The Yuexianghai maze is not too big, but it is definitely not small. The terrain is quite complex, and there are various enemy programs blocking the way. It is a place that cannot be cleared without spending a lot of time.

Given the scale of One Moon's Dream, even if Hakuno and Nero explored it together, it would have taken most of a day.

Although the scale of Nigetsuki Kaikai may not be much larger than that of Izukiki Kaikai, the terrain has undergone tremendous changes, and the level of enemy programs has also increased a lot. It is not difficult to completely clear the level. Something that can be done easily.

Although Dan Blackmore brought his followers into the arena as soon as it opened, it was only for more than ten minutes, but he still didn't even think of "620" in February. Not even one percent has been explored.

And it was only about ten minutes before he was overtaken by an opponent chasing from behind.

"Old man in front, stop for me!"

The sweet but irresistible girl's voice reached Dan's ears, causing him to stop and turn around, with a puzzled look on his old face.

"Have you also entered the arena? And you have already caught up with Old Man. As expected, the young man's pace is faster... But, do you have any advice on stopping Old Man here?"

While saying this, a slight hint of vigilance appeared in Dan's eyes.

In the arena, there are three rounds of legitimate fighting time between enemy masters. Although if it exceeds three rounds, Mooncell will force them to separate. However, if a surprise attack is launched within three rounds and the enemy servant or master is killed, , then there is no doubt that it is the opponent's victory.

Even though Dan is a gentleman with an upright personality, he also knows that he cannot let his guard down in life-threatening situations. Who knows whether the other party will launch a surprise attack during this period.

"Are you playing dumb, old gentleman?"

Nero held the red sword in his hand and raised it unceremoniously, pointing it at the opponent with an overwhelming momentum. "You were the one who ordered your servant to release the poisonous gas at the teleportation point, right?"

"Do you think Yu would allow that kind of despicable fighting?"

Bai Ye stood behind Nero, and when she yelled at her, he was also silently studying her expression.

"poison gas?"

When Dan heard this, his old face was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately frowned. There was an unexpected hint of gloom on his face. Although it was unexpected, he obviously had some guesses about the situation and felt repulsed. expression.

"I have never given such an order - Archer, stop it!"

In the middle of Denial, Dan's expression suddenly changed, as if he noticed something, and he shouted in anger in the direction of Bai Ye.

No, to be precise, he shouted in the direction behind Bai Ye.


At the same time, a green figure also appeared not far behind Bai Ye. He then raised the crossbow in his hand and fired the arrows on it like life-threatening bullets.

The bow arrow shot towards the back of Bai Ye's neck with incomparable accuracy, and the arrowhead even showed a dark green color quenched with poison. Even if it didn't hit the back of the neck, just a slight scratch on the skin would kill someone instantly. .

At the moment when the bow and arrow were launched, Dan's angry shout came belatedly - it was not that Dan deliberately delayed his words, but that the green-clothed servant took action too fast. , because he didn't react in time.

There are only two servants that can appear in this arena. One is Hakuno's servant Nero, and the other is Dan's servant. The other servants will never enter this arena.

Moreover, the reason why I chose to attack Hakuno was probably to kill Hakuno in the arena and directly win the second round. That is an idea that only the opponent who is classified as an opponent would have... 0

However, there seemed to be some differences of opinion between the other party's master and servant.


There were also exclamations from Nero's direction. The moment she discovered the direction of the bow and arrow, she rushed towards Bai Ye's direction without hesitation.

However, because the opponent's breath was not exposed at all, the sneak attack became extremely abrupt, and he even ran behind the two of them without knowing when - originally, the servant should stay by Dan's side, that is, Nero's. Because they were facing each other head-on, even Nero couldn't react in time, so he had to use a human shield-like posture, trying to block Bai Ye's front and catch the opponent's bow himself.

Although Nero has the skill of "always greeting the sunset three times" and can use three battle continuations, once he is hit by a bow and arrow and falls into a poisoned state, no matter how many battle continuations he has, it will be useless.

"How silly..."

In a daze, Nero seemed to hear Bai Ye reveal a helpless but warmer smile. The next moment, she noticed that her waist seemed to fall into a pair of slender but powerful arms.

Bai Ye kicked the wall next to him to avoid the incoming bow and arrow. At the same time, he also floated in the direction of Nero. He stretched out his arm 4.1 to wrap around her waist and used the rotation to unload. After losing his strength, he fell lightly to the ground.


Nero blinked, his green pupils looking confused, as if he hadn't realized what had happened, but the warm hands on his waist called her back from her daze - and then, although she knew It was very inappropriate, but she still had a look of extreme happiness on her face.

"Impossible!? You actually escaped?"

The archer in green looked at the man and woman hugging each other with a stunned look on his face, and his face under the hood showed a strong look like he was looking at a monster.

"Are you really a human being?!"

Chapter 1576 Makes me a little angry

+A -A

In the maze.

"Are you really a human being?" The archer in green looked at Bai Ye like he was looking at a monster, his eyes full of surprise.

"In a sense, I am indeed not a human being."

Bai Ye looked directly at the other party, his eyes narrowed slightly. Although there was a slight smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes. While answering the other party's question, Bai Ye also released his hold on Nero's slim waist. arms, and gently patted her white naked back.

"Saber, wake up. We are facing a powerful enemy now. This is not the time to be distracted."

Nero lay in his arms like a little bird, with an expression of satisfaction and happiness on his face. The aura of drinking Wendan before had completely disappeared, as if he had completely transformed into a girl in love, as endearing as a girl.

"By the way, this won't work! I accidentally fell in love with the charm of the player again..."

At Bai Ye's signal, Nero woke up, reluctantly let go of his arms around Bai Ye, walked out of his arms, and raised the big sword in 20's hand again. , facing the green-clad Archer with a solemn and terrifying aura, the look in his eyes became quite angry.

"Despicable villain, you were trying to sneak attack on Yu's performer just now. Yu is really grateful - no, I hate you! Wake up, I won't let you go so easily today!"

Hmm, there seems to be something concerning about what I just said... I'll just treat it as an illusion.


However, before Bai Ye and Nero could get angry, the master of the servant opposite, Dan Blackmore, took the lead and started arguing with the green-clad Archer in a scolding tone.

"I should have told you a long time ago that you are prohibited from using poison and sneak attacks. You should decide the outcome with your opponent in an upright manner!"

"You are just forcing things on others, sir."

Archer in green felt a headache when he heard this, "In the final analysis, my skills are all in despicable methods such as poisoning and sneak attacks. If you let me fight others with bows and arrows, then I am really a second-rate servant." Worse than anything else, to be honest, I don’t agree with your combat strategy at all, your chivalry has long been outdated..."

Hakuno knew this servant.

Not to mention the impression of the previous life, even in the fifth singularity, he had seen the other party, and the method used by the other party to hide his own aura was also extremely familiar to Bai Ye.

"Robin Hood... no, it should be said that he is an unknown heroic spirit who got the name Robin Hood."

Hakuye revealed the other's servant's real name, which instantly silenced the quarreling pair of masters and servants, and cast a look that was either surprised or troublesome at Hakuye.

"The Noble Phantasm you used to hide your aura behind us just now should be the 'Faceless King', and the crossbow that fired the arrow just now should be the 'Prayer Bow', which has the ability to perform special attacks on poisoned objects... …”

The Faceless King has the ability to make himself transparent, hiding all his own taste and breath. The effect is similar to 'breath blocking'. The concealment effect is quite powerful, and it is not enough to hide the perception of Hakuno, who is only a spiritual body. Strange

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