"I'm only eight years old! I'm a genius! I still have a great future waiting for me! My parents are still waiting for me on the ground...! Who will - who will save me!!!"

——If you lose, you will die.. 0

This is an iron rule set by Mooncell and no one can violate it.

Almost 90% of the Masters who came to this moon to participate in the Holy Grail War participated with the idea of ​​success or failure. Almost everyone knew that if they did not try their best to defeat their opponents, death would be waiting for them. .

However, Matou Shinji is only eight years old.

He may not be able to understand the cruelty of this Holy Grail War.

Therefore, Bai Ye would ask him at the beginning - are you really ready to die?

Just like Nero said, that is the 'last tenderness' that Hakuno can give to his enemy as an enemy.

"Ah, ah, ah, what a troublesome Master..."

Drake was lying on the ground, with an expression on his face as if a big sister was educating her little brother, "No matter what, no one can save you here. No matter how scared and unwilling you are, we are here." This is the highlight of the voyage..."

The black mosaic gradually eroded 90% of Drake's body, turning her entire body into pitch black, and her voice became extremely ethereal.

"Be brave, my master. If we can meet again in the future, please give me more... guidance..."

After the words fell, Drake's figure was completely covered by the dark mosaic. Then, in a small tremor, her whole body turned into dark particles and disappeared into the underwater duel field. .

Chapter 1571 The first battle is over (please subscribe for the third update!)

+A -A

"Don't... don't... help me... Bai Ye... we are good friends, right?"

Matou Shinji trembled and put his last hope on the last boy in this space, "We are close friends, right... Save me... I no longer expect victory, no, I can help you win... "

"I'll help if I can."

Under the gaze of Matou Shinji, Hakuno shook his head and looked at the crimson wall in front of him, "This wall is a firewall specially made by Mooncell. Even the most powerful spirit hacker on the earth can't Impossible to break."

"Moreover, your body has completely turned into waste data, and your life cannot be saved at all."

What is like a black mosaic is actually the necrosis of data as a data body, from useful data to useless discarded data, from 'human body' to 'garbage'.

The moment it completely turns into garbage, the object's data body will completely die. This is an irreversible process. After the other party's data necrosis begins, the other party's death is irreversible, unless Mooncell personally takes action to Necrotic data is replenished.

"How...could...I still...don't want to die..."

Hakuno's words became the last straw for Matou Shinji, and his body was quickly filled with discarded data.

Finally, in the eyes of despair, they turned into dark particles and disappeared without a trace following Drake's footsteps.

Bai Ye looked silently at the place where the two disappeared.


Under the loud sound of steel, the elevator that had disappeared innocently appeared again, and directly wrapped Bai Ye and Nero in it, and quickly floated up.

In the depths of Yinzhiyuexianghai, silence fell once again.

Within the elevator.

"Player, do you seem a little distressed?"

After Nero transformed the red sword in his hand into a spiritual form, he looked at Bai Ye with his clear green pupils, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Isn't it true that defeating Matou Shinji will have no impact on the player?"

"Do I look distressed?"

Bai Ye shook his head as if he was speechless, "Knocking down Matou Shinji is nothing to me. Even if he is just a child, since he has already stood on this stage, one of the parties must die. If he is defeated He won’t make me regret it.”

"I was just wondering, why did Mooncell set the rule of 'if you lose, you will die'?"

"After all, the Mooncell is just a machine for observation and recording, right? Even though it has a god-like mind, it has never had a will in billions of years, and has never taken any initiative. Why is it so important? In this era, is there going to be a Holy Grail War?”

"Whether Mooncell itself had the will to carry out this selection, or was it controlled by someone, or was it based on some kind of program... After participating in this Holy Grail War, there will be a lot of doubts."

Because he has experienced too many things in this fantasy world, Bai Ye's originally unclear knowledge about the ACG in his previous life has long become ambiguous. He has almost completely forgotten the plot and the like. Although the settings and the like I remember some of it, but it is also hidden in the deepest part of my mind. It cannot be recalled without a certain degree of stimulation.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, my purpose is just to enter the Mooncell center and recover the golden fragments. No matter what the problem is behind the scenes, the soldiers will stop me. Moreover, if I can find a way to put my body outside If you come in, no matter what the problem is, it will be solved."

Bai Ye's actual strength, except for Goetia's accidental acquisition of the power of order, is basically invincible in this moon-shaped world.

The elevator rose for half a minute before stopping again.

After the elevator door opened automatically, the scene of the teaching building came into Bai Ye's eyes again.

Beyond the elevator is the lobby on the first floor of the teaching building.

A man wearing a black priest's robe, Kotomine Kirei, is waiting here.

His dead eyes turned to Bai Ye, and there was no surprise in them, as if what came out of them was that he had decided the matter.

"Congratulations, you won the first battle - how do you feel about killing your friend with your own hands?"

Kotomine Kirei instantly took the topic to a strange area. He looked directly at Hakuno and made a very surprising statement.

"Feeling pleasure?"

"No, not at all."

Bai Ye shook his head very decisively and rejected it.

"Really, that's a shame."

As an NPC, the other party 540 rarely showed his feelings for once, and then he became as expressionless as a machine.

"After winning the first round, you will have two to three days of rest. This is an arrangement made to stagger the masters' decisive battle time. The news of the start of the second round will be sent to your mobile terminal by Mooncell personally. During this period, it’s up to you how you act.”

After completing the explanation in a formal manner, Kotomine Kirei quickly left the hall on the first floor.

Bai Ye and Nero walked out of the elevator together. After the two left, the elevator quickly disappeared, and the space became empty, as if it had never existed in the first place.

"Is there still two to three days until the second round of battle begins?"

After Bai Ye muttered to himself, he took Nero back to the teaching building.


However, just after returning here, Bai Ye noticed a subtle anomaly.

"The number of Masters has not decreased at all... No, but the number of Masters I know has decreased by half."

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