Erquette easily tore into pieces the Servant's coat given by Mooncell and transformed back into the true ancestor's princess. She quickly came to Bai Ye's side and skillfully picked up his arm, with a very expressive look on her face. A bright, contented smile.

Her reaction, as expected, made everyone present feel sluggish and stiff.

Bai Ye was fine...but he was a little shocked and surprised.

Nero's eyes were much richer. While she was amazed by Erquet's innocent elf-like beauty... she also cast a delicious look at Bai Ye's arm that was hugged by her.

As for Wato Moji, his expression was as if his faith was broken, and his eyes were quite desperate.

" god..."

..Please give me flowers.

Arquette completely ignored Wato Moji and just looked at Hakuno with a bright smile.


Bai Ye looked at Arquette's bright smiling face and asked a tentative question.

"Well! What's wrong, Bai Ye?"

Erqite nodded and looked at Bai Ye innocently.

"you know me?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but look at Arquette speculatively. This true ancestor, Bai Ji, had never been the type to lie. It would be better to say that her personality was originally innocent and a little silly, and she didn't know how to lie at all.

However, this should be a parallel world. Just like although the Aozaki sisters in the Sora Realm world all know Hakuno, the two of them in this world act like strangers. It is impossible for the Arquette in this world to know him. That's right... after all, he has only been in this world for about a month. He has no time to get to know Arquette.


"Are you okay, Hakuno?"

Erquette looked at Bai Ye with worried eyes, "Don't you remember? We killed that guy Roya together? Speaking of which, your body looks very weak now. What happened? How can I help?"

There is no doubt that she is the Arquette of that world.

"I'm totally's just a clone of me."

Bai Ye rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Erquette, who was smiling with satisfaction, "How did you come to this parallel world?"

"Parallel world? What is that?"

Erquette looked confused, then couldn't figure it out and simply stopped thinking, "After you were taken away by the strange black hole in Baiye, I have been looking for you all over the world, but I can't find you."

"However, not long ago, a very arrogant old man who lost all his hair and beard found me and said he could help me find you, and then he sent me here!"

PS: Sorry, my relative came to see me for something at night, so I will update it once, and I will resume the third update tomorrow.

Chapter 1600 The end of the fourth round of battle

An arrogant old man with all his hair and beard gone white?

This description is very specific. But people with this image are all over the world. If Arquitet can't even name him, then no one knows who he is.

However, even though I don’t know, it’s actually not that hard to guess.

In the final analysis, Erquette came to this world after traveling through parallel worlds and found Bai Ye. However, in the entire Xingyue world, there is only one person with the ability to travel through parallel worlds.

The owner of the second method. Gem Onzelrich.

It just so happened that that guy was an old man with all his hair and beard gone white, and according to the Magic Association's records, his personality was indeed hard to describe.

As the owner of the second method who can interfere with and observe parallel worlds, Zelrich does have the ability to send people to parallel worlds. Rather, he is the only one who can send Elquet to parallel worlds. This world comes.

"Do you know where that old man is now?" Bai Ye asked Arquette.

"have no idea."

Erquette shook his head, "He left after sending me here. Before leaving, he said something like, 'A disaster has struck, and I want to find out the cause.' I don't know what he said either." mean."

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully.

The so-called disaster probably refers to the bloody storm caused by Goetia. Others cannot detect it, but Zelrich, who has the ability to observe and interfere with parallel worlds, will definitely be able to detect the anomaly, and there is a high probability that he will be able to detect it. Go to Goetia... I hope he won't go to the Temple of Time so arrogantly. The original Goetia was not something he could deal with, let alone him who now has the power of order. If he doesn't have any preparation, he will go there. Come to the door, even the user of the second method will be destroyed.

"After Baiye was taken away, I was looking for you for a long time. I also waited for a long time after coming to this place before I met this guy."

Erquette pursed her lips towards Woto Moji, "Through this guy, I was able to enter here to find you. I was quite lucky in the process, such as the Magic Association, Wandering Sea and other places. I've searched all over..."

It is not difficult to imagine how hard it is to find this place through the parallel world, not to mention that there are many people in this world who have malicious intentions and intentions towards her, the true ancestor. :

"You really..."

Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh, "Why don't you stay in that world obediently and wait for me to come back to find you? You have to take so many risks."

The power of the True Ancestor was enough to be considered powerful, but Elquette always had to suppress his blood-sucking urges. In the current Xingyue world where unknown dangers may come out at any time, it is really not safe. The ancestors of the Dead Apostles are considered good. If one accidentally encounters a beast, UO, or crosses the border, If there is a demon pillar, death is really possible.

However, it would be a lie to say that Bai Ye was not moved by the fact that Arquette was able to risk such a risk and cross the parallel world to find him.

" god...."

Wato Moji looked at Arquette with some trepidation. The young man who was so strong and heroic just now was now as fragile and pitiful as a quail egg. He always feels that his god is getting further and further away from him. It must be an illusion...

"Who is your god?"

Then, the next moment, Elquitet's somewhat heartless answer turned into a sharp sword and penetrated his heart.

"Although I am very grateful to you for bringing me here, but... I am not a god, and certainly not your god. I only came here to find Bai Ye, do you understand?"

There is nothing crueler than this for a believer.

Wato Moji seemed to have lost all hope. He sat cross-legged on the ground, shrugging his shoulders, looking like he was covered in an aura of despair. His previous high-spirited posture was gone forever.

And at the same time.

The command spell on the back of Woutou Moji's hand also quickly disappeared and disappeared from his body. At this moment. This seeker has lost his qualifications as a master.

Erquette tore apart the identity given by Mooncell. The true ancestor's power has been restored. Naturally, he is no longer a follower of Watou Monji. A master who has lost his servant can no longer be regarded as a master.

The fourth round ended in such a way that it was close to a farce.

Hakuno was victorious once again.


"Hey, Hakuno. Can I help you kill all the remaining masters?"

After walking out of the arena... Erquette said quite cruel words in an innocent tone, but her eyes were extremely serious, as if she was really thinking about it.

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