ryogi, and gently called out to Ryogi.

At her call, the girl who was sitting on the hospital bed and staring out the window turned her head.

Her eyes were still empty and empty, as if there was a bottomless hole in her heart, allowing any emotion to disappear.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, hiding the uncontrollable light of red and blue gems in her eyes.

“It’s so nice to wake up!

There were tears in the corners of Mistress Liang Yi's eyes, and she looked at the figure of Liang Yi who had regained consciousness, with an expression on her face full of joy.

The head of the Liangyi family, as well as Liangyi's brother Liangyiyao, both voiced their concerns about her.

However, the girl sitting on the hospital bed looked cold and numb from beginning to end, as if all her emotions had disappeared.

However, what happened during the two ceremonies was not that she lost her feelings, but that an inexplicable hole appeared in her heart, swallowing up all her emotions without leaving a drop.

The feeling of emptiness was like a black hole, occupying her entire soul, making it impossible for her to obtain other emotions, and she could not even feel the reality of her own life at the moment.

This feeling, of course, comes from the loss of personality—no, more accurately, the death of another personality.

Empty feelings occupied her heart, leaving her silent for a long time.

When the head of the Liangyi family and others were about to leave, Liangli asked an extremely sudden question.

"Who was the person who attacked me that night two years ago?"

With the sudden sound of the two rituals, the originally warm atmosphere suddenly dissipated, and the room was suddenly filled with heavy air.

The head of the Liangyi family frowned and watched the two ceremonies, with a hint of confusion in his cold eyes.

"Shouldn't you know best about this kind of thing, Shiki?"

"Two years ago, wasn't it because you were defeated in a battle with that man and fell into a coma?"

That's right, Liang Li didn't end up in the hospital because of a car accident, but was attacked by someone. After being defeated, he was seriously injured and entered the hospital.

In view of this, Liang Li should be the one who knows best who the person who defeated him is, right?

However, in the face of the rhetorical question from the head of the Liangyi family, Liangliang fell silent without saying a word, but his originally very indifferent expression became even more indifferent now.

"...Shiki is dead."

After a while, the two rituals responded like this.

The head of the Liangyi family, the mistress, and the three of them immediately looked at each other in confusion. Their eyes only revealed one thing, and that was an unexpected solemnity.

The three visiting patients quickly left the ward, leaving two people alone, wearing glasses, staring out the window again.

"Because Zhi died, that's why you have such a hole in your heart, right?"

Bai Ye removed the runes that concealed his figure, stood at the wall that had been repaired by his magic, and expressed his understanding of the current status of the two rituals.

"Because the fabric of existence that has always relied on each other suddenly disappeared, so of course I felt that something crucial was missing in my body, creating an emptiness that I couldn't even grasp the reality of life...".

Chapter 1488 Use that guy’s death to get it back

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As mentioned before, the four major demon exorcism families all rely on their own superpowers or magic systems to fight against the natural distortion phenomenon of this Oriental island country.

The descendants of the Asakami clan may have superpower holders like Fujino. The Nanaya clan has the urge to exorcise demons, pure eyes and superb assassination skills. The Wujing clan has the ability to sense and specialize in prayer. A line of conjurers with witch-type professions such as witchcraft, seance, and so on.

As for Liangyi, it is a dual personality.

For ordinary people, no matter their background, talents, or efforts, they can only do one thing in their lifetime.

The Liangyi family, on the other hand, attempts to use artificial bloodline adjustment and control to create special talents who can withstand dual personalities in their offspring, so that these offspring can derive dual personalities of one yin and one yang, and learn different knowledge and skills respectively.

This method of making multiple different personalities appear in one body is the secret skill of the Liangyi family. Through this method, the final product created is the 'Almighty One'.

However, of course, this kind of omnipotence is, at best, just a trick to switch between two personalities and let the Yin and Yang personality handle things that the masculine personality is not good at.

This method has great drawbacks. The co-existence of two personalities and constant switching can easily lead to conflicts in the personality of the Almighty of the Ayee family. As a result, in the end, even oneself cannot judge what personality he is, and even between different personalities. Differences and even confrontations arose, and finally he fell into madness.

The previous head of the family of Liangyi, the grandfather of Liangxi, finally fell into madness and embarked on the path of self-destruction due to personality conflicts.

In Liang Li's generation, the bloodline of the Liang Yi family has become extremely thin.

In this generation of Liangyi Clan, there are only two brothers and sisters, Liangyi Yao and Liangli.

As for Liang Yi's elder brother, Liang Yi was not born with the talent for dual personality, so he withdrew from the stage of the other world early and is now in business.

On the contrary to Liang Yi, Liang Ritual has the most perfect bloodline in the history of Liang Yi. It is highly compatible with Liang Yi's secret skills of dual personality and has the potential to become a true 'Almighty One'. .

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